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Project Name: Road Protection Slab at Hubston Camp

Location: Western Region


Sand Compact (qa) = 383 KN/m2 (assumed)

Fc’ = 40MPA or 40 N/mm2 (28 days)
ϒ concrete = 24 KN/m3
ϒ gatch = 21.57 KN/m3
ϒ imported fill (30% cbr-95% MDD) = 19.61 KN/m3
ϒ steel = 460 N/mm2

Analyze 1-m length of Slab:

1) Effective soil pressure "qe"

qe = qa - ϒ imported fill (thickness) - ϒ gatch (thickness) - ϒ concrete (thickness)
qe = 383 - 19.61 (0.14) - 21.57 (0.3) - 40 (0.1)
qe = 369.39 KN/m3

2) Area of Slab (Af), consider H-20 design load = 178KN as per AASHTO axial loading
Pe = PL
Pe = 178KN

𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝑷𝒆
Required Af =

Required Af = 178KN / 369.39 KN/m2

Required Af =0.48m2

therefore: 1m x 1.4m = 1.4m2 is SAFE

3) Determine Soil bearing pressure for strength design "qu"

Pu = 1.7 PL
Pu = 1.7 (178 KN)
Pu = 302.6 KN

qu =

qu = 302.6 KN / 1.0m
qu = 302.6 KN/m
4) Determine Steel Area “As”
Consider ρmin = 0.0034, d = 100-12-12-.30 = 46mm

Required As = ρbd
Required As = 0.0034 (1000)(46)
Required As = 156.40mm2

Spacing “s” = A12 (1000)/As

Spacing “s” = 113.1 (1000) / 156.40
Spacing “s” =723.15mm

therefore: 12mm-150mm O.C is SAFE

Temperature Bars & Shrinkage bars

Required As = 0.002bt
Required As = 0.002 (1000)(100)
Required As = 200mm2

No. of Bars (12mm) = As / A12

No. of Bars (12mm) = 200/113.10
No. of Bars (12mm) = 1.77 mm

therefore: use 2-12mm φ is SAFE

5) Development length “ld”

i) Ld = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟐𝑨𝒃𝑭𝒚/√𝑭𝒄
Ld = . 02(113.10)(460) / √40
Ld = 164.52mm

ii) Ld = 0.06db Fy
Ld = 0.06(12)(460)
Ld = 331.20mm

iii) Ld = 300mm

therefore: ld provided should be less than ld required (164.52mm)

Provide hook at the end of bar

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