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PROGRAM TITLE: BTEC in Computing (Software Engineering)



ASSIGNMENT NAME: Planning a Training Event


DATE RECEIVED: 17/6/2022





MOBILE NUMBER: (+84) 943306660

Summative Feedback:

Internal verification:
L01. Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience. . 4
I. COMMUNICATION SKILLS ................................................................................................... 4
1. Communication skills .............................................................................................................. 4
2. What type of communication skills? ...................................................................................... 4
3. How to communicate effectively ............................................................................................. 9
II. TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS ........................................................................................ 13
III. PLAN A TRAINING EVENT ............................................................................................... 15
1. Plan: teamwork with members:............................................................................................ 15
2. How to apply skills in planning?........................................................................................... 19
L02. Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios. ............................ 19
I. Problem-solving skills ................................................................................................................ 19
1. What are problem solving skills? ......................................................................................... 19
2. Usually to solve a problem, there are basically the following steps:.................................. 20
II. Critical thinking ..................................................................................................................... 21
1. What is critical thinking? ...................................................................................................... 21
2. Meaning of critical thinking .................................................................................................. 22
3. The importance of critical thinking ...................................................................................... 22
4. Skills in critical thinking........................................................................................................ 23
5. The process of practicing critical thinking .......................................................................... 23
III. Apply problem solving skill and critical thinking on planning.......................................... 24
1. Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a given solution. ....................... 24
LO3. Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working
in different environments. ........................................................................................................................ 24
I. What is Teamwork? ................................................................................................................... 24
II. The stage of formation and development of teamwork ...................................................... 25
III. Characteristics of teamwork ................................................................................................. 25
IV. Effective teamwork skills....................................................................................................... 26
V. Applying teamwork skills to planning and organizing events ............................................... 27
L01. Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a
target audience.


1. Communication skills
Include the ability to convey messages, listen actively, give and receive feedback between the
communicator (speaker) and communicator (listener) to achieve a communication purpose.
certain next. Ideas, feelings, and surrounding factors all influence how and effectively
communicate. Therefore, communication skills are related to the ability to listen - speak, observe
and empathize with both the subject and the object of communication. The forms of
communication are face-to-face communication and communication via phone, email and social
networks. Jobs that use a lot of communication skills can be mentioned as interpreters, customer
service staff, telesales staff, ...

2. What type of communication skills?

There are several different ways we share information with one another. For example, you might
use verbal communication when sharing a presentation with a group. You might use written
communication when applying for a job or sending an email. Here’s a more in-depth look at the
four main categories of communication:

a. Verbal:
Verbal communication is the use of language to transfer information through speaking or sign
language. It is one of the most common types, often used during presentations, video conferences
and phone calls, meetings and one-on-one conversations. Verbal communication is important
because it is efficient. It can be helpful to support verbal communication with both nonverbal
and written communication.

Here are a few steps you can take to develop your verbal communication skills:

Use a strong, confident speaking voice. Especially when presenting information to a few or a
group of people, be sure to use a strong voice so that everyone can easily hear you. Be confident
when speaking so that your ideas are clear and easy for others to understand.
Use active listening. The other side of using verbal communication is intently listening to and
hearing others. Active listening skills are key when conducting a meeting, presentation or even
when participating in a one-on-one conversation. Doing so will help you grow as a
Avoid filler words. It can be tempting, especially during a presentation, to use filler words such
as “um,” “like,” “so” or “yeah.” While it might feel natural after completing a sentence or pausing
to collect your thoughts, it can also be distracting for your audience. Try presenting to a trusted
friend or colleague who can call attention to the times you use filler words. Try to replace them
by taking a breath when you are tempted to use them.
b. Nonverbal:
Nonverbal communication is the use of body language, gestures and facial expressions to convey
information to others. It can be used both intentionally and unintentionally. For example, you
might smile unintentionally when you hear a pleasing or enjoyable idea or piece of information.
Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to understand others’ thoughts and feelings.

If they are displaying “closed” body language, such as crossed arms or hunched shoulders, they
might be feeling anxious, angry or nervous. If they are displaying “open” body language with
both feet on the floor and arms by their side or on the table, they are likely feeling positive and
open to information.

