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International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016



Rosita Ambarwati1, Dwi Rositasari2


Verbal abuse often appears in dating. This violence does not cause physical scars but often lead to
unhealthy psychological conditions. The research tries to explore the verbal abuse happened to the
young women in doing chatting with her boyfriend. This research is descriptive qualitative which
was designed based on a pragmatic approach. The results showed that verbal abuse on girls
indicated in the form of a directive speech act (71,91%), expressive speech act (17,97%),
representative speech act (5,61), declarative speech act (4,94) and commissive speech act (2,24).
The form of verbal violence are : ( 1 ) invective , ( 2 ) mockery , ( 3 ) call discriminative , ( 4 )
ruled , ( 5 ) underestimated.
Keywords:Speech Act, Verbal Abuse, Women

Violence in a relationship often occurs not only on married couples, but the violence also affects
many unmarried couples/lovers. This violence can be in the form of physical abuse, verbal,
psychological and economic violences. As stated in the Marriage Act No. 1 of 1974 Article 2,
paragraph 2. The article says that the violence includes violence perpetrated by ex-husbands ,
ex-boyfriends , and partner (boyfriend). Based on data from the National Commission of
Women since 2010 violence in courtship.
Verbal violence is the case experienced by many teens. Statistics indicate that young people
have a greater risk for engaging in violence in dating relationships than adults (Women of Color
Network, 2008) younger adolescents were more frequently as the victims of violence than youth
with older age (Bachman & Saltzman in the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control,
2000). According to Wolfe (2009), this is due to gender role expectations play an important role
in the formation of adolescent strategies to match yourself and in order to gain acceptance in the
environment, especially in early adolescence. This period resulted in feelings of depression in
adolescents, so that teens tend to use tactics hurt.
The impact of verbal abuse in dating often affects women as victims. Cases like this can happen
because of their reciprocal process when couples communicate. At this stage the function of
language is very important. In general, verbal violence is considered as an expression of
language that has meaning rough and painful feelings, but victims are often not fully aware of
the form of verbal violence that happened to him, it could be a sentence that expressed by the
partner is a sentence that is good order grammatically and looks smooth or mannered but when
examined more far actually implies very rude. For example: (1) Pokoknya kamu ngga boleh
dekat sama teman laki-laki kamu.. aku ngga suka.. awas kalau sampai aku tahu, (2) Cintai aku
sepenuhnya, cukup aku saja dalam hidupmu, (3) Jangan siksa aku dengan menahan cemburu,
love U. These three examples of such speech when examined more deeply in the context of a
relationship, which is expressed by speakers (male) to their partner/addressees (female), the
third sentence is meaningful speakers ask/tell addressees (partner) not to close or even not in
touch with all her friends-sex male, but from the third sentence looks different levels of subtlety.
This study focused on a form of speech (kinds of speech acts) indicating verbal abuse.
Therefore, necessitated an assessment study of the meaning of utterances in the process of
dating communicating. Several studies have investigated the violence in dating, in this study the
difference is the basis of the assessment. This research will study only the verbal violence
experienced by young women in science perspective Pragmatics. Pragmatics is a branch of
linguistics that refers to the study of the general conditions of use of language, in a pragmatic
science not only look at the accuracy of the form (in Form appropriateness) speech but also see
the accuracy of the content (Appropriatness in Meaning). To be able to understand the intent of

