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Project based on the concept of using NFTs as identity picture, but instead of being
used as a profile picture, they are banner
Important Links:
Website: -
Twitter: -
Opensea: -
Discord: -
-Previous projects
·Gallery 27
·OneDayPunks | One Per Wallet
-Jalil, bxb, frankfarnam half doxxed, akuti and hearsay are anonimous
● jalil.eth | vault.jalil.eth
○ Founder
○ Twitter: jalil_eth
● hearsay.eth
○ Co-Lead
○ Twitter: hearsay_law
● akuti.eth
○ Dev
○ Twitter: 0xAkuti
● frankfarnam.eth
○ Creative
○ Twitter: frankfarnam
● cookbooks.eth
○ Creative, Musician
○ Twitter: bxb______

Launched on Blockchain: Ethereum

About NFT:
NFT Utility: (explanation of utility to date and future)
Their only utility is being a profile banner, one of the oldest.
Pictures saved on a decentralised server so its not lost. Also the code has the option
for being updated. NFTs are interactive on opensea (you can play with them) and they
developed a tool on the website for photoshopping the banner with other collections without
the need of editing skills
-Floor price → 0.15 eth
-Price history

-Average pricechart
-Holding amount of average owner

-Whales → A lot :)
Twitter follower: 6k
Hype? None, launched in october 2021 and there is no volume on sells/buys now
(low liquidity project)
Contract code and audit:
● No independent audit
Red Flags: nothing, transparent team and project, easy to reach at any moment and
with a long experience and work accomplished
Original. They are the first project developing these concept (profile banners)
-Personal opinion— (not financial advice)
I think its a hardworking team, with a lot of experience and skills. They keep providing
value and working on their collection.
-Potential in the future
Their potential its hardly attached to the use of a profile banner. As long as people
don’t value profile banners, their collection would be reserved mainly for collectors. Also its a
must to say that the day banner collections explode they will be at the top, cause of more
than proved hardwork

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