Here are a few steps you can take to develop your nonverbal communication skills:

Notice how your emotions feel physically. Throughout the day, as you experience a range of
emotions (anything from energized, bored, happy or frustrated), try to identify where you feel
that emotion within your body. For example, if you’re feeling anxious, you might notice that
your stomach feels tight. Developing self-awareness around how your emotions affect your body
can give you greater mastery over your external presentation.
Be intentional about your nonverbal communications. Make an effort to display positive body
language when you feel alert, open and positive about your surroundings. You can also use body
language to support your verbal communication if you feel confused or anxious about
information, like using a furrowed brow. Use body language alongside verbal communication
such as asking follow-up questions or pulling the presenter aside to give feedback.
Mimic nonverbal communications you find effective. If you find certain facial expressions or
body language beneficial to a certain setting, use it as a guide when improving your own
nonverbal communications. For example, if you see that when someone nods their head it
communicates approval and positive feedback efficiently, use it in your next meeting when you
have the same feelings.

c. Written:
Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters and numbers
to convey information. It is helpful because it provides a record of information for reference.
Writing is commonly used to share information through books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos
and more. Emails and chats are common forms of written communication in the workplace.

Here are a few steps you can take to develop your written communication skills:
Strive for simplicity. Written communications should be as simple and clear as possible. While
it might be helpful to include lots of detail in instructional communications, for example, you
should look for areas where you can write as clearly as possible for your audience to understand.
Don’t rely on tone. Because you do not have the nuance of verbal and nonverbal communication,
be careful when you are trying to communicate a certain tone when writing. For example,
attempting to communicate a joke, sarcasm or excitement might be translated differently
depending on the audience. Instead, try to keep your writing as simple and plain as possible and
follow up with verbal communications where you can add more personality.
Take time to review your written communications. Setting time aside to re-read your emails,
letters or memos can help you identify mistakes or opportunities to say something differently.
For important communications or those that will be sent to a large number of people, it might be
helpful to have a trusted colleague review it as well.
Keep a file of writing you find effective or enjoyable. If you receive a certain pamphlet, email
or memo that you find particularly helpful or interesting, save it for reference when writing your
own communications. Incorporating methods or styles you like can help you to improve over

d. Visual:
Visual communication is the act of using photographs, art, drawings, sketches, charts and graphs
to convey information. Visuals are often used as an aid during presentations to provide helpful
context alongside written and/or verbal communication. Because people have different learning
styles, visual communication might be more helpful for some to consume ideas and information.

Here are a few steps you can take to develop your visual communication skills:

Ask others before including visuals. If you are considering sharing a visual aid in your
presentation or email, consider asking others for feedback. Adding visuals can sometimes make
concepts confusing or muddled. Getting a third-party perspective can help you decide whether
the visual adds value to your communications.
Consider your audience. Be sure to include visuals that are easily understood by your audience.
For example, if you are displaying a chart with unfamiliar data, be sure to take time and explain
what is happening in the visual and how it relates to what you are saying. You should never use
sensitive, offensive, violent or graphic visuals in any form.

To make improvements to your communication skills, set personal goals to work through
the things you want to accomplish step by step. It might be helpful to consult with trusted
colleagues, managers or mentors to identify which areas would be best to focus on first.

3. How to communicate effectively

a. Know how to listen
We know that a great conversation is when people listen to each other and share. Listening is
also a way to show respect for the other person, a way to empathize when listening to their
stories, making them more engaging and connecting people easier.
b. Avoid hum
Redundant words like “ah, yeah” indicate your nervousness, nervousness or lack of information
especially in presentations, hum will make people underestimate you. The use of these words
does not make your words valuable, but also reduces the persuasion and unprofessionalism. You
need to minimize those extra words in your conversation, forget them so your conversation
becomes more confident and natural.

c. Speak with the right focus to avoid roundabouts

Good communication skills are when asked, answer frankly, directly, avoiding roundabouts that
make the listener not know what is the crux of the problem. You can take a few seconds to think
but don't answer in a roundabout way, going off topic of the conversation. Speak directly to show
your confidence as well as show respect for the other person's time. .

