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Q: Some young people are leaving the countryside to live in cities and towns, leaving only old people in

the countryside. What problems are caused by this issue? What can be done to solve this situation?

Minority group of young adults are moving to urban areas from rural areas, leaving the elderly alone in
the countryside. This essay will examine the main causes of the elders being left from small towns and
the possible solutions of these problem.

The two main causes of youngster migration are better employment opportunities and highly
standardized education system. When globalization strikes a certain path, which is predominantly
happens in urban land, work demands are rapidly increasing and this come along with greater wage
offer compared to rural lands. For example, a newly graduate individual will prefer to work away from
his hometown in order to have a profitable income and decent job position. As a result, they tend to
focus mainly on work opportunities and forget their responsibilities to their old age parents or relatives
that can cause health issues among the frails. Additionally, education system is far beyond better in
cities than in countryside because technological advancement initially begins in a highly developed area.
For example, use of computers and laptops are being integrated to various school subjects such us
during lectures or reporting. Moreover, online learning tools are readily accessible in cities which is not
available in some educational institutions from rural side. Therefore, young students believe that
advanced learning opportunities can be found in school cities, which then leads to abandonment of their
parents for a certain period of time.

The possible solution for this is to build a strong family ties and to maintain an open communication
between parents and offspring. Showing affection to elders even if someone is distant may bring
emotional stability to them such as early morning calls, sending small gifts such as flowers and
remembering their special occasions. This will promote strong emotional bond despite of distance
between parents and children. Furthermore, daily conversation about the flow of one’s work or life
happenings can greatly cover up the parent’s loneliness and feeling of abandonment. Having a good
relationship and interactions in various ways help overcome one’s emotional burden bring about by

To conclude, young people choose to move into big cities because of increasing employment demands
and upgraded teaching-learning strategies in big cities, however, a strong parental bond and an open
communication among families will help elder’s to cope up with their emotional stress and whole being.

422 words 1 hour and 30 minutes ☹

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