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Class-30 (11/09/21) VAS (Value Added Services)

Target process: storage process (PIBD)

1. Unload : (Door-Bin to GR-Zone)

2. Decon : (GR-Zone to Decon-Bin) -> Work/Action (Deconsolidation) ->
3. VAS : (Decon-Bin to VAS-Bin) -> Work/Action (VAS activity) ->
4. Putaway : (VAS-Bin to Unit-Bin)

VAS (Value Added Services):

Print label/Add Preservatives/ Add paint/ Gift packing

- will use VAS Order to complete VAS step

Pack spec

External Step


Workcenter config:

-> Define Storage Type : BVAS

-> Create Storage Bin : WBA1-VAS-BIN

-> Define Work Center: BVAS (Assign storage type, External step and Workcenter
layout defined)

-> Define VAS workcenter Layout - VAS1

-> /SCWM/TWORKST - Define Master Data Attributes (Assign VAS-BIN to VAS Workcenter)

Storage process config:

-> Define External Step: BJVS

-> Storage Process - Definition - BJVS

Assign Storage Process Step (add VAS as 3rd step)

-> Process-Oriented Storage Control ( Assign destination bin and WPT 3060 for VAS
New WPT setup:
-> Define Warehouse Process Type - B013 | and assign above new storage process
defined to WPT
-> Define Control Indicators for Determining Warehouse Process Types - 02
-> Determine Warehouse Process Type - with new process type determination indicator

-> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway - Add search sequence for new
WPT combination

VAS related Config:

-> Define Number Range for VAS Order (Create number range, not required if already
defined in Masterdata node)
-> Define Relevance for VAS (Assign 0VSI procedure in the combination of Document
type/Item type)
-> Warehouse Number-Dependent VAS Settings (Assign number range)

Master data:
-> /SCWM/MAT1 - Assign new process type determination indicator in product master
-> /SCWM/PACKSPEC - Create pack spec with 0VSI condition and activate to create VAS
order automatically.

User scenario:
1. VL01N - Create inbound delivery in ECC and both products in one HU
2. /SCWM/PRDI - Check the inbound delivery created in EWM
3. /SCWM/PRDI - Select the first line item and select 'Display additional data'
button and select option 'Display VAS Order' from list to check the VAS order
4. Create WT for Unload and check the WTs created for warehouse request
5. Confirm unload WT and check the Decons WT created
6. Confirm Decons WT and goto /SCWM/DCONS tcode to complete Deconsolidation step
7. Upon Deconsolidation step completion, SAP create another WT to move HU from
Decon-bin to VAS-Bin
8. Conform WT to move HU to VAS-Bin, then goto tcode: /SCWM/VASEXEC to complete VAS
9. Upon VAS step confirmation system create another WT to move HU from VAS-BIN to
Final destination bin
10. Confirm an check the stock status in final bin

Class-31 (13/09/21) LOSC (Layout Oriented Storage Control)

LOSC (Layout Oriented Storage Control):

HU/ Non-HU for both we can use LOSC

Generally we use LOSC for Material Flow System - To handle Conveyor belts/Stacker
cranes/ Transfer cars

Target Process:
1. Unload : (Door-Bin to GR-Zone)
2. Decon : (GR-Zone to Decon-Bin) -> Work/Action (Deconsolidation) ->
3. VAS : (Decon-Bin to VAS-Bin) -> Work/Action (VAS activity) ->
6. Putaway : (FFLA-BIN to Unit-Bin)

-> Define storage types : GFLA and FFLA

-> Define Bins for above storage types (GFLA-BIN and FFLA-BIN)

-> Define Layout-Oriented Storage Process Control

Can we combine POSC with LOSC: Yes

What is the rule: At least one POSC step should be there before LOSC

****************OUTBOUND SCENARIOS**********************
Class-32 (14/09/21) Outbound Delivery Integration

Inbound process:
ECC: Vendor --> PO --> IBD ||EWM: IDN --> ID(WR) --> WT --> WT Confirm -> Goods

Outbound Process:
ECC: Customer --> Sales Order --> Outbound delivery || EWM: Outbound delivery
Request(ODR) --> Outbound delivery Order (ODO)/(WR) -> WT (Pick) -> WT Confirm -->
packing --> Goods Issue --> Outbund delivery (OD)
(Acknowledgement docuement)

we required customer to Create a Sales Order

-> Create Customer: WBA1-CUS01 (Tcode: XD01/02/03)

-> CIF Customer - CFM1/CFM2

-> Create Sales Order (Tcode: VA01)

