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Rezumat Summary
Introducere: Prurigo nodular este o dermatozã de Introduction: Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a dermatosis
cauzã necunoscutã caracterizatã prin apariþia de papule ºi of unknown etiology, characterized by extremely pruritic
noduli intens pruriginoºi localizaþi simetric pe feþele papules and nodules symmetrically located on the extensor
extensoare ale membrelor ºi uneori pe trunchi. Prurigo sides of the limbs and sometimes on the trunk. The etiology
nodular apare în contextul unor afecþiuni dermatologice, of PN has been associated with thyroid diseases, diabetes,
sistemice, neurologice sau psihiatrice. Prezentãm cazul chronic renal failure, cholestatic autoimmune hepatitis,
unei paciente cu prurigo nodular asociat cu poliendo- internal neoplasia, HIV and HCV infection and psychiatric
crinopatie autoimunã. disorders. We present the case of a female patient with PN
Caz clinic: Pacientã în vârstã de 43 de ani cunoscutã associated with autoimmune polyendocrinopathy.
Clinical case: A 43 years old female patient known
cu prurigo nodular de circa 10 ani, cu DZ tip 1 insulino-
with PN for about 10 years, with type 1 insulin-dependent
dependent din 2010 complicat cu boalã renalã cronicã
diabetes mellitus complicated with stage 3 chronic kidney
stadiul III, ºi boala Basedow-Graves din 2014, se interneazã
disease, with Basedow-Graves disease since 2014, is
în clinica noastrã în noiembrie 2017 prezentând astenie
admitted into our clinic in October 2017 with the following
neuromuscularã cu agravare progresivã, tulburãri gastro-
accuses: progressively altering neuromuscular asthenia,
intestinale, cu hiperpigmentare tegumentarã progresivã, cu gastrointestinal disturbances, progressive hyperpigmen-
noduli hiperpigmentaþi, intens pruriginoºi, escoriaþi, tation of the skin, intensely pruritic, hyperpigmented
diseminaþi simetric pe faþã, membre ºi trunchi. Coroborând nodules symmetrically disseminated on the trunk, limbs
datele clinice ºi investigaþiile paraclinice a fost stabilit and face. Corroborating clinical and laboratory data, the
diagnosticul de boala Addison în context de poliendo- diagnosis of Addison's disease in the context of auto-
crinopatie autoimunã. Examenul histopatologic al unui immune polyendocrinopathy was established. Histo-
nodul cutanat a indicat diagnosticul de prurigo nodular. pathological examination of a skin nodule indicated the
Pentru afecþiunea cutanatã s-a indicat terapie cu dapsonã diagnosis of PN. For the skin disorder, 200 mg dapsone
200 mg/zi, terapie sub care s-a observat dispariþia treptatã therapy was indicated, gradual disappearance of nodules

* Departamentul de Dermatologie, Facultatea de Medicinã, Universitatea Transilvania din Braºov / Department of Dermatology,
Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University of Braºov.
** Departamentul de Dermatologie, Spitalul Clinic Judeþean de Urgenþã din Braºov / Department of Dermatology, Emergency
Clinical County Hospital Braºov.
*** Departamentul de Dermatologie, Universitatea de Medicinã ºi Farmacie din Târgu-Mureº / Department of Dermatology,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu-Mureº.
**** Departamentul de Endocrinologie, Facultatea de Medicinã, Universitatea Transilvania din Braºov / Department of
Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University of Braºov.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

a nodulilor ºi a pruritului, rezidual rãmânând mici cicatrici and pruritus has been observed, residually remaining small
atrofice ºi acromice. atrophic and achromic scars.
Discuþii: Etiologia prurigoului nodular a fost asociatã Conclusions: The particularity of this case is the
cu afecþiunile tiroidiene, diabetul zaharat, insuficienþa association of nodular prurigo with three autoimmune
renalã cronicã, hepatita colestaticã autoimunã, neoplaziile diseases during an autoimmune polyendocrinopathy: type
interne, infecþia cu VHC sau cu HIV, ºi afecþiunile 1 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Graves’ disease and
psihiatrice. Addison disease.
Concluzii: Particularitatea cazului prezentat este Key words: prurigo nodularis, autoimmune poly-
asocierea prurigo-ului nodular cu trei afecþiuni autoimune endocrinopathy, Graves’ disease, Addison disease, diabetes
în cadrul unei poliendocrinopatii autoimune: diabet zaharat mellitus.
tip 1 insulino-dependent, boala Graves ºi boala Addison.
Cuvinte cheie: prurigo nodular, poliendocrinopatie
autoimunã, boala Basedow-Graves, boala Addison, diabet

