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Nama : Yurnida Pangestuti

Judul : Analisis Strategi Perbankan Dalam Menghadapi Ketidakpastian Keuangan Akibat COVID19 Pada Penyusunan Laporan
Penelitian :
No. Traits/ Performance levels Score Wt (%) Marks
Characteristics Poor (< 30) Fair (31 - 50) Good (51 - 70) Excellent (71 -10)
1 Identification of Has not identified the Has identified few Has identified most of the Has Identified all the relevant 15
research issues / issues or identified them relevant issues but relevant issues and some issues
problems inappropriately significant issues have have been omitted
been omitted
2 In cite references in Has not discussed the Did an adequate job in Did a good job in Did an excellent job in 15
document literature adequately; did discussing the discussing the literature; discussing the literature; has
a poor job in literature; weak in has critically analyzed but critically analyzed and
summarizing the relevant critical analysis and did not summarize summarized effectively
literature summary effectively
3 Development of Research framework is Adequate research Good research framework; Sound research framework; 20
Research Framework weak; no relation with framework; there is a there is a good link with there is a strong link with the
the literature and the link with the literature the literature and the literature and the
research issues and the research issues; research issues; some
some major weaknesses minor weaknesses exist
4 Design of Methodology It designed poorly; It adequately designed; It is good and can address It is sound and can address all 20
cannot or insufficient to but some major issues most the research issues the research issues
address the research may not be addressed

5 Plagiarism Similarities > 30% Similarities between 21- Similarities between 10- Similarities < 10% 15%
30% 20%
6 Writing Style The style is sloppy and is The style is adequate; The style is smooth, easy The style is smooth, easy to 15%
difficult to read due to there are grammatical to read, and grammatically read, and grammatically
poor sentence structure and editing errors in correct in most of the correct
and grammatical errors many places places; there are some
other editing errors


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