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Task 5


დავალების შესრულებისას გაითვალისწინეთ:

• ვიდრე გამოტოვებული სიტყვების ჩასმას დაიწყებთ, ყურადღებით წაიკითხეთ ტექსტი და

შეეცადეთ, გაიგოთ თუ რის შესახებაა იგი. ამავე დროს, შეეცადეთ კარგად გაიაზროთ იმ
წინადადებების შინაარსი, რომლებშიც სიტყვებია გამოტოვებული.

• წაიკითხეთ მოცემული სიტყვები და გაიაზრეთ სიტყვების მნიშვნელობა. შემდეგ ტექსტი

ისევ გადაიკითხეთ და შეეცადეთ გამოტოვებული ადგილები სათანადო სიტყვებით შეავსოთ.
სწორი არჩევანის გაკეთებაში გრამატიკის ცოდნაც დაგეხმარებათ. თუ მიხვდებით
კონკრეტულ კონტექსტში რომელი მეტყველების ნაწილია გამოტოვებული (ზმნა, არსებითი,
ზედსართავი და ა.შ.), მაშინ სწორი სიტყვის არჩევა გაცილებით უფრო გაგიადვილდებათ

Parts of Speech

part of function or "job" example words example sentences


Verb action or state (to) be, have, do, EnglishClub is a web site.
like, work, sing, I like EnglishClub.
can, must

Noun thing or person pen, dog, work, This is my dog. He lives in my house.
music, town, We live in London.
London, teacher,

Adjective describes a noun good, big, red, My dogs are big. I like big dogs.

well, interesting

Determiner limits or "determines" a/an, the, 2, some, I have two dogs and some rabbits.

a noun many

Adverb describes a verb, quickly, silently, My dog eats quickly. When he

adjective or adverb well, badly, very, is very hungry, he eats really quickly.

Pronoun replaces a noun I, you, he, she, Tara is Indian. She is beautiful.

part of function or "job" example words example sentences


Preposition links a noun to to, at, after, on, but We went to school on Monday.

another word

Conjunction joins clauses or and, but, when I like dogs and I like cats. I like
sentences or words cats and dogs. I like dogs but I don't
like cats.

Interjection short exclamation, oh!, ouch!, hi!, well Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are
sometimes inserted you? Well, I don't know.
into a sentence



Modern precursors spread invented outlets routine customers existing adopted

common wrapped

  Americans did not invent "fast food", any more than they 1. cars or television; they were just
the first to refine it into an art, and 2. the art worldwide.
    Before Ronald McDonald was even born, the British were into hot fast food, in the form of fish 'n'
chips. 3.  of today's drive-thru, sit-down or carry-out burger restaurants and other fast-food 

4. , British fish 'n' chip shops had for many years been offering 5. a real meal to eat in the
street. In the olden days, people ate fish 'n' chips 6. in old newspaper, and used their fingers to eat
them with.
    Other forms of fast food were 7. all over the world too; the "packed lunch", some bread and
something to eat with it, was part of the daily 8. of millions of industrial and agricultural workers
all over Europe and North America for over a century.
    American-style "fast food" took 9. models, and refined them, to create a new style of eating

10. to the high-speed mobile life-styles of the 11. age.

- precursor -  [ˌpriːˈkɜːsə(r)] n 1. წინამორბედი; 2. მომასწავებელი, მაუწყებელი. something that comes


Engineer inanimate tormented fortunately invented generally discover realistically

sophisticated potential

Being a teenager and a mother at the same time is 1. not a good idea, and a program in the USA
helps teens to 2. the reality of having a baby without actually having one. 
 Some twenty thousand babies have ruined the lives of almost a million teenage girls in the United States;
and the number keeps rising week by week. 3. each girl’s life has only been ruined for periods of
between a day and a week, as the babies in question are passed round from one 4. teenage
mother to another, frequently changing names as fast as they change homes.
    As for the babies, they take their 5. lifestyle lying down and without any fatal psychological
consequences; for however real they may look, these babies, which come in black, white or Asian varieties,
are actually rather 6. dolls. Known as the “Baby Think it Over *” dolls, they are the latest recruits
in the battle against America’s unwanted teenage pregnancies.
    Since the dolls were first 7. ________ in 1993, hundreds of thousands of teenage girls have had the
chance to learn as 8. as possible what it is really like to have a young baby to care for.
    It was in 1993 that Jim Jurmain, a NASA electronics 9. in San Diego, saw a television
program about the enormous problem of teenage pregnancies in the United States. When he saw how
some schools and youth clubs were using old-fashioned and10.__________ “flour sack” babies to simulate
real babies, he decided to develop a more hi-tech and animated version of the product.