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016

the speaker must be connected to the context. Through this context mean speech (speaker 's
meaning) can be achieved .
Verbal Abuse
The Nature of Verbal Abuse
Violence means of persecution, torture, or mistreatment. According to WHO (in Bagong, S., et
al., 2000) violence is the use of physical force and power, threats or acts of self, individual or
group of people or community that results in or is likely to result in bruising/ traumatic, death,
psychological harm, disorder development or deprivation. Terry E. Lawson (in Huraerah, 2007)
explains that verbal violence is usually in the form of verbal behavior where the actors perform
communication patterns that contain insults, or words that harass children. Perpetrators usually
perform mental acts abuse, blaming, labeling, or even blame.
Verbal violence is categorized as psychological violence because the goal is not directly on the
physical but to spiritual/soul so as to eliminate the ability of normal mental abilities.
Kinds of Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse can be divided into several types such as cursing, threatening, and snapped. Verbal
violence is violence cursed with a high-pitched speech mocking others. Threatening verbal
abuse is any word or deed that intimidate, coerce and advocates against an individual. Mock
verbal violence is violence that aims to hurt other people. While Sharif Adi Putra said that the
violence in the form of a memorable nickname discriminatory e.g. skin color, race, body shape,
habits and weaknesses. Scolded, yelled at, mocked by using a certain tone of voice that
impressed abuse. Verbal abuse is divided into five categories, which include: (1) Association of
the Animals, (2) Expletives, (3) Hyperbole, (4) Euphemism, (5) Disfemism. In detail the form
of verbal abuse can be described as follows: 1) Make everything seems to be
worthless/unimportant. This sometimes confuses her partner, whether the partner is already
clearly communicate somethings that are important to him. 2) Underestimating. Dropping
mental with disparaging comments. 3) Threaten. This is the classic form of verbal violence is
carried out by manipulating partner, bringing his worst fears. This includes threatening to leave
(go, suicide, broken, etc.) or will increase hardness behavior. 4) Dial by name-calling
discriminatory (color, race, intellect, physique, habits, weaknesses, animals, etc.) that have an
impact on confidence partner. 5) Forgetting. Naturally people occasionally forget, but the
perpetrators of violence are consistently forget. He often forgot the incidents of violence that
has been done and also often forget the promises that have been made that have great
significance for her partner. 6) Reigning/instructing is another classic type of verbal violence.
This is a form of excessive inequality, or domination. 7) Disclaimers. Although every form of
verbal violence has a harmful impact, denial is the most dangerous because its effects can be
gradual and deny the reality of her partner. In fact, a verbal abuser could cite many reasons and
insisted he did not commit verbal abuse.
The Understanding of Pragmatik
Pragmatics is the study of language use. (Mey, 1994) states that "Pragmatic is the science of
language in as much science that focuses on the language used by human". While (Yule, 1996)
suggested that pragmatics is the study of the speaker's intended meaning. Pragmatics includes
concepts of speech acts, conversational implicatures, deixis. While (Levinson, 1983) describes
the pragmatic sense as follows: First, "Pragmatics is the study of the relation between language
and context that are basic to an account of language understanding". In that sense it can be
deduced that in order to understand the meaning of language, speakers must understand the
meaning of words and grammatical relationships between words as well as able to draw
conclusions and to connect what is said and what is assumed. Second, "Pragmatics is the study

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016

of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the Contexts in the which they would be
Appropriate". The second notion emphasizes on the importance of compatibility between the
sentences uttered by the user with context language. Third, "Pragmatics is the study of reviews
those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the
structure of language". Pragmatics is the study of the matters relating to the language and
grammaticalized context or encoded in the structure of language. Context is the background, the
environment that makes it easier and allow participants to interact speech. May explain the
context as, "The surroundings, in the widest sense, that enable the communication of
participants in the process to interact, and that the make the linguistic expressions of Reviews
their interaction intelligible"
pragmatik-konsep-dasar-memahami-konteks-tuturan.html. From such understanding can be
captured that context has an important role in Pragmatics. The achievement of the purpose of
speech in an interaction is not only filled with good sentence structure but the meaning behind
the accuracy of the speech that was more important, and to achieve the accuracy of the meaning
of utterances that context plays an important role in it.
Leech sees pragmatics as a field of study in linguistics which is concerned with semantics. The
linkage is called semanticism, which is viewed as part of the semantic pragmatic ;
pragmaticism, which is viewed as part of a pragmatic semantics ; and complenetarism, or see
semantics and pragmatics as two complementary fields.
“Linguistic pragmatics ….. is at the intersectionof a number of fields within and outside
of cognitive science: not only linguistics, cognitive psychology, cultural antrophology,
and philosophy (logic, semantics, action theory), but also sociology (interpersonal
dynamics and social convention) and rhetoric contribute to its domain”. (1983: 6)
Referring to the definition of pragmatics above, Leech generally provides the pragmatic concept
as a branch of linguistics whose main concepts are general pragmatic, it emphasis on general
overview function of language in communication. Broadly speaking pragmatically general
(pracmatics) is divided into two areas, namely pragmalinguistics and sosiopragmatics. This
section presents the summary of what the scientific literature says about your research topic or
To answer the problem formulation posed in this research study strategy or approach used is
qualitative research by using content analysis research design. This research data is written form
data that adolescent girls chat with his boyfriends, to strengthen the data that has been analyzed
then conducted interviews. The interview process requires a tool for recording and a list of
questions. The instrument used in this study is documentation in the form of text from the chat
teenage daughter at the time of communication with her lover. In addition to the documentation,
the researchers also used the instrument of interview by asking questions of the research
subjects. While acting as a key instrument is the researcher.
Data collection techniques in this stage using techniques refer to note. Write data collected by
methods refer assisted with advanced engineering techniques in the form of notes. That is,
researchers listened to the speech in the written source data. Results followed up with technical
note (Sudaryanto , 1993: 133 ). In the process of recording the data is taken from the speech that
has been transcribed as needed.
This study is divided into several stages, namely stage data provision, the stage of data analysis
and presentation of data analysis phase. The data collection phase begins with observation and
interviews to get an idea about the phenomenon of adolescent girls through media
communication chatting with her boyfriend. Retrieved data are then analyzed based on the
Spradley analysis. Based on the Spradley concept, the data analysis is divided into four, namely
domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, componential analysis and cultural themes analysis. In the
analysis phase domains do the reading process the data in general and thoroughly to obtain the
domain of what is in the data. Next, the researchers make marginal notes of words, phrases,