Intrat în redacþie: 11.06.2019 Received: 11.06.2019

Acceptat: 25.09.2019 Accepted: 25.09.2019

Introducere Introductions
Prurigo nodular este o dermatozã de cauzã Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a dermatosis of
necunoscutã caracterizatã prin apariþia de papule unknown etiology characterized by extremely
ºi noduli intens pruriginoºi cu aspecte clinice ºi pruritic nodules with well-defined clinical and
histopatologice bine definite. [1] PN este caracte- histopathological aspects.[1] PN is characterized
rizat prin noduli numeroºi, persistenþi, intens by numerous, persistent, intensely pruritic
pruriginoºi, localizaþi simetric pe feþele exten- erupting on the extensor sides of the limbs
soare ale membrelor ºi uneori pe trunchi, occurring mainly in adults, especially middle-
apãrând în special la femei de vârstã medie.[2] aged women.[2] Once PN have occurred,
Odatã apãrute leziunile de PN, rezoluþia com- complete resolution of lesions is uncommon.
pletã a leziunilor este rarã. Pruritul ºi extensia Pruritus and progressive extension of involved
zonei implicate afecteazã profund viaþa pacien- area deeply affect the lives of the patients
þilor, influenþând activitãþile cotidiene ºi somnul. affecting everyday activities and sleep. The
PN apare în contextul unor afecþiuni dermato- etiology of PN has been associated with thyroid
logice, sistemice, neurologice sau psihiatrice.[3, 4] diseases, diabetes, chronic renal failure, cholesta-
Prezentãm cazul unei paciente cu prurigo tic autoimmune hepatitis, internal neoplasia, HIV
nodular asociat cu poliendocrinopatie auto- and HCV infection and psychiatric disorders.
imunã. [3, 4] We present the case of a female patient
with PN associated with autoimmune poly-
Caz clinic endocrinopathy.
Pacientã în vârstã de 43 de ani cunoscutã cu
Clinical case
PN de circa 10 ani, cu DZ tip 1 insulino-
dependent din 2010 complicat cu boalã renalã A 43 year old female patient diagnosed with
cronicã stadiul III, ºi boala Basedow-Graves din PN for about 10 years, with type 1 insulin-
2014 sub terapie cu antitiroidiene de sintezã, cu dependent diabetes mellitus complicated with
tulburare anxios-depresivã, se interneazã în stage 3 chronic kidney disease since 2010 and
clinica noastrã în noiembrie 2017 prezentând Basedow-Graves’ disease with antithyroid medi-
hiperpigmentare tegumentarã progresivã, cu cation since 2014, mixed anxiety-depressive
noduli hiperpigmentaþi, intens pruriginoºi, disorder, was admitted in our clinic in October
escoriaþi, diseminaþi simetric pe membre ºi 2017 presenting progressive cutaneous hyper-
trunchi. Anamneza nu a evidenþiat antecedente pigmentation, intensely pruritic, excoriated,
de traumatisme sau înþepãturi de insecte. hyperpigmented nodules symmetrically dissemi-