Confessed Assassin Traveled Preached Opposite Wildfire Arrested

Promoting Retracted Stepped

On the night of April 4th 1968, someone was waiting 1. the windows of the Lorraine Motel, in
downtown Memphis.
    In front of the motel, a big white Cadillac was parked; it was the car in which the Rev. Martin Luther
King was being driven round, as he 2. through the southern states, speaking to audiences in towns
and cities,3. the cause of non-violence and civil rights.
    When King 4. out onto the balcony, to take a breath of fresh air after eating his dinner,
a shot rang out. The civil rights leader and Nobel-prizewinner, the man who 5. non-violence, fell
to the ground, fatally wounded. Within minutes, he was dead.
    The news spread like 6. round the USA; the man who had done more, perhaps, than any other to
further the rights of Black people in the United States of America, had been assassinated, it seemed, by a
lone sniper, a white extremist. Weeks later a man by the name of James Earl Ray was 7. and
sentenced to 99 years in prison for the assassination. But is that really what happened?
    Though James Earl Ray initially 8. to killing King, it was not long before he  9. his
statement; and to this day, there are those who do not believe that Ray was actually guilty of the crime for
which he spent almost 30 years behind bars.
    Indeed, even Dexter King, Martin Luther King's son, believed that Ray was not his father's 10._________


Makes Consumption Alternative Replace Anchored Humblest

International Reflecting Essential Fond of

There was a time in the late 20th century when some people believed that coffee would 1. tea as
Britain's favourite beverage.
    In the event, that has not happened, and today, tea remains firmly 2. as Britain's favourite drink,
accounting for over two fifths of all the drink consumed in Britain with the exception of water.
    To say that the British are 3. tea is something of an understatement. From the Royal Family down
to the 4. of the homeless and the out-of-work, tea is more than just a pleasure; it is an 5.
part of life! It is one of those things that distinguishes life in Britain from life anywhere else. The average
Briton over the age of 10 drinks two and a half cups of tea per day, over 900 cups per year – mostly tea
with milk in it — which 6. Britain one of the leaders in the 7. league of tea-drinking
nations! Only the Irish and the Turks drink more tea than the British; in Europe, the nearest rival to Britain
is Russia, where people only consume about 700 cups of tea per year.
    In 2020, during the Covid lockdowns, tea 8. in Britain went up by 50%, as more people stayed
at home all day.
    The popularity of tea in the United Kingdom has a long history, 9. the nation's development
since the seventeenth century. It was in 1657 that Thomas Garway, the owner of a coffee house, sold the
first tea in London. The drink soon became popular as an 10. to coffee, and by the year 1700,
there were over 500 coffee houses in the British capital selling the new drink.


Perseverance Explanation Deductions Invent Founded

Scientist Recognized

When Charles Darwin died in 1873 at the age of 64, the scientific world 1. that it had lost one of its
greatest thinkers, and Darwin was buried among the illustrious in Britain's burial-place of honour,
Westminster Abbey in London. Darwin, biologist, botanist, and geographer, was a 2. whose name is
usually placed on a level with the men like Copernicus and Einstein, men whose 3. and convictions
led them to see great new truths, to understand whole new domains of existence.
   Yet Darwin did not 4. : he did not even propose a totally new theory* : but by years of careful
observation, painstaking study, and analogical 5. , he managed to formulate in a coherent and
scientific fashion, a theory which rapidly gained credence as the correct, or basically correct

6. of the diversity of life on our earth.

    It was in November 1859 that Darwin published his fundamental work, The Origin of Species by means
of Natural Selection.
   Charles Darwin was born into a family of thinkers. His father was a Fellow of the Royal Society (the elite
circle of top British scientists), his mother was the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood, the man who 7.
the famous Wedgwood Potteries, and his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was a famous physician, radical
thinker and philosopher who, like his grandson, spent much time studying the evolution of life.


Assuming Follow Talking Popular Monarch Known

Queen Elizabeth II, who in 2015 became the longest-serving British 1. in history, was not born to
be queen. In fact, as a child in pre-war Britain, she never expected to be queen. She – and everyone else –
imagined that her uncle Edward, the King's eldest son, would 2. normal tradition and become the
next British monarch when his father, King George V, died; and that after him, the crown would pass
to his son or daughter, 3. that he married and produced an heir.
Elizabeth was the daughter of King George V’s second son, Albert George. Albert, 4. in the
family as Bertie, was a demure young man, much less 5. and active than his older brother; he
was shy and not very good at 6. in public.