Order Type : OR
Sales Org.: 1000
Distribution Channel: 01
Division: 00

-> Sold-to-Party: To whom we are selling the product

-> Ship-to-party: To Whom we are shipping the product

-> Create SO(Tcode: VA01)

SO# 19360

-> Create Outbound Delivery (Tcode: VL01N)

OBD# 0080019256

Outbound Delivery(ECC) Outbound delivery Request(EWM) Outbound

delivery Order (EWM)
Doc.Cat : J --> ODR --->
Doc. Type : LF --> OUTB --->

Item.Cat : _ DLV --->

Item.Type : TAN --> ODLV --->

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Interfaces -> ERP Integration -> Delivery Processing
-> Map Document Types from ERP System to EWM
-> Map Item Types from ERP System to EWM

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Issue Process -> Outbound Delivery

-> Define Document Types for Outbound Delivery Process

-> Define Item Types for Outbound Delivery Process

-> Define Document Type Determination for Outbound Delivery Process

-> Define Item Type Determination for Outbound Delivery Process
Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Cross-Process Settings -> Delivery - Warehouse Request

-> Number Ranges

-> Maintain Process Code Profiles
-> Define Status Profiles
-> Define Quantity Offsetting Profiles
-> Define Text Profiles with Access Sequences
-> Define Field Control Profiles
-> Define Incompleteness Profiles
-> Define Action Profiles and Actions
-> Define Partner Profiles
-> Define Reference Document Type Profiles
-> Define Date Profiles

For WPT determination:

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Cross-Process Settings -> Warehouse Task
-> Define Warehouse Process Type
-> Determine Warehouse Process Type

WPT: 2010

Sto.Type: BOGI

Class-33 (15/09/21) Outbound - Picking Strategies

Customer --> BP --> Role: Customer , ID Type: CRM002


EWM: ODR --> ODO(WR) --> Picking +Packing --> Goods Issue --> OD (Acknowledment doc
to ECC)

WPT: 2010

WH No +Document type + Item Type + PTDI + Delivery priority = WPT

WBA1 + OUTB + ODLV + + = 2010 (Desti.Bin :


Picking Strategies:

FIFO (First In First Out): GR-Date

LIFO (Last In First Out):

GR date Decending --> LIFO

GR date Assending --> FIFO

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Issue Process -> Strategies
-> Specify Stock Removal Rule
-> Define Stock Removal Control Indicator
-> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence
-> Define Stock Removal Control Indicator
-> Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal
-> Optimization of Access Strategies for Stor. Type Determination in Stck Rmvl

Class-35 (17/09/21) Outbound - POSC process

POSC in Outbound:

1. Pick
2. Pack
3. Vas
4. Stag
5. load

Storage process : Multi step movements

Inbound scenario: in WPT we assign Storage process

outbound scenario: WPT --> in WOCR (Warehouse Order Creation Rule) we assign
Storage process

Target Process:
1. pick
2. Stag

-> External Storage Process Step - BJPI / BJST

-> Storage Process - Definition - BOUT

-> Assign Storage Process Step

-> Define Creation Rule for Warehouse Orders - WCR1

-> Define Warehouse Process Type - 2011

-> Determine Warehouse Process Type

-> Determine Storage Type Search Sequence for Stock Removal ( for New WPT

-> Assign External Step of staging (BJST) to Storage type BOGI in storage type

**** To Work with Storage process HU is mandatory****

In EWM create WT for the Outbound delivery Order --> Create pick HU before
confirming WT --> Confirm WT --> Post Goods Issue --> Observe HUs transferred to
ECC in Outbound delivery

Target Process:

1. Pick (UNIT-BIN)
2. Pack (UNIT-BIN to PACK-BIN) --> Action (Workcenter)
3. Stag (PACK-BIN to STAG-BIN)

-> External Storage Process Step - BJPK
-> Storage Process - Definition - BOUT
-> Assign Storage Process Step

-> Define Storage Type (for pack workcenter) Role: E, External Step: PPAC
-> Create a bin (Tcode: /SCWM/LS01 : WBA1-PACK-BIN)

-> Define Work Center (For packing action) - BPAC

-> Specify Work Center Layout - VPMX

-> /SCWM/TWORKST - Define Master Data Attributes (Assign Bin to packing workcenter)

-> Process-Oriented Storage Control (2nd step in process Oriented control


=> Run user scenario with pack step

Class-36 (20/09/21) Staging Area and Door determination

Inbound: Storage process --> WPT

Outbound: Storage process --> WOCR --> WPT

Target Process:
1. Pick
2. Pack
3. Stag (9020 - GI-Zone)

