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University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Biomedical Engineering

New Campus

EE-199 L Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab

Experiment No. 3: Experimental Verification of Ohm’s Law

Name of Student: Muhammad Talha Zahid

Registration No.:2021-BME-07

Date of Experiment: 13-Monday-2021

To verify different forms of Ohm’s law by comparing the calculated and measured values of
 current and resistance.

 To represent the Ohm’s law graphically.

Equipment Required:
 Breadboard
 DC Power Supply:
 Resistors: 3.3-kΩ [Qty=1]; 4.7-kΩ [Qty=1]; 6.8-kΩ [Qty=1]; 10-kΩ [Qty=1];
 Connecting wires

Ohm’s law describes mathematically how voltage, current, and resistance in a circuit are

related. Ohm’s law can be written in three equivalent forms; the formula you use depends upon the

quantity you need to determine. Ohm determined experimentally that if the voltage across a resistor is

increased, the current through the resistor will increase; and, likewise, if the voltage is decreased, the

current will decrease. For example, if the voltage is doubled, the current will double. If the voltage is

halved, the current will also be halved. Ohm also determined that if the voltage is held constant, less

resistance results in more current, and more resistance results in less current. For example, if the

resistance is halved, the current doubles. If the resistance is doubled, the current is halved.

Ohm’s law states that, current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to

Ohm’s law can also be stated another equivalent way:

There is a third equivalent way to state Ohm’s law; that is:



Part 1: Verification of I
Perform the following steps to verify that:

a. Using DMM, measure the resistance (R) of 3.3-kΩ (color-coded value) resistor and record it.
R (measured) = 3.2kΩ

b. Construct the circuit of Figure on the breadboard.


Figure 3 .1

c. Measure and record the voltage across the resistor (R) and record it.

V (measured) =11.9V

d. Using DMM, measure the current (I) flowing through the resistor (R) and record it.

I (measured) =3.6 mA

e. Using theoretical values of voltage and resistance, calculate current through R.

I (calculated) =0.0037A

f. Compare the calculated and measured values of current (I).

Both calculated and the measured value of current are approximately same,

Part 2: Verification of R
Perform the following steps to verify that:

Figure 3.2

a. Construct the circuit of Figure on the breadboard. Using DMM, measure the voltage across the

resistor (R) and record it.

V (measured) =12.003V

b. Using DMM, measure the current (I) flowing through the resistor (R) and record it.

I (measured) =2.51 mA

c. Using measured values of voltage and current, obtain the measured value of resistance (R).

R (measured)

R (measured) =4782 Ω

d. Compare the theoretical and measured value of resistance (R).

Both calculated and the measured value of current are approximately same.

Part 3: Verification of V = I * R
Perform the following steps to verify that:
a. Measure the resistance (R) of 6.8-kΩ (color-coded value) resistor using DMM and record it.
R (measured) =6.9kΩ

Figure 3 .3

b. Construct the circuit of Figure 3.3 on the breadboard. Using DMM, measure the current flowing

through the resistor (R) and record it.

I (measured) =0.0017A

c. Using measured values of resistance and current, obtain the value of voltage V.

V (measured) = I (measured) * R (measured)

V (measured) =12.009V

d. Record the theoretical value of voltage (V).

V (calculated) =11.73V

e. Compare the calculated and measured value of voltage (V).

Both calculated and the measured value of current are approximately same.

Part 4: Graphical Representation of Ohm’s Law

Perform the following steps to verify that, if resistance (R) is held constant, increasing voltage
(V) will increase the current (I): 𝐕 = 𝐈 ∗ 𝐑
a. Construct the circuit of Figure 3.4 using 10-kΩ resistor. Set the variable DC power supply (E) to

Figure 3.4

b. Measure the current (I) flowing through the resistor (R) and record it in Table 3.1.
c. Repeat step 4(a) and 4(b) for the DC supply voltage (E) ranging from 1V to 11V and note down the
desired values in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Sr. V(Volts) I (mA)

No. (measured) (measured)

1 0V 0
2 2V 0.185
3 4V 0.369
4 6V 0.603
5 8V 0.805
6 10V 1.006
7 12V 1.205
8 14V 1.408
9 16V 1.61
10 18V 1.81
11 20V 2.01

d. Using the data in the Table , plot the voltage (V) versus current (I) on the graph paper given in

20 2.01

10 1.006
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

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