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

La examenul clinic general pacienta era nated on the limbs, trunk and face. Anamnesis
afebrilã, cu stare generalã mediocrã, cu astenie showed no history of trauma or insect bites.
marcatã cu agravare progresivã, cu exoftalmie General examination showed an afebrile
bilateralã, tulburãri gastrointestinale (greaþã, patient with mediocre general status, progressive
vãrsãturi repetate), scãdere progresivã în greutate worsening asthenia, bilateral exophthalmia,
cu þesut musculo-adipos slab reprezentat, pare- gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea and
stezii la nivelul membrelor bilateral. Zgomotele repeated vomiting), progressive weight loss, poor
cardiace erau ritmice dar bradicardice (AV 48 adipose tissue, paresthesia of the limbs, brady-
bpm) cu TA 80/50 mm Hg. Pacienta prezenta cardia (48 times a minute) and blood pressure
amenoree de 5 luni, testul de sarcinã fiind 80/50 mm Hg. The patient also presents amenor-
negativ. rhea for 5 months with negative pregnancy test.
Examenul dermatologic a evidenþiat un Dermatological examination revealed dry
tegument uscat, cu elasticitate scãzutã, cu skin with low elasticity, with numerous intensely
numeroºi noduli hiperpigmentaþi cu diametrul pruritic, excoriated, hyperpigmented nodules
de aproximativ 1 cm, intens pruriginoºi cu with a diameter of about 1 cm, presenting a crust
escoriaþii postgrataj, prezentând în centrul in the center. The nodules were disseminated
leziunii o masã hiperkeratozicã, diseminaþi pe across the lower and upper limbs, trunk and face.
trunchi, membrele superioare ºi inferioare, ºi faþã. The nodular lesions had an evolution of about 10
Leziunile nodulare aveau o evoluþie de aproxi- years, with the continuous development of new
mativ 10 ani, cu apariþia continuã de noi leziuni lesions while the older lesions regressed
pe mãsurã ce leziunile mai vechi regresau spontaneously or under therapy. An intense
progressive hyperpigmentation of the face,
spontan sau sub terapia topicã. La nivelul feþei,
palmar and greater folds started 6 months ago
marilor pliuri, gambelor ºi pliurilor palmare
(fig. 1, 2 and 3). In our case, differential diagnosis
pacienta prezenta o hiperpigmentaþie intensã cu
should be made with generalized eruptive
debut de circa 6 luni cu accentuare progresivã
keratoacanthomas, nodular pemphigoid, verru-
(Fig. 1, 2 si 3).
cous tuberculosis, cutaneous lymphomas, hyper-
În cazul clinic prezentat diagnosticul dife-
trophic lichen planus and nodular scabies.
renþial trebuie fãcut cu keratoacantoamele
Histopathological examination of a cutane-
eruptive generalizate, pemfigoidul nodular, TBC
ous nodule described important acanthosis with
verucos, limfoame cutanate, lichen plan hiper-
uneven elongation of interpapillary ridges,
trofic ºi scabia nodularã. hyperkeratosis with parakeratosis and hyper-
Examenul histopatologic efectuat de la granulosis. In the center of the lesion the
nivelul unui nodul cutanat a descris o acantozã epidermis was ulcerated by the presence of a
marcatã, cu alungirea inegalã a crestelor inter- fibrino-leukocytic exudate. Papillary dermis
papilare, cu hipergranulozã ºi hiperkeratozã cu presented extensive fibrosis with vertically
parakeratozã. În centrul leziunii epidermul oriented collagen bands. Deep dermis showed a
prezenta ulceraþie cu exsudat fibrinoleucocitar. discreet chronic perivascular lymphocytic
Dermul papilar prezenta fibrozã extinsã cu benzi infiltrate (fig. 4). Histopathological examination
de colagen orientate vertical. În dermul reticulat stated the diagnosis of prurigo nodularis.
superficial se constatã un discret infiltrat infla- Laboratory investigations showed eosino-
mator cronic limfocitar perivascular. Examenul philia (6.8%), hyponatremia, hyperkalemia,
histopatologic a indicat diagnosticul de prurigo increased values of glycaemia, glycosylate
nodular (Fig. 4). hemoglobin, urea and creatinine, increased
Examinãrile de laborator au relevat eozino- antithyreoperoxidase antibodies, ACTH, and low
filie (6,8%), hiponatremie, hiperkaliemie, valori basal and ACTH stimulated cortisol. Viral
crescute ale glicemiei, hemoglobinei glicozilate, markers for hepatitis B and C and HIV test were
ureei ºi creatininei, anticorpilor anti-tiroperoxi- negative (Table I).
dazã, ACTH-ului, valori scãzute ale cortizolului Chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, and
bazal ºi stimulat cu ACTH exogen (tabelul I). cerebral MRI have showed no pathological signs.

