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Jamaica S.

Benedicto 2BSEcE-A
Exercise #3

General Instruction: You may further illustrate your answer through illustrations like
symbols or in any way that you can express your own understanding. (Note: a copied
answer will automatically be given a failing grade)
1. In your own words, what is a probability? (5pts)
- Probability is all the probable things or possible outcome or result of some
events or scenarios that are going to do, perform or conduct. It may use to
measure the chance or possibility that might be given or introduce to the
occurred events or scenarios. This probability also, help to analyze every
data in order to prove or to know something from it like for its possible
outcome or result.

2. In your own words, what is a sample space? (5pts)

- For me, sample space is considered as a whole or a set of all, which
comprises different things, events or scenarios. This sample space carried
or handled all the responsibilities or it gives and provide the part of every
subsets that belongs to it. For me the example of this sample space is our
earth, which it handled all the things or it simply to say that earth is
considered as a whole or a set of all which comprises land, water, people,
tresses, animals and etc.

3. In your own words, what is a subset? (5pts)

- Subset is a part of set which are being selected from the form of one set or
simply to say sample space. It is the enclosed selected events that based on
the events of a one set or sample space that it had or it is called to the events
that are being chosen and enclosed from a one set. The example of this
subset is, if we have a what we call a set of earth then the subset in here is
the things that are enclosed from this earth or the things that the earth
comprises which is the people, land, water, animals, tresses and etc. Subset
also depends on a one set or you can determine the subset of a one set
depends on the one set of event, things or group used.
4. Make your own Venn diagram (you may use another shapes or colors or
numbers or letters), and through your Venn diagram illustrate the ff:




 J (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, Snapchat,

Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp)
 S (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube)
 B (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)

a. The intersection (10 pts)

S∩B (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)

b. The complement (10pts)

S∩BC (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn,
SC∩B (Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram,

c. The union (10pts)

S ∪ B = (S∩BC) ∪ (S∩B) ∪ (SC∩B)
S ∪ B (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn,
WhatsApp.) ∪ (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Twitter, Inatagram, Snapchat)
∪ (Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)

d. The Mutually disjoint sets (10pts)

(Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Twitter, Inatagram, Snapchat), (Facebook,
Tiktok, YouTube, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp.), (Pinterest,
Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat)
I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my knowledge it
contains no materials previously written by another person.
I also declare that the intellectual content of this paper is the product of my own work,
and I am liable of whatever copied content of this paper.
I understand that if I submitted a copied or not my own work document, I will
automatically get a grade of 5 in this subject.

Signed: __Jamaica S. Benedicto_

Signature over printed name

Date: _March 18, 2022_

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