Note: Staging area assigned to WPT in erlier scenarios. Now below configuration
determain Staging Area and Door automatically

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Master Data -> Staging Areas
-> Define Staging Areas

Staging area Group = Storage type with role = D - BIGR | BOGI

Staging Area = Storage section under storage type with role 'D' - BISM |

-> Define Staging Area and Door Determination Groups - BLRG | BSML

Path: Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Master Data -> Warehouse Door
-> Define Warehouse Door : DISM | DIBM || DOSM | DOBM (Defined 2 doors for inbound
and 2 doors for outbound)

-> Assign Staging Area/Door Determination Group to Door (Here we are allowing with
product can use which door by using door determination group)

-> Assign Staging Area to Warehouse Door (Here we assigning the staging are to be
used to access the door)

-> Define Bins for in staging storage types:

-> Define Bins for in Door storage types:

Path: Easy Access Menu-> EWM -> Settings -> Shipping and Receiving

-> /SCWM/STADET_IN - Staging Area and Door Determination (Inbound)

[Here, maintain the staging area and door to be used to Staging area/Door
determination Group.
We can also use other combinations like WPT, HU type and Means of Transport for
-> /SCWM/STADET_OUT - Staging Area and Door Determination (Outbound)
[Here, maintain the staging area and door to be used to Staging area/Door
determination Group.
We can also use other combinations like Route, WPT, HU type, Means of
Transport, Carrier and Ship-to-party for determination]

-> /SCWM/STADET_ASS - Access Sequence to Staging Areas and Door Determination

[Here, we can maintain the proarity for the combinations we maintained in
previous steps when system satisfy multiple entries]

-> Remove staging area bin details from WPT

Note: If storage process active then remove staging bin for staging step and select
'Rule Based'

=> Run outbound scenario and check the staging bin selecting

=> Config to add new step for Loading

Loading (Source: STAG-BIN, Dest: DOOR-BIN)

-> External Storage Process Step - BJLD

-> Storage Process - Definition - BOBD

-> Assign Storage Process Step

-> Process-Oriented Storage Control - Add new Step PLOD then Assign 3070 WPT and
select 'Rule based' to determain door bin.

-> Assign External Step of loading (BJLD) to Storage type 9040 in storage type

Path: Path: Easy Access Menu-> EWM -> Master data -> Shipping and Receiving
-> /SCWM/DOOR_SCU - Assign Door Storage Bin and Supply Chain Unit

Note: Make sure attribute 'DOOR' assigned to Supply chain unit before assign SCU to
/SCMB/SCUMAIN - Maintain Supply Chain Unit

Path: Easy Access Menu-> EWM -> Settings

-> /SCWM/GMBIN_DET - Maintain Goods Movement Bin Determination ( Here assign Goods
movement bin as Door-Bin. with this setup system finally issue stock from this bin)

=> Run outbound scenario and check staging area and Door determaining automatically
once ORO created.

Class-38 (22/09/21) Warehouse Order Creation Rules (WOCR)

Inbound: WPT --> Storage process

Outbound: WPT --> WOCR1 --> Storage process-1

WOCR2 --> Storage Process-2

Activity area | Activity --> BWC1 -- Storage process-1

Activity area | Activity --> BWC2 -- Storage process-2

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Cross-Process Settings -> Warehouse Order

-> Define Creation Rule for Warehouse Orders - Create two WOCR without filters
-> Define Search Sequence of Creation Rules for Activity Areas - Assign WOCR to
activity area|Activity in a sequence

-> Remove WOCR from WPT

=> Create warehouse order and check WOCR selected

-> Define Filters for Warehouse Order Creation Rules - select Item filter
Create two filters with less than 5Kgs and More than 5 Kgs. Assign Filters
to WOCR in defination

=> Check product weight and create WO. then check WOCR selected

Filters - Item Filter and Sub total filter(sum weights of produts and apply filter)

WBEL-MAT01 - 6 Kgs X 2 = 12 Kgs

10 EA X 6 Kgs = 60kgs

2 Split

Note: For sub total filter use 'Consolidation Group' as Creation Cat. in WOCR

-> Define Limit Values for the Size of a Warehouse Order

[Here, we can define the limits to create WO based on item count per WO,
Weight, Volume and No.of HUs per WO]
Assign the limit in WOCR defination

=> Create warehouse Request with Multiple items and check limit functionality

=> Config for Auto Pick-HU

-> Define Sort Rules for Warehouse Tasks

-> Define Sort Rules
-> Define Sort Fields

-> Define Packing Profile for Warehouse Order Creation

-> Define Creation Rule for Warehouse Orders - Assign Packing profile to WOCR

-> Create a packspec with condition type: 0BDL and Activate

=> Create a WO and check pick HU created

Class-39 (25/09/21) Waves

Waves: Waves are groupings of warehouse request items to control warehouse

activities like picking.