d. Speak clearly and coherently

Speaking clearly and coherently is the key to improving your communication skills. Focus on
speaking clearly and slowly, loud enough for everyone to hear you. Your expression also needs
to match the language you use, and people will be more likely to connect with you and understand
your content. One of the factors that can improve your behavior is that you always have to speak
clearly and avoid mumbling because that is a sign of lack of confidence that makes the listener
feel uncomfortable. Confidently hold your head high, speak clearly, at a volume just enough for
the audience to create your own attraction.
e. Understand the power of a smile
Smiling is a civilized expression, also an expression of power or conveying information. Those
who keep a smile on their lips prove that they still have faith and hope in life. A smile in
communication will create sympathy for them, gradually removing psychological obstacles. It is
your smile that will be the key to building one or even more new social relationships.

f. Take advantage of eye contact

Eye contact is also one of the communication skills, a skill that every person should cultivate,
because eye contact can show confidence, affirmation and understanding. The other person will
know if you are comfortable, confident and understand the problem in the conversation or not
through your eyes.

g. Create intimacy when talking

Successful conversations are those that feel like an intimate exchange rather than an
interrogation. Intimacy is created from your own attitude, so care should be taken to avoid
causing unnecessary misunderstandings.

h. Use effective body language

Body language is the most mentioned factor when demonstrating communication skills.
According to Susan Constantine, a sign language expert, 90% of our communication is
nonverbal. According to Harvard professor - Amy Cuddy - asserts, the position of parts of the
human body can cause chemical reactions, helping you feel more confident when communicating
with copper and having a strong impact on people. listener. Therefore, pay attention to your body
language. The habit of using body language when talking is also an effective way to improve
your communication skills.
i. Practice regularly
Even if you are an instinctive person, regular practice is never too much, even if you don't feel
confident, you need to practice boldly. You have to get out of your own comfort zone in order to
move towards positive things. The habit of regular practice is not only in communication, but in
any case, it is a positive signal to help you get closer to success.

j. Caring about other people's feelings

In order to improve communication skills, it is impossible to ignore the feelings of the other
person. You cannot continue to communicate while the other person is not interested in your
conversation, or in other words does not want to continue. Positive emotions signal that you
should continue in that direction of communication, while on the contrary, indifferent,
uninterested attitude, your job is to move in another direction or stop the communication here.

k. Motivation at the right time

In cases where the conversation involves joys or sorrows, an effective communicator will be one
who has the right words of encouragement or encouragement at the right time. It is necessary to
use it appropriately, in the right circumstances, or else it will turn you from a talkative person to

l. Resolve conflicts skillfully

Conflicts are inevitable in the communication process, but they still need to be resolved. This
case requires more ingenuity than ever. You give reasonable words, going to people's hearts will
reduce the tension of the matter, but having good intentions without being expressed is like
adding fuel to the fire.


What is time management and how to manage time effectively?
Time management is the skill of using and controlling time well. Helps to allocate time to
perform tasks more reasonable and complete.
Here are the important steps in time management skills you need to keep in mind:

a. Determine the target

Setting goals is the most effective time management skill. By knowing your goals well, you can
see what you need to do to get there. Of course, to accomplish that, you need to have a specific
schedule of time to implement and complete the goal. Then you will be able to focus on your
work and not be distracted by external factors.

b. Make a list of things that need to be done

By listing tasks to do daily and by week, month ... will help you manage your precious time. You
will not waste time thinking, hesitate as well as not miss the important activities of the day.

c. Sort by priority
After making a to-do list using your time management skills, you'll note the things that need to
be prioritized first and make sure they're done on time and well done. Such an arrangement helps
you not to fall into the situation of "water until your feet jump" and helps to maximize work

d. Summary of work
Before the end of a day, you should take time to summarize all the work for that day.
Accordingly, you will see if you have completed all your goals for the day, how much time it
took to complete and if it is really effective. If you realize that your time management skills are
not really perfect, quickly find a fix and fix it for the next day.

