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Good morning everybody, I’m Phương Anh from group…

Today I’m going to talk to you about “What do you think about today’s
Panh, Hồng: The world have been through for many ages and witnessed the
alteration of our generations. In the past, let look back the generations that have
passed and we might easily see the differences of the previous “teenager”. As we
know that “teenager” is who from 13 to earlier 20 years old and adolescence is
also belongs to Gen Z. According to Los Angeles Times report that Gen Z’s
members are most often understood to have been born between 1997 and 2012,
so that’s why teenagers nowadays have the same thought and similar
personalities. Indeed, adolescence is easily influenced by the factors around their
lives. For instant, they were depended heavily to the internet especially with
smart phone in Industry 4.0 at this point. Because of this, gen Z-ers or we may call
teenagers nowadays are the person who have focus on technology and
competitive. Not only do they want to get into the best schools and get the
highest paying jobs, they want to win every debate and every sporting event.
More over, gen Z-ers are the people who love independence and the competitive
nature of Gen Z contributes to them wanting to control their own destiny and not
rely on others for their own success. In general, they are less communication than
the others and spend a lot of time on smart devices so their personalities tend to
work independent.
Ngọc: On the positive side, you seem to be able to see every young people
focused on their goals and they always have big dreams. They are willing to be
more independent. They know how to make and earn lots of money, youth is now
much wiser than before. However, let's look back at reality. Do we actually have
time for our most precious relationships, do we give the time to build lasting
relationships around trust and values or do we constantly feel we can always do
better with technology? Do we actually have time for our most precious
relationships, do we spend the time to build lasting relationships around trust and
values or do we constantly feel we can always do better with technology?
Moreover, many young people still live selfishly, they live for their own benefit
without even thinking about everyone.
Mai Trâm: Andecxen was born into a poor family in the city of Odense, poor
life, never had enough bread to eat. Going to school is always laughed at by
friends because of its ugly appearance. Overcoming everything with the dream of
becoming an artist, Andecxen wandered to the city of Copenhagen, playing trivial
plays and cleaning. Finally, his energy and love of art helped him succeed. His
stories forever exist in the minds of readers, bring children happiness, light up
beautiful dreams.
Quế Trâm:

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