WR1 - Cust1: Mat1 - 10 Qty

WR2 - Cust2: Mat1 -5 Qty & Mat2 -15 Qty
WR3 - Cust3: Mat2- 10 Qty
WR4 - Cust4: Mat1 -10 Qty

Wave template:
Cut-off time : 1:00 PM
Realese : 1:15 PM
pick start : 1:15 PM
Pick complete : 2:15 PM
Pack Start : 2:30 PM
Pack Complete : 3:30 PM
Stag start : 3:45 PM
Stag Complete : 4:45 PM
loading Start : 5:00 PM
Load End : 6:00 PM

Mat1: 25 Qty -- Wave1

mat2: 25 Qty -- Wave2

WR1 - Mat1 - 10 Qty
WR2 - mat1 - 5 Qty
WR4 - Mat1 - 10 Qty


Condition technique: Based on Wareahouse Number and product


-> Define Number Range Intervals for Wave - Done

-> Assign Number Range Intervals to Warehouse Number - Done

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Issue Process -> Wave Management -> General Settings
-> Maintain Wave Types - WT01 | WT02

-> Maintain Wave Categories - C1 | C2

-> Set Automatic Wave Generation for Warehouse Process Type

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Issue Process -> Wave Management -> Wave Template
-> Define Field Catalog
-> Define Condition table : ZBWAVE
-> Define Access sequence : BWAV
-> Define Condition Types : BWAV
-> Define Determination Procedure: BWAV ; Application: WME ; Usage: WD

-> Assign Procedure to Document Type

-> Define Condition Maintenance Group

Condition Technique config overall: WH NO + Document type = Procedure -->

Condition type -> Access sequence -> Condition table -> Fields

-> /SCWM/WAVETMP - Maintain Wave Templates

-> /SCWM/WDGCM - Maintain Conditions for Determining Wave Templates

-> /SCWM/WAVE - To create Wave Manually

Class-40 (27/09/2021) 2-step picking

2-Step Picking:

WR1 - Mat1 - 10 Qty
WR2 - mat1 - 5 Qty
WR4 - Mat1 - 10 Qty

Total : 25 Qty

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Issue process -> Wave management -> General Settings
-> Set Up Two-Step Picking

-> Define Storage Type : 2010

-> Create Storge Bin : 2STEP-PICK

-> Define Warehouse Process Type - Assign storage type and bin created above as

-> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence - with new WPT combination

-> Optimization of access strategies for storage type determination - Give first
sequence qith 2-step combintion

-> Update the product master with 2-step indicator - 2

Class-41 (28/09/21) Internal Warehouse Movements

Ad Hoc Moves: An Ad Hoc move is a transfer of a Product or a Handling Unit (HU)

from one location to another location

/SCWM/ADPROD – To move product from one bin to another bin

/SCWM/ADHU – To move HU with full content from one bin to another bin

Posting change: Posting changes can be generated directly in EWM using tcode:

Example: Product is posted from Unrestricted-use stock (Stock Type-F2) to Blocked

stock (Stock type-B2)


During the replenishment, a quantity of a material is moved from a reserve area to

a primary or forward picking area

In EWM there are five basic replenishment strategies namely:

Planned replenishment
Order-Based replenishment
Crate part replenishment
Direct replenishment
Automatic replenishment

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Internal Warehouse Processes -> Replenishment Control
-> Activate Replenishment Strategies in Storage Types
-> Maintain Document/Item Categories for Replenishment Warehouse Request

Path: SAP Menu -> EWM -> Work Scheduling

-> /SCWM/REPL - Schedule Replenishment

Class-42 (30/09/21) Slotting

BFIX - Fixed Bins

BNFX - Near Fixed Bins

-> Activate Replenishment Strategies in Storage Types

-> Maintain Document/Item Categories for Replenishment Warehouse Request - SRPL/


-> /SCWM/REPL - Schedule Replenishment

Slotting: Slotting is a program to update optimum PACI, SRCI, SSI, BT

by using Codition records we can determain new PACI, SRCI, SSI, BT

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Receipt Process -> Slotting -> Masterdata - Config. not
required as we alredy created PACI, SRCI, SSI, BT