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016

symbols or sentences. In general, domain analysis phase includes three elements namely, cover
terms (a domain name culture), included terms (the name of a category or domain details),
semantic relationship (semantic relationships between categories). Taxonomic analysis phase
focuses on a specific domain corresponding problem focus or target of the study. Each domain
is understood in depth, and is divided into sub-domains of the further which is also divided into
sections that more special. In this analysis stage, researchers studied domains and sub-domains
are important in consultation with library materials. After extensive taxonomic analysis, then do
interview elected to deepen the data that have been discovered through the submission of a
question of contrast. Data from selected interviews published in the notes field. Measures
conducted by researchers at this stage is to choose a domain to be analyzed, identifying all the
contrast (the difference) which has identified the dimensions of contrast that has two values,
combining the dimensional contrast that is closely related to one, preparing contrast (opposite)
to characterize the no, make observations elected to complete the data, and prepare the paradigm
(mindset) complete. The next stage is the analysis of cultural themes. In this analysis, sought
thread by integrating existing cross domain. Found a common thread with the results of domain
analysis, taxonomy, and componential, then the next will be arranged a result of the social
situation/object of the research is clearer.
Types of Speech Acts In Verbal Violence
Speech act is a speech that is a functional unit in communication. Austin (1960) states that when
the speaker uttered the speakers actually do something with those words. Speech acts in prose
interactions often led to adverse conditions/unpleasant for the hearer. The results of the data
analysis found verbal abuse in a variety of speech acts, namely:
Speech acts representative stated information or the truth of what are disclosed speakers. The
following data is a form of verbal violence included in the category of assertive/representative
P: bsuk msh d rmah kah???
P: kak klo bsuk pean msh d rmah buatkan q bagan buat ujian PPL…
L: Wes d pndk syank
P: yah…kpan kmbaliny k pondok yank???
The data above is speech on a chat lovers. Female (P) asks her boyfriend if her lover position
(L) at home. Female (P) asked for assistance to be made a chart that will be used as a test
medium PPL. Her boyfriend replied "Wes d pndk syank", meaning that the lover (L) male is not
at home because of (L) has returned to the cottage. Speech (L) "Wes d pndk syank" illustrates
that the (L) is not saying goodbye when returning to the lodge. Typically someone who has a
special relationship must have a closer emotional bonds that bring a sense of affection and
attention. Speech (L) which did not give the news to his girlfriend (L) is verbal violence. Male
(L) makes his girlfriend feel worthless/unimportant.
Commissive speech acts speakers bind to implement all matters referred to the utterances.
P: Gak perlu. Aku ora arep mbalek neh. Godak en bocah kui.
L: Enggak. Fikiranmu ojo koyo ngono. Aku Cuma sbts tmn.
Aku wis jujur to.
Omonganmu ojo koyo ngono to
Enek to aku nyerah iki
Koe yo koe
The above data indicate verbal violence where men insist on not let go of the relationship with
her boyfriend. Male speech “Enek to aku nyerah iki Koe yo koe” is a commitment to maintain
a relationship, but it will cause the conditions that suppress women.