e. Discipline and Habit

In order to have effective time management skills, you need to develop the habit of being
disciplined. Set your own rules and follow them. This can be difficult at first, but after a while it
will become your habit.
f. Concentrate
Concentration is the key to success. No matter what job you do, you should put all your heart
and mind into it, it will not only help you succeed, but also save a considerable amount of time.
g. Set a specific time for work
You can define a specific work time from the start, the time to perform the steps in the job, and
the end time and the total time to complete the work. It will be a timetable detailing the full plan
and specific time, without affecting other plans and without downtime.

h. Scientific workplace arrangement

This is an important time management skill. Because arranging the workplace not only helps you
work more mentally, but also saves you time searching for papers and items on the desk. All
furniture needs to be assigned a specific place, even after being used, make sure they are left in
the right place.


1. Plan: teamwork with members:
Nguyen Van Dai, Hoang Trieu Duong, Trinh Van Duc, Nguyen Duc Thinh Thinh, Tran Trung
Internal training on new knowledge
Upgrading and updating new technology into the company's system
Company employees: 30 employees
Leaders + AI experts
2 MC
event coordination team

Venue of the evet:

Address: Hall C2, building A, AI software development company

Agenda and time:

Date: 5/6 and 6/6/2022

Time Work Prepare

Day 1: 05/06/2022
8:00 - 8:15 am Welcoming guests and arranging seats
8:15 - 8:25 am MC introduces the participants of the
training session + the reason for holding
the training session
8:25 – 9:00 am Teacher introduces technology Powerpoint
9:00- 9:15 am Present + clearly state the goal to be Powerpoint
9:15 - 10:15 am Demo of optimal features when using Advanced Python
advanced programming in Python Software
10:15 – 11:15am Practice training how to write new code Lab
11:15 – 11:30 am Summary of the program and the end of
the morning
11:30 - 1:00 pm Lunch break

Time Work Prepare

1:00 pm Start of the workshop
1:00 - 3:30 pm Workshop-Teamworking: Teamworking, 30
About team working, select product spoons, 6 eggs
topics by group
3:30-4:30pm Popular game rules: give eggs

4:30 - 5:30 pm Talk with software experts Prepare a pen and paper
for staff to write down
questions for experts
5:30 - 5:45 pm Summary and end of the afternoon

Time Work Prepare

day 2: 06/06/2022
9 – 11:30 am Practice coding for employees Lab

11h:30 - 1:15 am Lunch break

1:15 – 3:15 pm Practice coding for employees Lab
3:15 – 5:15 pm Finishing the product Lab

4:15 – 5:30 pm Presentation of the product of the staff

5:30 – 5:45 pm Summary of the program

-Costs incurred

Categories Estimated cost

MC (2) 4.000.000 vnd

Decorate 5.000.000 vnd

Invite experts (2) 20.000.000 vnd

Teacher (2) 20.000.000 vnd
Reward 10.000.000 vnd

Eating 30.000.000 vnd

Money to handle the problem that arises 11.000.000 vnd

total 100.000.000 vnd


Location: At the hall stage

Time Name work Operation details

3:30 – 3:45 pm Disseminate the rules of the Instructing groups to spread the rules
game of giving eggs of the game, members will race and
pass each other a spoon and an egg on
it. The team that breaks the egg is the
loser, the spoon of the team that passes
the most members will win.
3:45 – 4:20 pm Begin the game Everyone plays together to improve

4:20 – 4:30 pm Awards Give prizes to the team that does the


Time Name work Operation details

1:00 – 3:30 pm Workshop-: Introduces all participants to
Introduction to team working, team working and will give
selecting product topics by the groups time to choose a
group topic to work on

4:30 – 5:30 pm Chat with software experts Participants will be able to

communicate and ask
questions directly with
software experts to get a
better understanding. Experts
will share their own
experiences and knowledge.
5:30 – 5:45 pm Summary and conclusion Summarize what has been
achieved in the afternoon
through Teamworking and
teambuilding activities.

2. How to apply skills in planning?

When we started implementing the plan, we had to apply communication skills as well as time
management to complete the event successfully. In addition to communicating directly when
meeting to discuss the implementation of the plan, we also exchange via email to understand
each other better. There were controversies and we had to sit back and listen and resolve them
together. The completion time was relatively good because we found a way to manage our time

L02. Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.

