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Individual Professional Learning Plan (IPLP)

Candidate Name: Emily Greene

Date: 03/31/2022 University: Brigham Young University - Idaho

Domain Two Goal (2a – 2d): Identify Component: 2A Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

I want to help my students create an environment of respect and rapport where everyone can feel heard and respected whether they are a student or an adult.

Action Steps/Activities:(Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities Timeline (Timeframe for

Resources (Principal, Evidence:(How will you know if this
that are part of this plan.) Action Steps/Activities to be
Staff, PD or Materials) goal has been accomplished)

Research methods to teach respect and self-advocacy skills to students. Research,

List of classroom rules and how to
develop, and implement a classroom management plan that emphasizes respect.
Mentor Teacher implement them. Observation notes of 2022-2023 School Year
Focus on creating professional relationships with the students in my classroom as a
individual students needs, and interests.
way to encourage respect from them and for each other.
Domain Three Goal (3a – 3c): Identity Component: 3B Using Questions and Discussion Techniques

I want to improve my ability to ask questions that foster discussion and to teach the students how to appropriately discuss things with their peers.

Action Steps/Activities: (Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Activities Timeline (Timeframe for
Resources (Principal, Evidence: (How will you know if this
that are part of this plan.) Action Steps/Activities to be
Staff, PD or Materials) goal has been accomplished)

Reflect on the strategies and questions I

Research discussion-based practices and strategies. Plan and develop lessons that
Lesson plans, mentor planned in my lessons. Make note of
allow me to utilize these strategies. Plan and embed opportunities to teach 2022-2023 School Year
teacher, observation notes what went well and why, and learn how
discussion skills in lessons. Prepare discussion-based questions and mixed-level
to improve when I struggle.
reasoning questions for each lesson plan.

Third Goal: Identify Component: 1F Designing Student Assessments

I want to improve my ability to create and administer age-appropriate assessments.

Action Steps/Activities: (Specific Teacher or specialist Professional Resources (Principal, Evidence: (How will you know if Timeline (Timeframe for Action
Activities that are part of this plan.) Staff, PD or Materials) this goal has been accomplished) Steps/Activities to be Completed)
Practice designing student assessments (formative or summative) for many Mentor Teacher,
different topics and subjects. Keep in mind the length and grade level of the Assessment plans, Regularly review and reflect on both
2022-2023 School Year
material included. Practice creating different types of assessments curriculum maps, lesson assessment plans and lesson plans.
(assignments, portfolios, tests, etc) to gauge students abilities. plans.

I have reviewed the above Professional Learning Plan:

Candidate’s Signature: ____________________ Date: __________________

University Representative: ______________________________ Date: ______________

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