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016

The following data is verbal violence that tangible directive speech acts.
Umi (P) : iyo ndang istirahat bi
Abi (L) : Ntar abi bangunin ya mi agak maleman jgn sama cowok
manapun inget . Mmmmmmmuuuuaaaaahhhh, love you
Umi (P) : Piye nek bangunin bi hm
Iya sayangku aku mau nugas kok mumpung abi bobok
Love you too sayang
Abi (L) : ya ping en aja mi tak kasih suara kok mi
The above narrative illustrates the chat in the afternoon precisely at 6:50 am. Abi (man)
complains want a break, then Umi (P) sends his girlfriend a break. Before going to bed Abi
warns her lover to not chat (chat) with any guy . Abi speech “Ntar abi bangunin ya mi agak
maleman jgn sama cowok manapun inget” is a form of verbal abuse because the
speaker compulsion to the opponents said. It could be categorized as a threat.
Expressive speech act is intended speech acts that speakers utterances interpreted as an
evaluation of the matters stated in the utterances. The following data is a form of expressive
speech acts indicating verbal abuse.
Ndemo (P) : Peng
Peng (L) : Dalem ndemo
Ndemo (P) : lagi opo peng
Peng (L) : Ngarap tgas mo, susahbgt (emotikon tertawa)
Ndemo (P) : tugas opo peng
Peng (L) : Data historis saham Iq 45, Ndemo tau?
Ndemo (P) : Gak ruh Peng
Peng (L) : Haha yg kmu tau itu lo apa mo,mo…
The above speech made by couples. Both were students. Peng was male. Peng calls his
girlfriend as endearment (papa), whereas women Ndemo is an endearment of the word “mama”.
Chat above is a form of light conversation to know each partner state. In the speech, Peng
(male) "“Haha yg kmu tau itu lo apa mo,mo…” is a form of verbal abuse because the speaker
(Peng) degrading lover (Ndemo). Peng (L) dropped mental with disparaging comments. Her
lover is considered incompetent.
Speech act is intended speakers to create things / new circumstances.
Boy (L) : Tolong dibaca, diangkat to, gak dibales.
Apa aku harus mati dulu biar kamu perhatiin perduliin aku
Girl (P): Wong sudah banyak wanita yang peduli gitu. Gak usah banyak drama. Wes aku bener
mundur. Lupakan aku. Gak perlu moro rene meneh.
Speech “Wes aku bener mundur. Lupakan aku. Gak perlu moro rene meneh” is a form of
verbal abuse from declarative speech act. Speakers (female) made the decision to end the
relationship with her boyfriend because she thought that her lover loved his ex-girlfriend. The
female narrative is emotion that is not necessarily true but it can make the other suffer.
The results of the data analysis reveal any verbal abuse on girls while chatting with her
boyfriend. The form of verbal violence is reflected in a variety of speech acts. The form of
speech acts that most indicate verbal abuse is directive, then expressive, representative,
declarative and the last is commissive.

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016


Verbal violence among girls in directive speech acts is reflected on man who often intimidate by
asking some question repeatedly. It makes women feel uncomfortable. It is happened because
man wants to get more attention. He wants to be understood more by his girlfriend. It can be
seen on these utterances " ditelp ndak bisa " ndang maem, ndang bobok, belajar „ ( the
instruction to eat, bathe, sleep) .
Such conditions make women depressed. They feel dictated to and treated like a child. Men
often use “ping” repeatedly to get more attention from his girlfriend. It indicates that he is
angry. Verbal violence is also indicated when the male is intense spying on his girlfriend's
activities and finally he utters suspicious speech such as where are you, with whom etc. In this
research, it can be seen in the utterances, “ini dimana, karo sopo, wis puyang beyum, lagi
opo”. it bothers the women's freedom. Furthermore, Requesting to sent some photos in every
activities is indicated as verbal abuse. Some data show that women often make reasons when
her boyfriend asked him to take pictures. The answer "iyaaaa, isin urung adus ket esuk,
iyaaaaa, lampune mati" indicates that she feels annoyed.
Calling name “gendut, elek” is categorized as verbal abuse. Worse verbal violence experienced
by women are receiving threats from men like, “Saiki kwe sek pengen kmbek aku opo ogak
yank jjur ko atimu ae timbangane ngene terus.” Verbal violence embodied in the directive
speech acts are affected by male stereo type and culture inherent in society. Men have authority
and power than women. As stated by Marielly that the man is the epitome of courage,
Verbal violence which is reflected on expressive speech act can be seen on the utterances like,
(1) Yuh wajahmu medeni men, (2) hahhaha aku luwih duwur, (3) Neng kamerane AP wajahmu
kumut-kumut, (4) hahaha yang kamu tahu itu apa mo?. These utterances can be categorized as
mocking. On the other hand, the expletive is also found. It also indicates the verbal abuse. These
utterances like, “mboooh, kulino, terserah, hemmm di R thok, kowe ki pernah mikir pora to
jane” .
Verbal violence among girls is reflected in the variety of speech acts directive, expressive,
representative, declarative and komisif.Ini meaning that the expression in the form of
declarative also can indicate verbal violence. The second conclusion is a form of verbal violence
that occurs in young women is a threat, ridicule, call as the discriminative, invective, ruled, and

International Seminar on Education “Education Trends for Future Society”
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, August 30, 2016

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