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Delta planet, 5,000 years after the great attack of the

machines which conquered the humans and began to
experiment with the multiple realities to win over the
other lands, but an experiment turns out badly which ends
up in a gap between them, allowing the past, present and
different realities come together. The human resistance
of past ages returns to the year 5,000 with its strongest
warriors to destroy the machine of all, the one in
control of all robots, TERRA, designed to help the earth
recover its fauna and flora. But the only solution it
found was the extermination of the humans. The commander
MORRIS, leader of the resistance, advances through the
portal, reaching a wide-open valley near the sea where
TERRA and his army awaited them for their battle with the
sound of heat noon.

MORRIS, thanks to the rupture of the gaps, they went to

the past and carried prehistoric animals, they begin to
advance and they can hear horses gallops and roars of
pterodactyls and T-rex, the TERRA army moves forward with
their robots and they begin to shoot lasers, planes
flying around dropping bombs, blood flows and the first
heads of the resistance are decapitated, the robots are
winning but Morris and the resistance begin to gain the
upper hand, the cannons of pirate ships shoot at the
armies of TERRA in the distance, it can overheard the
short circuits sound from the robots, TERRA enters a
giant robot and starts running to catch up with MORRIS,
he sends out the velociraptor riders, many quick
footsteps are heard running but the sound of TERRA's
robot footsteps overwhelmed everyone, you hear how MORRIS
goes down from his reptile and climbs onto a pterodactyl
and carries a laser from a robot that was on the ground,
an army of aerial dinosaurs is heard attacking the robot,
like bird pecks, hitting, lasers sound firing while TERRA
waves her arms trying to get rid of them, one of them
risks his life and to throws him selves against the chest
of the robot where TERRA was, you hear the glass break
and MORRIS screams and He throws toward the breach before
it is fixed, a soldier throws a spear at him from a
robot's an unbreakable glass and MORRIS is heard falling
on the metal surface of TERRA's robot, then throws the
spear to catch it against the wall and Morris runs to the
nearest computer and inserts a USB which contains a virus
capable of destroying TERRA and everything all that it
has caused, it is heard as loading while files are
deleted from the command center, TERRA screams and MORRIS
launches to land and leave his bird, followed the
resistance withdraws as far as possible from the place
and a big explosion occurs, TERRA was destroyed by its
ambition and humanity was back in control.

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