I. Problem-solving skills
1. What are problem solving skills?
Problem solving skills are one of the very necessary skills in learning and working because life
is a series of problems that require us to solve without any problem like the problem. and there
is no universal formula to solve all problems. It is important that we equip ourselves with the
necessary equipment so that when a problem arises, we can use our available skills to solve that
problem in the most effective way.

2. Usually to solve a problem, there are basically the following steps:

a. Review and analyze:
Before you try to find a solution to the problem, you should consider carefully whether it is really
a problem in the real sense, by asking yourself: what if...?; or: assuming this doesn't work...? You
shouldn't waste time and energy dealing with it if it's likely to go away on its own or isn't

b. Identify the owner of the problem:

Not all problems that affect you are handled by you. If you don't have the authority or capacity
to deal with it, it's best to turn the problem over to someone who can.
There is a saying that is half-joking, but also worthy of your attention: “Enthusiasm combined
with ignorance can sometimes be destructive”.

c. Understand the problem:

Not understanding the source of the problem will easily lead to the wrong solution, or the
problem will be repeated. If speaking in medical terms, "catching the wrong disease" only treats
the symptoms, but not the disease, sometimes "losing money, carrying disability". You should
take the time to gather the necessary information related to the problem to be solved, following
these suggestions: Briefly describe the problem; What effect did it have?; Where does the
problem occur?; When was it first discovered?; Is there anything special or different in this
Here we need to understand the problem by asking questions.
- What is the nature of the problem (urgent, important)?
- What are the directives of superiors?
- Resources to solve the problem?
- Is this problem within my right to solve or not?
- What is the nature of the problem?
- What are the requirements of the problem?
- Difficulty - easy level of the problem?
d. Choose a solution:
After understanding the root of the problem, the manager will come up with a lot of solutions to
choose from. The element of creativity will help managers find solutions that sometimes exceed
expectations. It should be noted that an optimal solution must meet three factors: having a long-
term remedial effect, solving the problem, being feasible, and being effective.

e. Solution implementation:
When you believe you understand the problem and know how to solve it, you can take action.
To ensure solutions are effectively implemented, managers need to determine who is involved,
who is primarily responsible for implementing the solution, how long it will take to implement,
what other available resources, etc.

f. Evaluate:
Once you've put a solution into action, you need to check to see if it works and has no unexpected
effects. The lessons learned at this stage of evaluation will help you reduce a lot of "gray matter
calories" and resources on other issues next time.

The steps above are built on a principle that is temporarily called KOALA:

K: Knowledge

O: Objectives

A: Option

L: Look ahead

A: Action

It may feel a bit cumbersome if you follow the steps above. All bad beginnings. Applying a new
skill for the first time always requires your patience and determination. If you practice regularly,
then gradually the problem-solving skill will become an unconditional reflex.

II. Critical thinking

1. What is critical thinking?
Critical thinking is described as “reasonably reflective thoughts about what to believe or do”. It
has also been described as “thinking about thinking.” Within the philosophical conceptual
framework of social criticism theory, critical thinking is often understood as an engagement with
social and political reality. in participating in democracy, is the desire to envision or open up
alternative points of view from which to choose; the desire to incorporate new or modified old
views into the way of thinking and behaving. our actions, as well as our desire to foster critical
thinking in others.

Critical thinking is a thinking process that questions assumptions or assumptions. It is a way of

asserting that a certain statement is true or false, sometimes true, or partly true. The origin of the
concept of critical thinking can be found in Western thought for the Socratic method of thinking
of the ancient Greeks, and in the East, in the Vedas of the Buddha. Critical thinking is an
important component of every professional career. It is part of the educational process and is
increasingly important for students' progress through university education, although educators
still debate the exact meaning and importance of it. size of the problem.

2. Meaning of critical thinking

Critical thinking clarifies goals, examines assumptions, evaluates underlying values, evaluates
evidence, completes actions, and evaluates conclusions.