Certainly Actually Famous Events Symbols Round Climb

Difference Passengers In front of

  What is the most recognisable symbol of London? Big Ben? The statue of Eros in Picadilly Circus? Or could
it be something much less artistic than that? Could it be the big red London double-decker bus?
    It 1. could. Big red buses are recognised  all over the world as 2. of London. Visitors
climb into London buses to go and see the Niagara Falls. London buses can be seen driving 3. Europe
to advertise big department stores, or British 4.  . They don't need to have the words "London

 It was over 100 years ago, on October 25th 1911, that the London General Omnibus Company ran their
last horse-drawn omnibus through the streets of the capital. From then on, the monarchs of the road in
London have been those 5. red motor buses.
    The idea of the "double decker" is 6. much older than the motor bus. It is simply a
continuation of the system that was used for public transport in the age of horse-drawn vehicles, when
some of the 7. sat inside, and the rest travelled on the roof. Too bad if it was raining!
    The earliest double-deckers omnibuses in London were horse-drawn vehicles. Like some of today's
double-deckers, they had steps at the back, to let people 8. up onto the roof. The main

9. was that in those days, there was no protection for the people travelling on top. If it rained, they
could pull a sort of oil-cloth cover out of the back of the seat 10. , and pull it over them; but you still
got pretty wet.


Expression Addictions Suffering Pressure Important Effects

Become Range Allowed Mental Relieve Resulting Modern

There is a famous 1. in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This expression refers to a
feeling of panic, or stress, that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing, try to relax, and 2.
calm again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in
3. life. Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.
There are numerous physical 4. of stress. Stress can affect the heart. It can increase the pulse rate,
make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood 5. . Stress can affect the respiratory system. It
can lead to asthma. It can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in a loss of 6. carbon
dioxide. Stress can affect the stomach. It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food. These
are only a few examples of the wide 7. of illnesses and symptoms 8. from stress.
Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People 9. from stress often feel anxious. They may have
panic attacks. They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress, they often 10. to
little problems. For example, a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for
dropping a glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or nervous.
Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious 11. illnesses. Depression, an extreme feeling of
sadness and hopelessness, can be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other 12.
often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to 13. stress. Eating disorders, such
as anorexia, are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress. If stress is

14. to continue, then one's mental health is put at risk.


Natural Surrounding Contributes Heavy Saturated Wet

Predict Conditions Creates Widespread Occurs

Floods are second only to fire as the most common of all 1. disasters. They occur almost
everywhere in the world, resulting in 2. damage and even death. Consequently, scientists have
long tried to perfect their ability to 3. floods. So far, the best that scientists can do is to recognize
the potential for flooding in certain 4. . There are a number of conditions, from deep snow on the
ground to human error, that cause flooding.
When deep snow melts it 5. a large amount of water. Although deep snow alone rarely causes
floods, when it 6. together with heavy rain and sudden warmer weather it can lead to serious
flooding. If there is a fast snow melt on top of frozen or very 7. ground, flooding is more
likely to occur than when the ground is not frozen. Frozen ground or ground that is very wet and already
8. with water cannot absorb the additional water created by the melting snow. Melting snow
also 9. to high water levels in rivers and streams. Whenever rivers are already at their full capacity
of water, 10. rains will result in the rivers overflowing and flooding the 11. land.


Harmonious Saddles Escaping Travelled Delicate Teepees Bushes


Long before the arrival of Europeans on the Canadian prairie (the wide grasslands of what is now called
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), the First Nations people lived in a 1. relationship with their
natural surroundings. Every item of their culture, from 2. needles to homes was obtained from
nature. Their homes were called 3. and were like large tents made from the skins of deer. These
people - tribes with names like the Blackfoot, the Peigan and the Blood people - were nomadic, which
means that they 4. from place to place following the animals they hunted or the growth of the
berries and fruits on the 5. and trees.
They had horses, although horses came to North America after 6. from the Spanish explorers
who brought them here to explore the areas around Mexico and Texas. Boys and girls were both expert
riders. They did not use 7. or reins or stirrups; they rode "bareback". Their clothes were made
from deer skins and buffalo skins and decorated with the parts of other animals - tails from squirrels and
gophers, quills from porcupines and the 8. bones of birds.

Task 7


საუკეთესო ფრაზები საქმიანი წერილის დასაწერად

I have some questions to you. First of all, I really want to know …….

Could you give me some information about…..

I would like to know….

I am interested in receiving/ finding out ……

Then, will you please tell me …….

