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How is my generation different from my parent's generation?

In today's world, the young generation is very different from their parent's generation. Our
life is so different and our time is much easier than our parents.

My generation has more freedom than our parent generation, we have more rights and
opportunities. First, our childhoods are so different, parents live in an era where they play
more outside and play board games with their friends. My generation lives in the era of
technological progress and we have everything in just one click on our smartphones like
games, our friend is just one call far from us. Our parents talk to their grandparents and
parents to collect knowledge about certain themes, but we today have everything on the
internet, there are so many articles and publications that we can learn everything online
and take more knowledge in a short time.

In job fields our parents don’t have many opportunities if they finished college they can
apply for one job and that’s it, maybe little progress, but my generation has so many job
opportunities, we can choose a full-time job or work part-time. For example, people who
work part-time can also go to college so they can stay more independent from their parents.

There are so many differences between the new generation and the parent's generation due
to the job, freedom, knowledge, technology…
Very difficult is to say which generation has actually advanced, we and our parents have our
own happiness and progress in time. In the end of the day only what is mater is that we are

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