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Catalan Solids Session

In the Catalan Solids Session, we will find out what your Main Inner Law
that has been interfering with your manifestations, life, and even relationships.
The Ego represents every time we identify ourselves in “I am” and “I” as this can
be founded in affirmations, declarations, and lyrics. The Ego is fed by the
polarities and is like a Pendulum “Good vs. Bad” and “Like vs. Dislike”. So how
can we move from this reality? We can move from this reality through
transcending into a multidimensional consciousness and lifestyle
“Match/Mismatch to my reality”. This will take some practice (like most things)
and will involve a certain degree of self-mastery and self-realization. When you
reach a certain level of mastery, you’ll be able to collapse your Ego into your Heart
Space which will bring you Neutrality (a state of having no reactions and
preferences; a state of stillness - which can be found in meditation).

Here’s a brief description (*description from

There are 12 Inner Laws that embody and represent many intricate details
of our life story; the environment that we were raised in, the type of parents or
parental figures we had; the friends that we were destined to meet along the way;
inescapable events that seemed to change everything. All of these things help to
shape who we are as adults, and they are not always positive or constructive traits.
This is how we live. This is how we die. This relates to how we manifest and what
we manifest. The Catalans align with the 12 laws.

The Inner Law that defines you comes with habits and quirks, but carries
within it one dominant characteristic.

The Inner Law is a fixed energy, unconscious of itself. It does not observe
the results of your life as being affected by its whims.

The Catalan solids teaching is a transmission of the healers of Mexico,

which are connected to the sacred geometries and their influences. 49-shaped

© 2022 IntuitiveHealerJGM
grids can be written to shift the Inner Law that dominates your life so that you can
change things that don’t serve you anymore.

Here’s the process that we’ll be going through:

1.) We will go through the list of the 12 Inner Laws to see which one is the
most dominant in your current time.

2.) I will emanate the specific Catalan solid that will help you to integrate it
into your life.
a.) I will also share with you the corresponding Herbs, Tissue Salt,
and Stone that will help you to integrate the healing and frequencies. You
can place all of the items above on your Altar, under your pillow, or wear it.
b.) It will take 28 days with no interruptions.
c.) Essentially it won’t completely go away (for some people), but it
will still help you to be aware when you get out of alignment.
d.) Whenever you get triggered, you may ask your Higher Self to
realign you quickly.

3.)If time permits, I will make you a Live Catalan Solids Grid so that I may
also Emanate that Grid live for you instead of offline (this is mainly for those that
want to experience an activation live).

© 2022 IntuitiveHealerJGM

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