And last ….. ; In the end;

Best regards,
Yours truly,

Task 8


 To put it differently -სხვა მხრივ

 To put it another way –სხვა მხრივ
 For one thing - ერთი მხრივ
 In this case - ამ შემთხვევაში
 For the reason - ამ მიზეზით
 By all means -ყველა შემთხვევაში
 Must be remembered - უნდა გვახსოვდეს
 On the positive /negative side- დადებითი/უარყოფითი მხარე
 In fact - ფაქტობრივად
 In general- ზოგადად
 In particular- განსაკუთრებით
 In detail- ამ დეტალით
 To demonstrate- განხილვა
 To clarify- განმარტება
 Such as-როგორიცაა

● Research has found that- კვლევამ აჩვენა რომ

● For instance/ for example…. -მაგალითად

● However -თუმცა

● Nevertheless- მიუხედავად ამისა

● As a result/ Consequently -შედეგად

● From my point of view -ჩემი თვალთახედვიდან გამომდინარე

● To my mind/ in my opinion -ჩემი აზრით

შედეგის ჩვენება/დასკვნა

 As a result- ამის შედეგად

 For this reason-ამ მიზეზით
 Accordingly-მიხედვით
 Consequently-მაშასადამე
 Therefore - მაშასადამე
 In any case - სხვა შემთხვევაში
 In conclusion/to conclude- დასხვნა, (დასკვნის სახით)
 In the end- ბოლოს
 To sum up/to summarize -შეჯამება
 In other words- სხვა სიტყვებით
 All in all/ in short/ in brief- მოკლედ
 All things considered -ყველაფრის მიხედვით
 Finally- ბოლოს


 Similarity- მსგავსად
 Basically- ძირითადად
 Comparatively- შედარებით
 It is argued that- ამტკიცებენ რომ
 People argue that- ხალხი კამათობს,რომ
 There are people who oppose- არსებობენ ადამიანები, რომლებიც
 Contrary to what most people believe- იმის საწინააღმდეგოდ, რაც უმეტესობს

 On the other hand- სხვა მხრივ

 On the contrary- საწინააღმდეგოდ
 Ever though/ although-თუმცა
 Whereas- გათვალისწინებით
 Despite- მიუხედავად
 In reality- რეალურად

მაკავშირებელი სიტყვები

მაერთებლები-positive addiction

 And-და (კავშირი)
 Too -აგრეთვე
 Moreover- უფრო მეტიც
 In addition- დამატებით
 Also-აგრეთვე
 As well as- ისევე კარგად როგორც

მაპირისპირებელი -contrast

 But- მაგრამ
 Although-თუმცა
 In spite of- მიუხედავად
 Despite- მიუხედავად
 While-განმავლობაში
 Ever through- თუმცა
 However- მიუხედავად ამისა
 Nevertheless- მიუხედავად ამისა

მაგალითის მოყვანა

 Such as- როგორიცაა

 For example- მაგალითად
 Especially - განსაკუთრებით
 Particularly- განსაკუთრებით


 As- როგორც, ასევე

 Because- იმიტომ, რომ
 Since- დან
 Due to- იმის გამო


 In case- ამ შემთხვევაში
 So as to- ისე, როგორც
 So that- ამგვარად
 In order to- იმისთვის რომ

Task 5

1 2 3 4
1. Invented 1. Generally 1. Opposite 1. Replace
2. Spread 2. Discover 2. Traveled 2. Anchored
3. Precursors 3. Fortunately 3. Promoting 3. Fond of
4. Outlets 4. Potential 4. Stepped 4. Humblest
5. Customers 5. Tormented 5. Preached 5. Essential
6. Wrapped 6. Sophisticated 6. Wildfire 6. Makes
7. Common 7. Invented 7. Arrested 7. International
8. Routine 8. Realistically 8. Confessed 8. Consumption
9. Existing 9. Engineer 9. Retracted 9. Reflecting
10. Adapted 10. Inanimate 10. Assassin 10. Alternative
11. Modern

5 6 7 8
1. Recognized 1. Monarch 1. Certainly 1. Expression
2. Scientist 2. Follow 2. Symbols 2. Become
3. Perseverance 3. Assuming 3. Round 3. Modern
4. Invent 4. Known 4. Events 4. Effects
5. Deductions 5. Popular 5. Famous 5. Pressure
6. Explanation 6. Talking 6. Actually 6. Important
7. Founded 7. Passengers 7. Range
8. Climb 8. Resulting
9. Difference 9. Suffering
10.In front of 10.Overreact
9 10
1. Natural 1. Harmonious
2. Widespread 2. Sewing
3. Predict 3. Teepees
4. Conditions 4. Travelled
5. Creates 5. Bushes
6. Occurs 6. Escaping
7. Wet 7. Saddles
8. Saturated 8. Delicate
9. Contributes

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