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

Figura 1 - Hiperpigmentare intensã a feþei, areolelor Figura 2 – Noduli hiperpigmentaþi, escoriaþi la nivelul
mamare, mâinilor ºi antebraþelor trunchiului
Figure 1 – Intense hyperpigmentation of the face, hands Figure 2 – Excoriated, hyperpigmented nodules on the
and forearms trunk

Figura 3 – Noduli escoriaþi pe fondul unui tegument Figura 4 – Prurigo nodular – aspect histopatologic
hiperpigmentat la nivelul gambelor (coloraþie HE)
Figure 3 – Excoriated nodules on hyperpigmented skin of Figure 4 – Prurigo nodularis – histopathological
extensor side of the calves appearance (hematoxylin and eosin stain)

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

Tabelul I – Valori de laborator Table I – Laboratory investigations

Investigaþie Valoare Valori Laboratory Patient Laboratory

de laborator pacientã de referinþã investigations values reference
(unitate) laborator (unit) values
Hb (g/dL) 12 11,7-15,5 Haemoglobin (g/dL) 12 11.7-15.5
Ht (%) 34,3 35-45 Hematocrit (%) 34.3 35-45
Leucocite (103/uL) 5,42 4-10 Leukocytes (103/uL) 5.42 4-10
Trombocite (103/uL) 248 150-450 Platelets (103/uL) 248 150-450
Glicemie (mg/dl) 144,46 75-105 Glycaemia (mg/dL) 144.46 75-105
Hb A1c (%) 7,7 4.8-5.6 Hb A1c (%) 7.7 4.8-5.6
Uree (mg/dl) 50,9 10-50 Urea (mg/dL) 50.9 10-50
Creatininã (mg/dl) 1,45 0,5-1,2 Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.45 0.5-1.2
Sodiu seric (mmol/L) 130 136-145 Seric sodium(mmol/L) 130 136-145
Potasiu seric (mmol/L) 6,84 3,5-5,1 Seric potassium (mmol/L) 6.84 3.5-5.1
FT4 (pmol/L) 11,6 12-22 FT4 (pmol/L) 11.6 12-22
TSH (uIU/mL) 5,09 0,27-4,5 TSH (uIU/mL) 5.09 0.27-4.5
Anticorpi anti-tiroglobulinã 0,2 0-100 Antithyroglobulin 0,2 0-100
(U/ml) antibodies (U/mL)
Anticorpi anti- 801,68 0-50 Anti-thyroid peroxidase 801.68 0-50
tiroperoxidaza (IU/ml) antibodies (IU/mL)
Estradiol (pg/ml) 31 <28 Estradiole (pg/mL) 31 <28
Testosteron (ng/ml) 0,23 0,14-0,76 Testosterone (ng/mL) 0.23 0.14-0.76
FSH (UI/L) 54,07 23-116,30 FSH (UI/L) 54.07 23-116.30
Cortizol bazal (nmol/L) 58,94 64-536 Basal cortisol (nmol/L) 58.94 64-536
Cortizol - test stimulare cu 61,23 64-536 Cortisol - ACTH stimulation 61.23 64-536
ACTH exogen (nmol/L) test (nmol/L)
ACTH (pmol/L) 1354 1,6-13,9 ACTH (pmol/L) 1354 1.6-13.9
G-6-PD (U/gHb) 9,8 8,0-13,0 G-6-PD (U/gHb) 9.8 8.0-13.0

Markerii virali pentru hepatitele B si C ºi testul Thyroid gland echography showed a homo-
HIV au fost negativi. genous structure with no nodular of cystic
Radiografia pulmonarã, ecografia abdomino- lesions, and parathyroid glands with increased
pelvinã ºi RMN-ul cerebral nu au evidenþiat diameters, homogenous globular structure, with
modificãri patologice. Ecografia glandei tiro- lower echogenity in comparison to the thyroid
idiene a arãtat o structurã omogenã fãrã leziuni parenchyma. Abdominal CT scan showed
nodulare/chistice. Ecografia glandelor paratiro- atrophic suprarenal glands.
idiene relevã un diametru crescut bilateral, Corroborating clinical and laboratory data,
structurã omogenã globuloasã, ecogenitate uºor the diagnosis of primary adrenal insufficiency
redusã faþã de parenchimul tiroidian, ºi multipli (Addison disease) in the context of an auto-
ganglioni limfatici jugulo-carotidieni bilateral cu immune polyendocrinopathy (type 1 diabetes
diametrul crescut 2-4 mm. CT abdominal a evi- mellitus and Graves’ disease) was established.
denþiat glande suprarenale atrofice. Volumetric and hydroelectrolytic rebalancing
Coroborând datele clinice ºi investigaþiile therapy and substitution therapy with pred-
paraclinice a fost stabilit diagnosticul de insu- nisone 7.5 mg/day and fludrocortisone 0.1 mg/
ficienþã corticosuprarenalã primarã (boala day was performed. Since the diagnosis of
Addison) în context de poliendocrinopatie auto- nodular prurigo was made, the patient has
imunã (diabet zaharat tip 1, boala Graves). S-a repeatedly been receiving H1 antihistamine
efectuat terapie de echilibrare volemicã ºi therapy, potent topical corticosteroids, cryo-
hidroelectroliticã, ºi terapie de substituþie cu therapy, but with unsatisfactory and short-term
prednison 7,5 mg/zi ºi fludrocortizon 0,1 mg/zi. results. A therapy with dapsone 200 mg/day has

