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“The Internet Addiction and the Academic Productivity of Grade 12 -


A Research
Presented to the Faculty of the
Ormoc City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Senior High School Department

By :


Researchers: Alrey Paragoso
Jesuliman Batis
Angelito Catayoc
Daniel Tom Chuy Darm
Sheena Marie Descerga
Kenberly Dingle
Nova Mae Managbang
Cristine Joy Madella
Chrisrtian Oliveros
Maria Kimberly Remojo
Grecian Siazar
Jade Sugarol
Althea Ubay
Eric Velasques

School: ACLC College of Ormoc

Tittle: The Internet Addiction and the Academic Productivity of Grade


I. Background of the study/ Introduction

Over the years, the internet has been a very important instrument for facilitating
academic activities. The independent variable of this study is internet addiction while,
the dependent variable of this study is academic productivity of students. For the
purpose of this study, academic productivity is regarded as the ability to submit papers
within a schedule and to meet overall deadlines in the pandemic period and internet
addiction was involved to this, that internet made students to be addicted to it and
researchers will find the effects of internet addiction to the students if internet really
have effects to the students. There has been a tremendous growth in the use of the
Internet and the World Wide Web for finding and sharing information. Leif and
Parvaneh (2017) states that access Internet-based information, affects the engagement
modes of students, flow experience components, and IT-competence. There were
significant increases in IT-competence and in the positive and negative modes of
engagement except for the Ambition/Curiosity mode. Students users showed an increase
in negative modes across time larger than PC users due to technical, emotional, and
motivational factors. The Internet originated from government and academic and spread
to business and industry. The internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored
in files or documents on a computer. It carries together various information and services,
such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, the interlinked Web pages and other
documents of the World Wide Web.

This new form of information resources has, as its greatest advantage, a virtually
unlimited wealth of information resources which is widely, readily, available and
accessible to hundreds of millions of people simultaneously in many parts of the world.
Greater control over one's self-presentation, and provision of numerous opportunities to
fulfill the need for belongingness as well as to escape from emotional difficulties,
problematic situations, and personal hardships. Yu-Yin and Yu-Min (2020). States that
internet technology, Internet ethics has become an important issue for academics and
practitioners factors that influence

students’ behavioral intention to perform an Internet ethical behavior. Intention of

performing Internet ethical behaviors is influenced by attitude toward ethical behavior,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Moreover, personality trait
areeableness is positively related to attitude toward ethical behavior and subjective
norms. Conscientiousness and openness are positively correlated with attitude toward
ethical behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Finally, the
existence of an Internet ethics curriculum significantly strengthened the positive
relationship between attitude toward ethical behavior and intention of performing
Internet ethical behaviors. Addiction commonly refers to an individual’s inability to
control his or her use of the Internet (including any online related, compulsive behavior)
which eventugally causes one’s marked distress and functional impairment in daily life.
The Internet is a powerful and efficient tool for searching, retrieving, and disseminating
information, with a significant impact on students world wide. It also provides a means
of students communication. It is a big help to student’s academic performance, which it
enables them to access information sources from around the world if they’re having a
hard time doing the task they are given to, this could also be helpful for them to have a
faster and easy communication with their teachers. The Internet has liberated from the
academic, social, legal, political, economic and geographical constraints associated with
traditional print media.

This liberation has major effect on students capacity and productivity. It has also aided
students, who want to stay at the forefront and keep up to date with developments in his
or her research fields by utilizing the Internet. From all the benefits mention too much
and uncontrolled of using internet can lead to additional negative impacts. The
performance of students in their studies has given a growing concerns to their teachers.
For they may had found out nor observed their students rely more on the internet and
just copy and paste the information they had in when completing the assignments
without thoroughly studying its content. This has only showed on how the students are
only focused and relying to the internet rather than giving their best in doing the tasked
that they are appointed to. Aside from that, procrastination hits them hard as they started
to hold their mobile phones and browse to the different

entertainment platforms. Internet had basically given some of the students a negative
impact to their education.

Furthermore, researchers want to know the effects of internet addiction to the academic
productivity among Grade 12 STEM G Mercury students. Whether if there's positive or
negative effects to their attitude in terms of doing schoolwork’s and other performances
in school. Whatever may the results, the researchers will make a proper actions to this
matter. Aside from that, this study can make awareness to a lot of people and
have a better understanding about the situation of grade 12 STEM G students
who are addicted to Internet.

1.1 Statement of the problem

This study aims to know the effects of internet addiction to the academic productivity of
grade 12 STEM students in section G Mercury. Specifically, it intends to answer the
following questions:

1. How has the internet helped or distracted in studies?

2. How much time do the students spend on the internet?
3. How many activities/school works can a student finish in a day?
4.How does internet addiction affect the academic productivity of students?

