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General Guidelines
Following sketch (sketch-1) shows a portion of a typical plot plan with few Equipment's,
pipe rack etc shown. For equipment spacing pl refer, plant layout and piping specification
numer !-"#-!$-%%&, "E "ap guidelines, andor #* 11+.

!ump !iping $ayout superimposed in a plot plan

• !ump
!ump loc
on wil
willl aff
ect the pi
g rou
g and sup
g. !um
ps car
hydrocarons and materials aoe &% degree  shall not e located elow pipe
racks, structures, air fin coolers and essels. /hose in non-flammale serice may e
located eneath the pipe rack without ostructing the access ay, other maintenance
requirements of the respectie process unit.

• !umps shall e located as close to the source of suction in order to minimi0e pressure
drop in the system. /he line si0e and temperature will e the determining factors in
piping layout.

•   preliminary piping layout ( study layout ) shall e made to determine the

requirement of spacing etween pumps especially in case of side suction side
discharge, top suction top discharge pumps where straight length requirement 
platform  !# requirement etc hae to e considered.

• 2educers in pump suction lines shall e as close as possile to the pump

suctiondischarge no00les.

• Eccentric reducers in pump suction lines shall e flat on top in order to preent any 
entrained apours in the liquid from accumulating in the high point ( if installed
 ottom flat ) and thus causing caitation in the pump. !umps in oiler feed water
serice operating close to apour pressure of the liquid are susceptile to this type of 

• 2educers in pump discharge should e concentric in most cases. Eccentric reducers

may e used in oth suction and discharge piping for top suctiontop discharge
pumps in order to otain clearance etween suction and discharge piping.

• onsideration must e gien to lue oil and seal oil systems and any cooling water
requirements. are must e e3ercised not to lock access to the pump seals and
 earings when routing these lines.. /he pump data sheet should always e reiewed
to make sure these requirements are not missed. For ery large pumps these may e
separate on skids.
•  4hen deeloping an equipment layout in pump areas, the layout designer must
enision potential ostructions around the pumps (e.g. large lock ales, steam
turine piping, and tee-type pipe supports from grade). s per il ndustry #afety 
*irectorate stipulation ( #* 11+ ) 1 mtr (1%%%mm ) is the minimum accepted
spacing etween pumps.

•  u3iliary piping shall e neatly routed along the ase-plate and shall not e3tend
across the operating floor. /his piping shall not ostruct inspection coers, earing
caps, upper hales of casings or any other items which require access for operation or
maintenance. n order to aoid a fire ha0ard, luricating oil, control oil and seal oil
pipes shall not e routed in the icinity of hot process or hot utility pipes.
/ypical pump suction piping at acuum tower

• ooling water pipes to pumps and compressors shall not e less than %56. !ipes
756 or less shall hae the take-off connection from the top of the header in order to
preent plugging during operation.

•  4hen fle3iility loops are required etween pumps, it is necessary to partially run
the lines oer the pump and drier. Eery effort must e made to minimi0e
maintenance ostructions y running the piping either outside the area directly oer
the pumps or at a high enough eleation to permit the remoal of the pump or drier.

• /he pump shall e placed in such a manner so that the suction no00le eleation is
always elow the esseltank no00le and suction pipe shall e routed so that there is
no pockets.

• !umps in acuum serice present special prolems. #ince the system operates at a
negatie pressure and ery high temperature, the pumps must e located ery close
to the suction source. /his is often directly elow the tower or immediately outside
the tower support columns. !umps located directly eneath the tower can e
mounted on a special spring ase as shown in sketch elow.

• n some rare cases one pump is installed as a common spare etween two other
pumps in different serices. /he pump must e manifolded in such a way to
accomplish this.

• !umps may e single-stage or multi-stage. 8ulti stage pumps are usually side
suction side discharge. /hese pumps require significantly more space and faces
layout prolems. /here is usually a straight run requirement (e3ample, 7 pipe
diameters) etween the suction flange and the first elow as shown in #ketch. *ue to
the heaier casing design for high pressures, allowale no00le loads are often higher
for multi-stage pumps making pipe stress prolems somewhat easier to resole.

!iping sometric #ketch

• /he location of ales, strainers, spacerslinds etc. needs special consideration. /he
option of placing the ales at a higher eleation and proiding an operating
platform has got its own adantages and disadantages. f ales are proided at a
higher eleation the accessiility for the pumps is enhanced ut the operaility of the
 ales ecomes difficult.

• t shall e noted that een if the type of pump is same, different piping layouts may
 e followed. #o it is not always necessary that same layout shall e followed for same
type of pumps, ut is goerned y arious factors such as temperature, requirement
of ertical strainers etc.

Creep: /ime dependent deformation of material that occurs under load at Eleated

• reep range for $ow aronsteel 8aterial 9%.%7 to %.7

• reep range for 8edium aronsteel 8aterial 9 %.7 to %.7

• reep range for :igh aronsteel 8aterial 9 ;%.7

Jacking oil: n order to preent the metal to metal contact w the <ournal = earing shell
during startup = shut down, which is damaging in the long term, an oil pocket is machined
in to the ottom shell of the <ournal earing is supplied with oil under high pressure.

Gland Steam Piping: 4hile steam is passing through pipes there is a chance of leakage of 
air in to ales which causes a serious damage. n order to preent this damage. "land
steam is supplied which pressure is slightly higher t han the acuum pressure.

Extended Gland Packing: t seals without aid of gland steam.

Control Valves: 8ainly ontrol ales are > types.

1. !ressure ontrol ?ale (!?)

. /emperature ontrol ?ale (/?)

&. Flow ontrol ?ale ( F?)

>. $eel ontrol ?ale($?)

• n $..nlet lines !? = /? are used.

• n #eal il oer :ead /ank = #eal il /raps $?# are used.

•  llowale !ressure *rop 1@ in 1%% mm length.

•  llowale #lope 7 mm in 1m.$ength.

• !ipe si0e 1 AB and elow we use #ocket 4eld +%% rating flanges.

• For 1 AB !ipe line we use !iston $ift 5on 2eturn ?ale generally.

• For B !ipeline we use #wing heck 5on 2eturn ?ale.

• 6ending 2adius for 1B pipe 9 1%%mm

• 6ending 2adius for CB pipe 9 D7mm

• pto 1 AB we use generally pipe ends.

• 1 AB and aoe we use elows.

• onnection locks are used for take connections on casings. long onnection 6lock 
8etallic "askets are used.

• E3pansion 6ellows are generally used in /urine nlet = *rain lines.

•  ?elocity of liquid less than that of "ases ecause liquids adhere to walls of pipe, then
friction is more. :ence elocity is less.


17%2F ------------ p to 1%.7 ta.

&%%2F------------ 1 ta.

%%2F------------ > ta.

17%%2F------------ 1%7 ta.

7%%2F------------ 1D7 ta.

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