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 63(3): 169-178

Din momentul stabilirii diagnosticului de been recommended from November 2017. Under
prurigo nodular pacienta a urmat în mod repetat this therapy evolution was favorable with the
terapie cu antihistaminice anti-H1, topice cu gradual disappearance of nodules and pruritus,
dermatocorticoizi potenþi, inhibitori de calci- leaving small atrophic and achromic scars.
neurinã (pimecrolimus), crioterapie, dar rezul-
tatele au fost nesatisfãcãtoare ºi de scurtã duratã. Discussions
În noiembrie 2017 s-a indicat terapie cu dapsonã
200 mg/zi, terapie sub care evoluþia a fost PN is characterized by numerous intensely
favorabilã cu dispariþia treptatã a nodulilor ºi a pruritic, brown nodules of approximatively 1 cm
pruritului, rezidual rãmânând mici cicatrici in diameter, with a hyperkeratotic surface and
atrofice ºi acromice. excoriations covered by crusts due to the intense
scratching, symmetrically disseminated espe-
Discuþii cially on the extension sides of the limbs and
trunk.[5] On the posterior thorax there may be an
PN este caracterizat de numeroºi noduli
bruni, de aproximativ 1 cm, intens pruriginoºi, area without skin lesions due to the patient's
cu suprafaþa hiperkeratozicã, escoriaþi, acoperiþi inability to scratch, called the "butterfly sign".
de cruste secundare gratajului intens, fiind [6, 7]
diseminaþi simetric în special pe feþele de extensie Skin inflammation and neural plasticity
ale extremitãþilor ºi trunchi. [5] La nivelul tora- appear to play an important role in PN, but the
celui posterior poate exista o zonã fãrã leziuni exact pathogenicity of the condition remains
cutanate, datoratã imposibilitãþii pacientului de a unclear. [6] Chronic scratching of the skin causes
se scãrpina, numitã ,,semnul fluturelui”. [6, 7] nodular lichenification, hyperkeratosis and
Inflamaþia cutanatã ºi plasticitatea neuronalã hyperpigmentation. On a scale of 1 to 10, the
par sã joace un rol important în PN, dar intensity of pruritus within the PN is at level 8.
patogenia exactã a afecþiunii rãmâne neclarã. [6] Most patients say pruritus is not just a simple
Gratajul cronic al pielii determinã lichenificare skin sensation, but a combination of stuttering,
nodularã, hiperkeratozã ºi hiperpigmentare. Pe o
burning, tingling, cold and hot, regardless of the
scalã de la 1 la 10, intensitatea pruritului din
etiology of PN.[3] Chronic scratching may be the
cadrul PN se situeazã la nivelul 8. Majoritatea
pacienþilor declarã cã pruritul nu este doar o major trigger of PN. Because of the neuronal
simplã senzaþie cutanatã, ci o combinaþie între sensitivity to pruritus, a vicious pruritus-
usturime, arsurã, furnicãturi, rece ºi cald, scratching circle is formed, which ultimately
indiferent de etiologia PN.[3] Gratajul cronic este leads to a decrease in quality of life, including
posibil sã fie trigger-ul major al PN. Datoritã sleep disturbances and psychiatric disorders. [8,
sensibilitãþii neuronale la senzaþia de prurit se 9, 10]
formeazã un cerc vicios prurit - grataj, care Histopathological examination of PN reveals
în final duce la scãderea calitãþii vieþii, inclu- an increase in intradermal nerve fiber density,
zând tulburãri de somn ºi tulburãri psihiatrice. altered mast cells, collagen fibers, Merkel cells,
[8, 9, 10] epidermal keratinocytes, dendritic cells and
Examenul histopatologic al PN releva o endothelial cells. [11] These cells cause inflam-
creºtere a densitãþii fibrelor nervoase intra-
mation and pruritus by the release of IL-31,
dermice, modificarea mastocitelor, fibrelor de
prostaglandins (PG), histamine, triptaze, neuro-
colagen, celulelor Merkel, keratinocitelor epi-
peptides and nerve growth factor (NGF).
dermice, celulelor dendritice ºi celulelor endo-
teliale. [11] Celulele menþionate cauzeazã Increasing the level of NGF makes substance P
inflamaþie ºi prurit, prin eliberarea de IL-31, (neuropeptide that transmits pain to CNS) to
prostaglandine (PG), eozinofile, histamine, induce a signal that contributes to dermal and
triptaze, neuropeptide ºi factorul de creºtere neural hyperplasia. [12] Sensory nerve hypo-
nervoasã (NGF). Creºterea nivelului de NGF, plasia was detected in the epidermis of patients
determinã ca substanþa P (neuropeptid ce with PN compared to that of healthy patients,

