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Good life? What does good life mean to me?

If you could ask the little me, maybe that child will
answer you, “Ah! A good life for me is about having a complete family, being able to play
anytime I want, and having the capability to buy all of my wants and desires. As simple as what
a typical child who only has a limited chance to enjoy their childhood life because of the
responsibilities that poverty left them will answer. But as time goes by, as I grow older until I
reach who I am today, my definition of the good life has changed. My life journey has taught me
lots of lessons that caused me to give a deeper meaning to a good life. Now that I am an adult,
strengthened by all the struggles I’ve been through, a good life is the most delicious food to taste
but the hardest to make. Even the most professional chef will take decades to find the recipes to
complete and achieve the perfect taste of this most delicious food.

For you to have a good life, you’ll need to be patient, persistent, confident, and of course, have
faith in God. Because it won’t be that easy. You’ll fail countless times, but you need to continue.
You’ll reach the part of your life where you will lose hope to the point that you will doubt even
your capability and dreams but you need to overcome it. You’ll surely be in the darkest part of
your life but you have to find ways on how to you are going to make it to go out of the darkness
to find the light. On your way to your success, through your way to a good life, you’ll face more
than that, but if having a good life is your goal you will fight and continue no matter what. Take
your step little by little. Don’t rush things because it might not have a good outcome. Seek help if
you needed it and do help others also if they needed it. don’t be selfish, stay your feet on the
ground and never forget to pray and thank God for everything it may be good or bad, thank him
and trust the process of his plan.

Technology as we all know is a big part of our lives. It makes impossible things to be possible. It
innovates our life and makes them comfortable. But can technology lead us to a good life? My
answer is yes and no. Yes, it can lead us to the good life if we use it right. If we don’t abuse it
and just make it as an instrument in making our dreams and goals come true. If you use it to
improve yourself to be better up to the best I can say that technology can lead you to a good life.
But if you use it abusively, then no it won’t lead you to a good life. Depending on the use of
technology isn’t a good thing to do. You shouldn’t use it in doing bad things such as scamming
people, harassing them, and such. You should know your limit of using it and its real purpose.
To be honest, It is not technology’s fault if it doesn’t lead you to a good life because sometimes
it is the person itself who is the main reason why using technology can result in negative things
at times. Because people are too abusive. They overused it, and they lacked self-discipline. that’s
why technology leading us to a good life will always depend on us, the users of it, and not the
technology itself. Because we are the writer and directors of our own lives and we are the ones
responsible for making our life better we are the ones responsible in making our good life dream

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