1.2 Significance of the study

The findings of the study may provide deeper insights about the Internet Addiction and
the Academic Productivity of Grade 12 STEM students section G Mercury.
Furthermore, the study is deemed significant to the following:
To the parents, the results may serve as an eye opener for them to make a proper action
to discipline their children who are addicted to online platforms brought by the internet.

To the teachers, the results may serve as an answer to their questions and curiosity why
some students tend to submit their school works late while others are on time and to help
students how to control and limit themselves in proper ways.
To the future researchers, the results may serve as a guide for them to deepen their
studies in order to solve the similar in nature and connected researches.

1.3 Scope and Delimitation

The main purpose of this study is to provide information regarding to internet

addiction and students productivity. Also how this factors affects the lifestyle of the
student. The study considers the student’s personal information such as their name
(optional), gender, age, and section.

This study focuses on determining the effects of internet addiction to the academic
productivity of Grade 12 STEM students section G Mercury. We conducted this study
from May 20, 2022 and this will be done by June 10, 2022. The research will be
conducted during the fourth semester of the school year 2021-2022. The target
population of this study is the students of section STEM G Mercury in ACLC College
Of Ormoc with the total of 40 students. The respondents will be selected through
purposive sampling to tell their experiences. Out of 40 students, the researchers will
select 10 female and 10 male students in a total of 20 participants in our sections
which will be the sample of the study. Each of the respondents is given a questionnaire
to answer. The students will be selected in our section to prevent bias and get objective
perceptions’ researchers consider the factors to data collection and analysis as we keep
things as simple as possible, ensuring the safety of the participants in a way that we
consider the rights of research participants and also, we ensuring the validity, accuracy,
honesty and other ethics in research.



Research indicates that maladaptive patterns of Internet use constitute behavioral

addiction in relationship with the academic productivity of students. This study explores
the research on
the social effects of Internet addiction connected with academic productivity of in Grade
12 STEM G Mercury. There are five main points and those five main points that will be
discuss in this review. Internet, internet disadvantages, time spent on
internet, activities can you finish in a day having an internet, Relationship between
internet and students . After our Review of Related literature is discussed. Conceptual
framework, and definition of terms will follow.
KEY WORDS: Internet addiction; academic productivity; issues; internet addiction problems; students,
personality, online activity, risk, relationship. disadvantages


In recent years, the presence of the Internet addiction and academic

productivity in school has skyrocketed. While academic usage Internet is
largely for education and research, it has become a significant element of
student life as well. We found an article which is relatively common to our
study. Huang

And Wang (2015) states that internet is such a useful thing but dangerous,
Some students were busy at school, silently working on their computers,
taking notes on their smart phones, and playing games on the internet. They
went online to communicate with other people, who came out to be none
other than their family, friends, and loved ones. Some students use the
Internet for the entirety of their waking hours. Teachers may note that
relatively fewer students are willing to enroll in early morning sessions, and
that some of those who do enroll routinely arrive late. Some school
authorities have also noticed that some kids receive poor grades because they
spend too much time on the Internet rather than studying. We investigate
why, in light affects academic productivity to students. The Internet has a
strong hold on students, leading to new behavioral habits which is to be
addicted to internet that destroys the academic productivity of many students.
It has been alleged by some academics that excessive Internet use can be
pathological and addictive in related to the academic productivity of students.
This paper reviews what is known from the empirical literature on ‘Internet
addiction’ and its derivative Internet Addiction Disorder, Pathological
Internet Use, The effects of this to the students and assesses to what extent it
exists. Empirical research into ‘Internet addiction’ can roughly be divided
into five areas: survey studies books vs. internet survey studies that have
examined vulnerable groups of excessive Internet use, most notably students,
studies that examine the psychometric properties of excessive Internet use,
case studies of excessive Internet users and treatment case studies, and
correlational studies examining the relationship of excessive internet use and
academic productivity of students psychiatric problems, depression, self -
esteem, etc. Each of these areas is reviewed. It is concluded that if ‘Internet
Addiction’ does indeed exist, it affects a relatively small

percentage of the online population. However, exactly what it is on the

internet that they are addicted to still remains unclear.

2.2 Internet

The Internet makes it possible to quickly find information, communicate with

people around the world, manage your finances, shop from home, listen to
music, watch videos, and much, much more. Let's take a look at some of the
ways the Internet is most commonly used today. Previous research by some
of the authors (Griffiths and Sparrow, 2014) has shown that the Internet may
be addicting but it helps every students to not struggles to their assignments.
It must also be noted that since students appear to be at the greatest risk, such
research will help in the formulation of problem prevention policies. The
effects of the internet addiction is spreading all over the world not just for
some students but all of the people especially in this modern world we live

Accordingly (Hansen, 2015) It appears that there is always a pattern to

learner behaviors over time and it is possible to identify characteristics of the
learner. The Internet has such a broad and powerful capability that it may be
used for nearly any information-based purpose, and it is accessible to
anybody who

connects to one of its constituent networks. The interval of login into the
asynchronous teaching material server, and then, the
reading duration of each login.