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

transmite durerea la SNC) sã inducã un semnal ce suggesting the presence of a subclinical small
contribuie la hiperplazia dermicã ºi neuro- fiber neuropathy in prurigo nodularis. Pereira et
nalã.[12] Hipoplazia nervilor senzitivi a fost al.[13] suggested that scratching may be the cause
evidenþiatã în epidermul pacienþilor cu PN, în of the reduced intradermal nerve fiber density
comparaþie cu cea a pacienþilor sãnãtoºi, suge- and not an underlying neuropathy. Repeated
rând prezenþa unei neuropatii subclinice a biopsies from the nodular lesions of PN under-
fibrelor nervoase. În schimb Pereira et al.[13] going healing have shown a repair of the density
considerã cã gratajul poate fi cauza reducerii of sensitive nerve fibers, which supports the
densitãþii fibrelor nervoase ºi nu o neuropatie theory that the disturbed epidermal anatomy is
subiacentã. Biopsiile repetate de la nivelul secondary to the mechanical trauma rather than a
leziunilor nodulare în curs de vindecare au arãtat functional neuropathy. [14]
o reparare a densitãþii fibrelor nervoase senzitive. PN association with thyroid disorders,
diabetes mellitus,[15] chronic renal failure (18-
În literaturã se citeazã asocierea PN cu
60%),[16] autoimmune hepatitis hepatitis, neuro-
afecþiunile tiroidiene, diabetul zaharat,[15]
logical diseases,[17] internal neoplasia, HCV
insuficienþa renalã cronicã (18-60%),[16] hepatita
infection, HIV infection [18] and psychiatric
colestaticã autoimunã, afecþiuni neurologice, [17]
disorders [19] are cited in the literature. PN was
neoplaziile interne, infecþia cu VHC, infecþia cu
HIV[18] ºi afecþiuni psihiatrice.[19] De asemenea also identified in 50% in patients with atopy. [20]
PN a fost identificat la 50% la pacienþii cu Although autoimmune disorders are not clas-
predispoziþie atopicã. [20] Deºi bolile autoimune sically associated with PN, there is evidence that
nu au fost în mod clasic asociate cu PN, existã it may involve TH1 and TH2 cytokines. In one
dovezi în care sunt implicate citokinele TH1 ºi study, 19 of 22 patients with PN had immunos-
TH2. Într-un studio, 19 din 22 de subiecþi cu PN taining with anti-pSTAT-6 throughout the
au prezentat imunohistochimie pozitivã anti- epidermis.[21] Anti-pSTAT-6 is a marker for the
pSTAT-6 pe toatã grosimea epidermului.[21] TH2 cytokines interleukin IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. In
Anti-pSTAT-6 este un marker al citokinelor TH2: addition, 8 patients had dispersed staining with
IL-4, IL-5 ºi IL-13. Mai mult, 8 pacienþi au anti-pSTAT-1, a marker for the TH1 cytokines
prezentat o coloraþie difuzã cu anti-pSTAT-1, un interferon γ and IL-27. On the basis of these
marker pentru citokinele TH1: interferon γ ºi IL- patterns, TH1 and TH2 cytokines may participate
27. Pe baza acestor modele, citokinele TH1 ºi TH2 in the pathogenesis of PN. [13, 21]
pot participa la patogeneza PN. [13, 21] The therapy in PN consists of topical
Terapia PN consta în aplicarea de cortico- corticoids, capsaicin, calcineurin inhibitors, UV
steroizi topici, capsaicinã, inhibitori de calci- therapy, and systemic gabapentin, opioid
neurinã, terapie cu ultraviolete (UV), gabapen- receptor antagonists, anti-depressives and
tinã pe cale sistemicã, antagoniºti de receptori immunosuppressors. The latest therapeutic
opioizi, antidepresive sau imunosupresoare. Cel concept consists of the administration of
mai nou concept terapeutic constã în admi-
inhibitors of neurokinin A and IL-31 receptors,
nistrarea de inhibitori ai neurokininei A ºi
which are currently in the clinical trial phase. [22]
receptorilor interleukinei-31, care momentan se
Neurokinin A, also known as substance K, is a
aflã în stadiul de testare clinicã. [22] Neurokinina
neurological active peptide, with excitatory
A, cunoscutã ºi ca substanþa K, este un peptid
activ neurologic, cu efecte excitatorii la nivelul effects on the nervous system, which influences
sistemului nervos, ce influenþeazã rãspunsul the inflammatory response and pain reception.
inflamator ºi recepþia durerii. Interleukina-31 este Interleukin-31 is a proinflammatory cytokine that
o citokinã proinflamatorie, ce influenþeazã me- influences immune mediation, identified in most
dierea imunitãþii, identificatã în majoritatea chronic inflammatory diseases. Studies done on
bolilor cronice inflamatorii. Studiile efectuate pe mice show that IL-31 derivate from T-Cells
ºoareci, au arãtat cã IL-31 derivatã din celule T induce severe pruritus and inflammation due to
induc prurit sever ºi inflamaþie, datoritã legãrii the connection to a IL-31 receptor. [23] Due to the

