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Color assignment :

Red - teacher's lines to read (found only in the teacher's textbook)

Blue - any other instructions (found only in the teacher's textbook)
Orange - emphasis on the word or phrase (also found in the student's textbook)
demo lesson Beginner

“Today’s lesson is Lesson [Number].

The title is [Lesson Title]. Please repeat after me, [Lesson Title].”
Why do you need natto?
Today's GOAL

“Please check Today’s GOAL.”

To be able to talk about the reasons behind the actions.

“Are you done?”

“Let’s move on to Today’s Phrase. Please repeat after me twice.”

Today's Phrases

Why do you need natto for the barbecue?

*A traditional Japanese side dish made from fermented beans.
It has a very strong and unpleasant smell

Because we cook it with meat and vegetables.

“Let's move on to New Words / Expressions.”
New Words / Expressions

“Please check the directions.”

Directions: Listen and repeat after your teacher.
(After 5 seconds)“Are you done?”

“Please repeat after me twice.”

If your student can't understand the meaning,

please search pictures on Google and share the URL with the student.
Because we cook it with meat and vegetables.
*No way!
*This is a North American expression, not commonly used by English-speakers
in other countries
No way!
Why did you ask?
I want them anyway.
Too bad.
Too bad.
by the way
By the way, why do you need so many snacks?
“Let's move on to Short Conversation.”
Short Conversation

“Please check the Directions.”

Directions: Read the following conversation with your teacher.
(After 5 seconds)“Are you done?”
1st : “Let's read the conversation together. Please repeat after me.”

2nd : “Let's read the conversation together again. Please repeat after

3rd : “Let's do a role play. I'll be [ A ] and you'll be [ B ].”

4th : “Let's switch the roles. I'll be [ B ] and you'll be [ A ]”

Please read the dialog as if you were really in this situation.

If you read it with a flat tone, students will find you less enthusiastic.
Charlotte Wait! Why do you need natto for the barbecue?

James Because we cook it with meat and vegetables.

Charlotte What? No way!

James Why did you ask?

Charlotte Because I don't like natto.

James Too bad. By the way Charlotte, why do you need so many snacks?

Charlotte Because I need them for the barbecue.

James No, you don't. We have many snacks for the barbecue at your home.

Charlotte I know we do, but I want more anyway.

Charlotte and James are shopping for the barbecue party tonight.
- go back until you finish the 4th time
(After 4th roleplay)“Let's move on to Question.”

“Please check the directions.”

Directions: Answer the following questions about the story.
(After 5 seconds)“Are you done?”
“Please answer my questions.”
1. Does Charlotte like natto?
【Sample answer】No, she doesn't like natto.
2. Why does James need natto for the barbecue?
【Sample answer】Because they cook / he cooks it with meat and
3. Does Charlotte want more snacks?
【Sample answer】Yes, she does.

“Let's move on to Exercise.”


“Now, we'll have some exercise. Please check the directions.”

Directions: Look at the following pictures and arrange the words to form correct
(After 5 seconds)“Are you done?”
“Now, let's do the exercise. ”
Teacher Why does he need another slice of pizza?
You 【 hungry / he / because / is 】.
Because he is hungry.
Teacher Why do they need a new car?
You 【 like / because / the / design / new / they 】.
Because they like the new design.
Teacher Why do you need more beer?
You 【 I / thirsty / because / am 】.
Because I am thirsty.
Teacher Why does he need a new pair of jeans?
You 【 because / old / jeans / are / his 】.
Because his jeans are old.
Teacher Why do you need a new cellphone?
You 【 my / because / have / friends / new / cellphones 】.
Because my friends have new cellphones.
Teacher You already have your cellphone. You don't need a new one.
You 【 want / anyway / it / I 】.
I want it anyway.

“Let's move on to Free Conversation.”

Free Conversation

“Please check the directions.”

Directions: Let's use the phrases and the words you've learned during the lesson and
talk about the following topics freely.

(After 5 seconds)“Are you done? Let’s start.”

After the students give their reasons, ask them more questions based on their answers.
Why do you study English?

“Let’s review today’s lesson.”


Please look at the yellow part. Listen carefully. I will read it to you
 (1) Three new words and phrases in this lesson
(2) Three difficult-to-pronounce words
Your teacher will choose and say each word. Please repeat the word with
your teacher 3 times.
(after reading)
(1) Pick up at least 3 words for new words/phrases.
(2) Pick up at least 3 words for the student's mispronunciation.
Have the student repeat them 3 times.

***After (1) and (2), correct student's mistakes in grammar if any.

Please repeat after me 3 times.

Ex T : hear
: S : hear
T : hear
S : hear
T : hear
S : hear
Even if you have finished the entire lesson, you must not engage in free conversation.
Keep in mind that your student is an entry-level student and doesn't have a good
command of the English language.
Instead, please use the rest of the class time by doing the exercises again and again.

You can also give synonyms or sentences related to lesson.

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