According to (Lenhart, 2018) It shows that teenagers use the Internet as an

essential study aid outside the classroom and that the Internet increasingly
has a place inside the classroom. Every major technological advancement
instils hope in underdeveloped countries that it will have a positive impact on
education. Internet technology has made a huge contribution to global
2.3 Internet Disadvantages
While the Internet has numerous advantages and is one of the most powerful
inventions, it also has a number of disadvantages. One of this is that our topic
which is a addiction. Internet addiction is one of the problem that students
may affected. It helps a lot to all of the student in STEM G Mercury but also
distract them. It is a time waster, bullying, Stalkers, crimes, violent videos
and pictures, health issues. Those are the effects of the internet to know a lot.
According to (Hamson, 2012) that literature on digital inequality, in its focus
on individual characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes has overlooked

overusing internet is not good to students and change within the context of
where social and civic inequalities are reproduced.

Internet, computers and social media are having, an enormous effect on

everyone especially to student of Grade 12 STEM G Mercury. These
computers and the Internet have become one of the most important changes
to modern society. They bring transformations to students daily life. This
process has changed politics, relationships, news, science, learning,
information and and entertainment. The Internet has transformed the reality

distances and has made individual self-operating information collection

machines that get immediate and

easily access to information and communication. The Internet has turned our
existence upside down. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent
that it is now our preferred medium of everyday communication. Well, both
genders are using internet, browsing in the internet for fun but then they are
abusing their self on using them as reported by (Turkey, 2013) The
prevalence rates of Internet addiction ranged from 17% to 26.8% during the
high school years. Male students consistently showed a higher prevalence
rate of Internet addiction and more Internet addictive behaviors than did
female students.

The Internet can also contribute to despair since many people use social
networking sites to compare their lives

to others. Users of social networking sites have the opportunity to make

thousands of friends and engage

with them. Online games that allow users to communicate with one another
are also accessible. Although social networking sites can help you make new
acquaintances from all over the world, you may get detached from your real-
life friends. As claimed by Jostinoso (2019) surveillance issues emerge and
are engaged in these settings. While adults who enroll in introductory digital
literacy classes and access the Internet at public terminals feel optimistic
about broadband “opportunities,” they encounter “privacy-poor, surveillance
rich” broadband.
2.4 Time spent on the internet

Internet may have many positive impact to everyone, however there is also
negativeness to it that can lead to addiction on each of us especially to the
students. According to some researcher (Mihajlov & Vejmelka 2017) the
internet usage has become more growing in every age gap, approximately
46% of the world population is on the Internet today. Considering that the
internet is an integral part of our life, it is necessary to understand the reasons
how the ratings of using the internet has been increasing lately. A lot people
using internet in the school, according to the study they use internet whole
One of the negative aspects can originate from the increased time spent on
Internet. Some students mostly spends their time in using the internet for 2
hours and
22 minutes or more per day. And according to some authors (Moreno,
Jelenchick & Christakis 2013), Internet addiction leads to significant
decrease of professionalism and academic

function. Growing numbers of people using the internet says it is the way in
order to increase their personal sense of happiness.
Using internet all day obviously gives a risk in our health. Based on the
others' research (Kumar & Mondal 2018). Some High Internet usage leads to
psychological difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness while
the sever users were likely more to be anxious and depressed than those mild
ones. There isn't an exact time rate on how the students spends their time in
using the internet, because some teenagers are only using the internet only for
their academic purposes. However it still depends on each everyone of us on
how we are attached and pre occupied in using this.
2.5 Activities you can finish in a day with an internet

Nowadays, people uses internet for their academic performances. With strong
internet connections, students whom who are making an activities for their
educational purposes can literally finish their works immediately if they're
focus and determine in doing so. A study conducted by (Tur & Marin 2015)
find out students‘ perspectives on using social media as a learning tool. It was
revealed that students were willing to use Twitter, Facebook and other
platforms, and were excited to use it as part of their learning modules.

Based on the other study (Salac & Kim 2016), terms of Internet connection
speed, the Philippines is among the countries with the slowest. In the 1st
quarter of 2015, the average connection speed of South Korea, ranks No. 1 in
the world, was 23.6 mbps, while in our country the Philippines had an
average connection speed of only 2.8 mbps which is literally, 8 times lower
than that

of South Korea's. With a slow internet connection speed in the Philippines, it

affects the student’s capability to perform well and finish their schoolwork
ahead of time about the deadline. And can lead to lost sense of productivity.
Even so, everyone is trying their best in doing and finishing the tasks that
they've been given by their teachers. Students can either finish all their tasks
and assignments in just a day or two with a strong internet connections.
However, a growing number of users have acted on their positive opinions of
the Internet and gone online to do these things. Some say the Internet is a
good place to go for getting everyday information, others say the Internet is a
good way to communicate or interact with others. According to some
research (Capricho, Obenque & Musni, 2012) internet's speed can provide
satisfaction or dissatisfaction to the users depending on the activities they
intend to do.

