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0 Introduction

Brick is the most important and most popular material used in wall construction. Several factors
can be the reason why this material is chosen such as it’s size can be adapted in any situation, it’s
compact and durable nature,its natural color and texture of the surface as well as its shape which
can be arranged in various ways. When compared to other equivalent materials, brick is
ecnomical and easy to obtain. Brick is the most dominant and influential material in the world,
because brick is main material to form bulding walls. There are various types of bricks with
specific purposes skilled workers should know the types of bricks commonly used in
construction and the general features contained there in. The resulting bricks are rectangular in
shape which ususally measures 215 mm x 102.5 mm x 65 mm. The flexibility for size is 1.8 mm
for thickness, 2.5 mm for width and 3.9 mm for length. Usually mature bricks are hard and

1.1 Five types of material used for bricks :

1.1.1 Common burnt Clay Bricks (used in general work)

1.1.2 Sand Lime Bricks (offer excellent strength)

1.1.3 Engineering Bricks (offer excellent load-bearing capacity)

1.1.4 Concrete Bricks (provide excellent aesthetic presence)

1.1.5 Fly Ash Clay Bricks (may expand when in contact with moisture)
1.2 Bonding types

It is important to lay the bricks to some perceived pattern or bond to guarantee stability of the
wall and to deliver a satisfying appearance. Bricks might be arranged in an assortment of
approaches to create an agreeable bond and each arrangement is disguished by the pattern of
headers and stretchers the substance of the wall. There is three type bonding of bricks
Stretcher Bond, English Bond, and Flemish Bond.

1.2.1 Stretcher Bond

Bricks are laid horizontally anf flat with a long side called a stretcher and in this bond, all
brick is laid as stretcher, which is lengthwise. They are only suitable for one-half brick thick
walls such as partition walls. The limitation of the stretcher bond is that it cannot make an
effective and strong bonding.

1.2.2 English Bond

Consist of one course of the stretcher and another course of the header above it. Header are
laid centered on the stretchers in the course below and each alternate row is vertically
aligned. Brick cut lenghtwise into two halves and used at corners in brick walls.
1.2.3 Flemish Bond

A bricklaying method with alternate headers and stretchers in every course, with each header
centered upon or under the stretchers respectively below or above it. There are two types of
flemish bond that is single flemish and double flemish.

Single flemish is a combination of English adn Flemish bond, with Flemish bond on the front
face and a backing of English Bond. Used to economise in expensive facing bricks where the
expensive facing bricks are used to give characteristic appearance of Flemish Bond and
cheaper bricks are used as abacking. It is slightly stronger than Double Flemish Bond and it
can’t apply to walls less than one-and-a-half bricks.
Double Flemish requires fewer facing bricks compared to English Bond, needing only 79
bricks per square meter compared to 89 for English Bond. Double Flemish not as strong
because of the large number of sort continuous vertical joints. Its appearance is considered to
be better than English Bond and is more economical.

2.0 Objective


1.3 Tools

1.4 Materials

1.4.1 Bricks

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