"Critical" as used in the phrase "Critical thinking" implies the importance or centrality of
thinking on an issue, question, or concern. "Criticism" or "criticism" in this context does not
mean "against" or "negative". There are countless useful and positive uses of Critical Thinking,
such as formulating a possible solution to a complex personal problem; consider and discuss
carefully as a group of people what actions should be taken; or analyze the assumptions and
quality of the methods used to arrive at a reasonable degree of confidence in a given hypothesis....
Critical thinking arises when we identify, evaluate, decide, or solve a problem; in general, when
we have to think about what we ought to do or believe, and do it in a rational and factual way.
Reading, writing, speaking, and listening can all take place critically or not.

Critical thinking is the key to becoming a competent reader or a truly gifted writer. In all the
most general terms, critical thinking is described as "a way to address all of life's problems."

3. The importance of critical thinking

Critical thinking is a key element of all professional fields and all scientific disciplines (by citing
acceptable questions, sources of evidence or criteria, etc.). Within the framework of scientific
skepticism, the critical thinking process involves carefully gathering and interpreting information
and using it to arrive at a clearly defensible conclusion. The concepts and principles of critical
thinking can be applied to any context, but only by carefully considering the nature of that

Critical thinking is important in all areas of science because it enables people to analyze,
evaluate, interpret, and reconstruct their thoughts, thereby reducing risk. manipulate, or act, or
think with a false belief. However, even with knowledge of questioning methods and logical
reasoning, people can still make mistakes due to lack of application ability or due to personality
traits such as self-centeredness. cosmic center. Critical thinking involves identifying prejudices,
biases, propaganda, self-deception, distortions, and misinformation, etc. Given the results of
research in cognitive psychology, some educators believe that schools need to focus on teaching
students critical thinking skills and cultivating in them core qualities. of intellectual activity.

4. Skills in critical thinking

The core skills of Critical Thinking are observation, interpretation, analysis, inference,
evaluation, interpretation, and synthetic perception. There is a considerable degree of consensus
among experts that an individual or a group of people engaged in a strong critical mindset will
pay close attention to:
- Evidence through observation
- Background
- Important and practical criteria to have a correct judgment
- What are the applicable methods or judgment-building techniques?
- Theoretical frameworks can be applied to understand the problems and questions at hand

In addition to possessing strong critical thinking skills, one must be prepared to associate solving
such problems with the use of these skills. Critical thinking applies not only knowledge of logic
but also other intellectual criteria such as clarity, credibility, relevance, depth, practicality, depth
and breadth, as well as importance and fairness.

5. The process of practicing critical thinking

Critical thinking requires the ability to:
- Identify problems, find possible means to respond to solving those problems
- Understand the importance of prioritization and prioritization in problem solving
- Gather essential information and arrange it in a certain order
- Recognize unstated assumptions and values
- Thorough comprehension and clear, precise, lucid use of language
- Interpret data to evaluate evidence and arguments
- Be aware of the existence (or non-existence) of logical relationships between opinions and
- Draw guaranteed conclusions and generalizations
- Put those conclusions and generalizations to the test
- Rebuild your belief model on the basis of broader experiences
- Make valid judgments and assessments about specific things in daily life
"Critical thinking is a consistent attempt to examine any belief or any form of knowledge in the
light of the evidence that supports it and the further conclusions to which it aims."

III. Apply problem solving skill and critical thinking on planning.

1. Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a given solution.
When the hypothetical situation was presented where the MC could not come to the show, the
members gave their opinions. One member, Mr. Duong, always defended his opinion as right
and argued that everyone else's opinion was not as good as rigorous arguments. As a result, his
opinion was added to the solution for that situation.

LO3. Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of
team working in different environments.

I. What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is also known as teamwork. Refers to the process of coordination, interaction,
collaboration between two or more people in the same organization. By dividing the common
work into smaller parts, each person will be assigned the right task with their own expertise or
strengths to complete the work quickly and with high efficiency. The members of a Teamwork
often share the same expertise.
II. The stage of formation and development of teamwork
Teamwork has 4 stages of formation & development:
Formation – Wind Waves – Normalization – Expression.
Discrete individuals form a working group, the beginning of a social-emotional relationship.
Common psychology is excitement, expectation, doubt, anxiety...
According to management psychology, this stage is like puberty for a person. Individuals who
engage in unacceptable behavior should be eliminated during this phase. Deploy the work
slowly, full of difficulties. Individuals reveal their personalities, habits, and interests and begin
to clash with each other. Conflicts arise that can lead to conflicts, threatening the breakdown of
the group. The level of dissatisfaction increases, the feeling of dissatisfaction increases.
Resolve conflicts and resolve outstanding issues. Stabilize personal and team relationships, form
and improve team standards. Sincerity and trust become clearer.
This is the highest development stage of teamwork. Trust, integration, strong connection. High
eagerness and cooperation. A real sense of maturity in all members of the group.

