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Q1. Write about the importance of communication skills.

Ans. Communication is an important tool of life. It helps us to share our thought, emotions and ideas in a comprehensible, clear and efficient way. It
enables us to inform, share knowledge, express feelings and influence others.

Human ability to communicate (through a language) has provided great benefits in all-round development of mankind. There is a difference between to
inform about something and to influence about something. A simple conversation might be considered as a mere transfer to information, but an
influencing conversation can help you to perform better in almost all fields including our academics and to achieve your career goals.

Q2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?

Ans. Verbal communication is a method of communication that involves a common language that helps to interact and interpret ideas, views, emotions,

Advantages of verbal communication :-

i. It is a fast method of communication.

ii. It helps to get quick response.
iii. It enables to understand the mood of the person

Disadvantages of verbal communication:-

i. It fails to fill the gap of cultural differences between the sender and the receiver if there happens to be a language barrier.
ii. Due to lack of time, the delivery maybe misinterpreted if the receiver does not understand instantly.
iii. There is no evidence of verbal communication if the speaker denies his promise or agreement.

Q3. Write about the mantras of self-management.

Ans. There are many aspects and skills that help to strengthen self-management and help in regulating our day-to-day activities while
dealing with multiple aspects of life. Some of them are:-
i. Self-awareness :
It means to have a clear perception of our personality. It helps us to realize our inner potential, likes , dislikes, strengths and
weakness and assist in planning accordingly.
ii. Self-control:
Self-control is the ability to regulate our emotions, thoughts and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses .
iii. Self-Confidence:

It means to have faith in ourselves and self-affirmation of completing any kind of tasks.

iv. Problem solving:

It is being fearless in the face of any difficult situation and finding solutions to any kind of problems.

v. Self-motivation:
It is an approach to keep ourselves inspired, motivated, encouraged and energetic

vi. Personal Hygiene:

It is the habit of keeping ourselves clean, healthy and smart while presenting ourselves.

Q4. Explain Digi locker.

Ans. Digital locker is a facility that has been launched under Digital India scheme for properly organizing & storing the document of a citizen. It has
been introduced by the government of India to enable to keep essential certificates or documents of an individual for verification or sharing of the
documents with the government organization or other entities as & when required.

Q5. Explain the role and importance of ICT in the Education, and Healthcare system .

Ans. The role and importance of ICT in the field of education because it has made it convenient to impart knowledge efficiently anywhere around the
globe. It is helpful to make the teaching and learning an active and continuous process that can be connected to the social life of all citizens, as it has
the potential of wide reach and increased access in remote and rural places.

Example- virtual class, video conferencing ,online examination.

Advantages of using ICT tools in education are:-

 Access to Remote learning

 Use of Media
 Easier Explanation
 Interaction
 Environmental Saving

Q6. Why http is considered as a stateless protocol?

Ans. HTTP is called a stateless protocol because it does not keep the previously executed command in memory.

Q7. Explain URL and its types.

Ans. Uniform Resource locator (URL). It identifies the location of web site or a web page on the internet. Each web page has a unique address called
URL that identifies its location on the internet. Web browsers utilizes the URL to open or to retrieve files on internet.

The 2 types of URLs are:-

i. Absolute URL:
Absolute URLs are the URLs with complete interest address specifying the location of a resource from its parent document (the document
file that links to it). Relative URLs are used to refer links on the same server as the page that contains them.
ii. Relative URL:
A relative URL is not fully complete but it inherits the protocol, host and path information from its parent document. Relative URLs are
used to refer links on the same server as the page that contains them.

Q8. Explain about the barriers in communication.

Ans. The barriers affecting the communication are: -


LANGUAGE Sometimes a conveyer does not find correct or suitable words to convey his
message and remains hesitant to express his views. Such problems also occur
when there is a difference in the language of two different person.
VISUAL PRECEPTION It is about having a prejudice view about someone. It refers to pre-notion of
brain to sense what we see through our eyes.
PAST EXPERIENCE The experience from a past event sometimes block our mind
PREJUSDICE It is kind of pre-conceived opinion or pre-notion which stops us from
communicating with an open mind.
FEELINGS Feelings often from a negative image and complicate situation if the words spoken
are not delivered effectively.
ENVIRONMENT Sometimes the hindrances in the environment makes communication difficult as
because of noise or other distraction.
PERSONAL FACTOR Sometimes a conversation depends on our mood, fear, or low confidence which
makes a difficult to communicate.
CULTURE Sometimes customized outfits can convey different meanings in different culture,
such as showing a thumb may mean ‘good job’ done for some people but may be
insulting for others.

Q9. What is public speaking? Explain how the 3P’s helpful in public speaking?
Ans. Public speaking is a way of communication in which a speaker delivers idea or content to a group of audience. It is generally one-
sided communication in which a single speaker conveys his message. Practicing public speaking helps to overcome fear, nervousness and
The 3 p’s of public speaking are: -
i. Prepare- A speaker should deeply visualise and things and gather knowledge about the topic.
ii. Practice- He should try to practice reading the content before a mirror and make sure to maintain proper pace while reading it.
iii. Perform- He should make himself comfortable and stay relaxed, take deep breaths and start speaking, while maintaining proper eye contact
with the audience.

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