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Module 2

1. Create an advocacy poster on antiabortion with a scoring rubric.

Category 4 3 2

Coverage of Topic The topic speaks to It can be seen in the I can’t connect the
its self, This is a hot Title. It’s a child not a world child and
issue of today’s world choice not an choice there.
many people accident or anything
considered Children
Use of Graphics It’s elegant but not There’s a connection It’s simple.
bad. from the topic about

Layout and design Just like what I said, It’s simple. It’s a common topic
It’s elegant which
gives me the
minimalist and calm
vibe it suits the topic.

2. Reflection paper on the prenatal development and the hazards that might be
encountered during this stage.
During each prenatal stage, Development can be influenced by both genetic and
environmental influences. For the rest of its life, the developing fetus is
completely reliant on the mother. It is important that the mother looks after herself
and receives prenatal care, which is medical care given during pregnancy to
monitor both the mother and the fetus's health. Prenatal care must be routine
because it lowers the risk of difficulties for both mother and the fetus during
pregnancy. In reality, women who are attempting to conceive or who may
conceive should talk to their doctor about pregnancy planning. They may be
encouraged to take a folic acid-containing vitamin to help avoid some birth
defects, or to make note of certain aspects of their diet or exercise routines.
Remember that the placenta is generated when the zygote connects to the
mother's uterus wall. The fetus receives nutrition and oxygen from the placenta. The
placenta transports almost everything the woman consumes, including food, liquid,
and even medication, to the fetus, hence the term "eating for two."
Women who use drugs or alcohol during pregnancy, as you may know, can harm
their children for the rest of their lives. Some have campaigned for obligatory testing
for pregnant women with a history of drug misuse, as well as arrest, prosecution, and
incarceration if the women continue to use. The policy, called the Interagency Policy
on Substance Abuse Management During Pregnancy, had terrible consequences.

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