III. Characteristics of teamwork

The common feature of Teamwork is that members work interactively with each other towards
individual goals and the common goals of the team; That goal can only be achieved when each
member supports each other.
Each Teamwork member needs to do their job properly to achieve the highest efficiency as well
as work progress.
When looking at the purpose of work, each member has to figure out the way when "going into
battle" and so they have a unified goal, a unified job, a unified voice, a plan, a schedule. unified.
Only when understanding what Teamwork is? you will see the discipline it brings. Specifically,
when "standing" in a certain team, each member must adhere to the discipline set by the whole
team. It's like a "miniature kingdom", only when you complete the work can you remove the
discipline barrier.

IV. Effective teamwork skills

Improving teamwork skills requires each team member, especially the leader, to firmly grasp the
skills of assigning and organizing work not only for other members but also for himself. Thanks
to that, you know how to solve problems that arise, without interrupting the group's work.
Responsible for work
Teamwork is a working method that needs coordination with all members to ensure the best
progress and efficiency. Any irresponsible, dependent attitude of any individual affects others
and the overall work results. The purpose of teamwork is to show a sense of responsibility from
everyone. Therefore, you need to work with the most enthusiasm so as not to adversely affect
the progress of the team.
Listen and respect the opinions of others
You never know a field thoroughly and deeply, so you need to listen to the opinions of those
with the same expertise. When you listen, you will receive a great amount of knowledge, fill in
your shortcomings, and gradually improve yourself. Not only that, you learn to listen and respect
everyone's opinions.
Encourage personal development
Teamwork promotes teamwork but also encourages individuals to develop their strengths.
Teamwork is effective when each individual is encouraged, facilitated and motivated to develop
himself in the group.
Creating cohesion in the working environment
An organization or business that wants to develop sustainably needs to have cohesion between
employees and between employees and leaders. Teamwork helps everyone in the company build
links between departments. You are ready to take on the work according to the plan set out
whether you are in the position of an employee or a Manager.
Attitudes and attitudes about cooperation
A common mentality when a person cooperates with the crowd, it is fear of losing their own
rights. This leads to the mentality: I am always right, only I do this in the best way, and therefore,
I am the person with the greatest credit. This greatly affects the connection of group members.
Difficulties arise both in terms of problem perception and in providing solutions, because
everyone considers themselves to be the prominent center, the "valuable asset" of the group.
Not understanding your own strengths and weaknesses
It's important to understand your role in interacting with other co-workers. To build credibility
with the rest of the team, we must actively demonstrate and perceive our role in the group. This
is beneficial when the team leader assigns work to the members. If they know you well, they will
make more accurate decisions, leading to better results.
Leadership ability of the team leader
The team leader is not necessarily the person who does the most, is the smartest, but is
responsible and knows how to organize work. The team leader needs to connect the members,
agree on how to work together, and check the tasks.

V. Applying teamwork skills to planning and organizing events

After discussing and thinking carefully, we have come to an agreement that Dai will be the leader
of the group. He will be the main responsible for the entire event. Everyone will listen to his
work assignment in order to successfully complete this event.
Here is a Gantt chart to divide the work:

Assessing the individual’s work performance and contribution in planning

Nguyen Van Dai: Infomartion screening
Hoang Trieu Duong: Look up information
Trinh Van Duc: Look up information
Tran Trung Nghia: Presentation
Nguyen Duc Thinh: Making slides
Personal self-assessment:
Based on the assignment of group leader Van Dai. I have completed the assigned work well. In
addition, I also support Duong in finding content for teambuilding and giving suggestions on the
venue of event.


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