2.6 Effects of Social Media

Social media has become ubiquitous and almost inescapable, revolutionizing

the way students communicate, interact and socialize; and has become an
integral part of their social and cultural fabric. Sharma & Shukla (2016) also
found that students academic performance was adversely affected by social
media. Consequently, students are spending a substantial part of their time
on social media. University students and youth are considered the largest
users of these technologies. The following are studies conducted to evaluate
the effects of social media.

Whereas most studies on social media have shown that participation in social
media activities improves one’s social development, others have shown to the
contrary. Yeboah & Ewur (2014) found that social media like WhatsApp
distracted students from completing their assignments, damaged their
language skills such as spellings and grammar and disturbed their
concentration when in class.

Students faced challenges arising from their frequent use of social media,
which included the need to attend to messages immediately, the exposure to

false or unregulated information or media contents, mobile connectivity and

addictive-like behaviors which disturbed their studies (Ahad & Lim, 2014).
Literature that support the use of Social media report that social media
encourages effective communication offering real-time messaging,
empowerment, sense of belongingness and sociability, enjoyment, quick
information-sharing and cost

2.7 Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: Diagram showing the Conceptual Framework of the study.

“The Internet Addiction and the Academic Productivity of Grade 12- STEM
G Mercury”

In the conceptual framework above, the researchers are expected to determine

how internet addiction affects the academic productivity. The conceptual
framework explains that internet addiction impacts the number of activities/
school works done, which in turn impacts the academic productivity.
2.8 Definition of terms

Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.
Internet Addiction- characterized by an excessive or compulsive use of
internet to extent that the lives of users are greatly affected.

Academic Productivity- refers to effort exerted by a student towards his or

her studies.

Effects - it is the result of the an action or the cause.

STEM - Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (academic track).

STEM G Mercury Students – the class where the researchers will conduct
the study.

3.1 Research Design

The researchers will be using qualitative research

specifically, phenomenological approach. This is important as it
help to seek and understand the individuals' experiences and
feelings of the phenomena. It is important as it showcase the
experiences of the participants with detailed information. With
this, the researchers can gain in-depth data and deeply
understand and interpret the experiences of the participants in
order to get the results. The data will be collected through online
interviews to come up with a conclusion. In this study, the
researchers will be collecting data from Grade 12 STEM G
Mercury students in order to know if there is a significant effect
of internet addiction towards academic productivity or not. And
if does, the researchers will determine what are those effects.

3.2 The Sample

The participants on this study are the Grade 12 Science

Technology Engineering and Mathematics sections G Mercury
of Aclc College Of Ormoc with 40 overall population of
students. The researchers will be using purposive sampling by
selecting 20 particular students 10 female and 10 male students
from Stem G Mercury for the total of 20 participants as the
sample of the study. The participants will be selected based on
pre-selected criteria:

. The participants should be enrolled in GRADE 12 STEM G
MERCURY in ACLC College of Ormoc.

. Most of the participants’ time should be in spending on the


.The selection of the samples are based on the participants'

knowledge and experience about internet addiction.

.The willingness and availability to engage as well as the ability

to share experiences and ideas in a clear, expressive, and
reflective manner.

3.3 The Instruments

The researchers will do online interviews using self-made

interview guide in order to explore the experiences of the
participants with regards to internet addiction. Before
conducting the interviews, the researchers will create consent
letter and send via messenger (to prevent the transmission of
COVID-19) to formally have permission from the participants.
In order for the online interview to be successful, the researchers
will either do voice call or voice message depending on the
participants' comfort and signal status. Recording of interview
will be also perform with the consent of the participants.
Moreover, a semi-structured questions made by the researchers
will be use in order for the participants have rooms to tell their

experiences widely since it composed of open-ended questions
therefore, the researcher
doesn’t strictly follow a standardize list of questions. The
researcher can add questions depending on the flow of
conversation. Basically, the questions are related to the
researcher’s objective and the participants can answer the
questions in any language they are comfortable in.


 How much time do you spend

on internet?

 Can you please tell the

reasons why you use internet?

 Which do you spend more

time with internet?
Educational Purposes or
Entertainment Purposes.
Please specify.

 Does internet helped you or

distract you in your studies?
Please elaborate.

 Did you procrastinate a lot in

your school works due to
internet? Please tell

 How many school works or

activities can you finish in a

3.4 Data collection Procedure

Data Gathering

After the researcher decide what Research Designs are going to

use, it’s time to start working the data collection.

The researchers will seek a permission from the subject








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