DermatoVenerol. (Buc.), 64(4): 239-247

de un receptor IL-31.[23] Lipsa rãspunsului la lack of response to antihistamines, it is highly

antihistaminice sugereazã faptul probabil cã probable that histamine is not a major mediator
histamina nu este un mediator major al PN. [24] in PN.[24] We have presented the case of a female
Am prezentat cazul unei paciente cu PN cu patients with PN with a chronic evolution of
evoluþie cronicã de aproximativ 10 ani, cu about 10 years, marked with repeated bursts,
hiperpigmentare tegumentarã, marcatã de pusee reluctant to antihistaminic therapy, potent topical
repetate, rezistente la terapia cu antihistaminice corticoids and cryotherapy. The therapy that
anti-H1, dermatocorticoizi potenþi, inhibitori ai
registered a success was Dapsone 200 mg/day
calcineurinei ºi crioterapie. Singura terapie sub
for 2 months than 100 mg/day with gradual
care evoluþia a fost favorabilã a fost cea cu
Dapsonã 200 mg/zi timp de 2 luni apoi 100 disappearance of nodules and pruritus, with
mg/zi, cu dispariþia treptatã a nodulilor ºi a small hypopigmented atrophic residual scars.
pruritului, rezidual rãmânând mici cicatrici
atrofice hipopigmentate. Conclusions
The particularity of the case presented is the
Concluzii association of PN with three different auto-
Particularitatea cazului prezentat este immune condition in the context of an auto-
asocierea PN cu trei afecþiuni autoimune în immune polyendocrinopathy: Graves` disease,
cadrul unei poliendocrinopatii autoimune: diabet type 1 diabetes mellitus and Addison disease.
zaharat tip 1 insulino-dependent, boala Graves ºi
boala Addison.

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Conflict de interese Conflict of interest


Adresa de corespondenþã: Marius Irimie

Str. Nicolae Bãlcescu nr. 56, Braºov, România

Correspondance address: Marius Irimie

56, Nicolae Bãlcescu Street, Braºov, Romania


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