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Directorate of Education GNCT of Delhi

Subject: Science Worksheet:12 Date:02/08/2021

Class:IX Name of Student……………… Name of Class Teacher…...……………


Jigyasa purchased a packet of salt and Milk on which ‘PURE’ is written. Here
the word Pure suggests that these consumables do not have any
adulteration in them.

Gyan, Are they scientifically pure too?

No didi , scientifically a “Pure substance” means all of its constituents must

have the same chemical nature, but here it is not so. Like Milk is a mixture
of water, Fats and protein etc. which have different chemical properties.
Most of the substances/matter around us is mixtures only like Air, Soil,
and Milk etc.

The substances that MmMIXTURE
are formed by simple मिश्रण
mixing of two or more Homogeneous
Heterogeneous Mixture:
pure elements or Mixture:
compounds where no A mixture in which A mixture in which the
chemical reaction takes the constituents are
constituents are not
place are called as uniformly distributed
throughout without uniformly distributed
any clear boundary of throughout and has visible
The components of a separation. The boundary of separation
mixture can be constituents are not
separated by physical easily between its constituents. eg.
methods like filtration, mixture of sugar, salt sugar and sand mixture,
boiling, using a magnet and water, Air. dirty water, salt and iron
filings mixture.

Check Yourself: -
1. What do you understand by the term Mixture?
2. Write the differences between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures with
3. Categorise the following as Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixtures:
Mixture of Chalk and soil, mixture of wheat flour and water, soda water and
4. Which type of mixture is Air? Explain.
Directorate of Education GNCT of Delhi
Subject: Mathematics Worksheet: 12 Date: 02/08/2021
Class: IX Name of Student……………………… Name of Class Teacher…...……………
Hello Students, today we are going to discuss number representation on number line.

Number Line : A line on which numbers are marked at intervals, used to illustrate simple numerical operations.
Representation of -2 on number line Representation of 2 on number line

Negative Integers Positive Integers / Natural Numbers

neither positive nor negative integers

Whole Numbers

Representation of Rational Numbers on Number Line

� � −� −� −�
Example : How to show given rational numbers on number line ? i) , ii) , iii) , iv) −�
, v) , vi)
� � � �� ��

3 7 3 −5
i) = 0.75 0 < 0.75 < 1 , ii) = 1 = 1.75 1 < 1.75 < 2 , iii) = - 0.83 - 1 < - 0.83 < 0
4 4 4 6
−� −3 −2
Iv ) ��
= - 0.45 - 1 < - 0.45 < 0 Likewise for v) 11
, vi) 11

Try Yourself
1. Represent following numbers on number line
7 7 8 9
i) - 2 ii) 7 iii) 4 iv) - 4 v) 11 vi) - 11

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मशक्षा निदे शालय, राष्ट्रीय राजधािी क्षेत्र, ददल्ली
विषय : दहंदी कायभपत्रक : 12 नतचथ: 02/08/2021
कक्षा : 9 विद्याथी का िाम ……………………… कक्षाध्यापक का िाम …...……………..

जो शबदाांश ककस़ी शबद के अांत में जड

ु कर नए शबदों का ननमािण करते हैं उन्हें प्रत्यय कहा जाता है । जैसे –

‘पन' प्रत्यय से बनने वाले शबद - लडका - लडकपन, बच्चा – बचपन, छोटा - छुटपन

‘इया' प्रत्यय से बनने वाले शबद – डिबबा – डिबबया, खाट – खटटया, लोटा – लुटटया

‘ईला' प्रत्यय से बनने वाले शबद – रस – रस़ीला, चमक – चमकीला, बर्ि – बर्ीला, गवि - गवीला

सितारों में सिखे प्रत्ययों िे एक एक नए शब्द बनाकर बादिों में सिखे गए हैं। आप भी ऐिे ही उन्हीं प्रत्ययों िे नए शब्द बनाकर
सितारों िे जुडे बादिों में सिखें –

कलाकार कार



ु ानदार

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नियममत रूप से अपिे हाथों को साबि

ु और पािी से धोएँ l

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