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Goods Receipt Process -> Slotting -> Condition Technique:
Here, We define the procedures for PACI/SRCI, SSI and BT determination

-> Edit Condition Table for Putaway Control Indicator - BPTY

-> Edit Condition Table for Storage Section - BSSI
-> Edit Condition Table for Storage Bin Type - BBNT

-> Edit Access Sequences for Putaway Control Indicator - BPTY

-> Edit Access Sequences for Storage Section - BSSI
-> Edit Access Sequences for Bin Type - BBNT

-> Edit Condition Types for Putaway Control Indicator

-> Edit Determination Procedure for Putaway Control Indicator- Application: CON ,
Usage : PU
-> Edit Determination Procedure for Storage Section- Appl: CON, Usage : SC

-> Edit Determination Procedure for Bin Type - Appl: CON, Usage: BT

-> Assign Determination Procedure

-> Create Condition Maintenance Group

-> Register Condition Maintenance Group

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Masterdata -> product

-> Define Warehouse Product Group

Path: SAP Menu -> EWM -> Master Data -> Slotting
-> /SCWM/GCMC - Condition Maintenance for Slotting
-> /SCWM/SLOT - Slot Products for Warehouse

Class-42 (08/07/21) Rearrngement

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Internal Warehouse Processes -> Warehouse Optimization
-> Specify Default Warehouse Process Type for Rearrangement - 3020
-> Specify Document Type and Item Type for Rearrangement - SREA / SREA
-> Define Warehouse Process Type - 3020 check

-> Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway: With WPT 3020
-> Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence

UNIT : 10

RACK: 70

FAST: 20

SLOW: 50

PLST: 10

STND: 50

ST1: 10 ; SS: 25 , BT :70 = 105

ST2: 30, SS: 25, BT: 70 = 125

-> /SCWM/REAR - Rearrangement


UNIT + 3020 --> UNIT = UNIT | RACK

Class-44 (05/10/21) Physical Inventory

physical inventory:

1. Contineuous Inventory - Ad-Hoc invntory

2. Periodic inventory - Every Year - All products
3. Cycle Counting - Regular intervals

Cycle counting indicators:

A : 30 days
B : 60 days
C : 90 days

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Internal Warehouse Processes -> Physical Inventory ->
Physical-Inventory-Area-Specific Settings
-> Define Physical Inventory Area

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Internal Warehouse Processes -> Physical Inventory ->
Warehouse-Number-Specific Settings
-> Assign Physical Inventory Area to Activity Area
-> Define Number Range for Physical Inventory Documents
-> Specify Physical-Inventory-Specific Settings in the Warehouse
-> Configure Cycle Counting
-> Define Tolerance Groups
-> Define Priorities
-> Define Reason for Physical Inventory

/SCWM/PI_CREATE : Create PI document

/SCWM/PI_PROCESS : Process PI document
/SCWM/PI_COUNT : Enter count results
/SCWM/DIFF_ANALYZER : Post the differences to ECC
/SCWM/PI_USER_DIFF : Assign user to tolerance group for the difference analyser
/SCWM/PI_USER : Assign user to tolerance group for posting and recount

-> /SCWM/PRPI_GCM - Create Condition Records for Printing (Physical Inventory)

Class-45 (14/07/21) Resource Management - Queue Assignment

Resource Management:

Resource: it can be Mechine /Worker/Forklift/ high pickers

Queue: Picking / Putaway / INTL


WO: Excecutable package - We assign Resource and Queue at WO level

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Cross-Process Settings -> Resource Management

-> Define Queue Types: INBD | INTL | OUTB

-> Define Queues: INBD-MACH, INBD-MANU

-> Define Queue Determination Criteria - WH NO | Source AA | Dest. AA | WPT |


-> Define Queue Access Sequences

Class-46 (07/10/21) Resource Management

Path: SPRO -> EWM -> Cross-Process Settings -> Resource Management

-> Define Bin Access Types

-> Define Resource Types

Path: SAP Menu -> EWM -> Masterdata -> Resource Management
-> /SCWM/RGRP - Maintain Resource Group
-> /SCWM/QSEQ - Maintain Queue Sequence for Resource Group
-> /SCWM/RSRC - Maintain Resource
-> /SCWM/EXECPR - Maintain Execution Priorities
-> /SCWM/USER - Maintain Users

1. from the resource assigned to user system understand the resource type(Manual/
2. From the resource type system understand which bin types he can access and which
HU types he can handle
3. From the queue assigned to the resource system allow specific user to handle
movements in warehouse.


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