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Read the text about Sara attentively.

Then, choose the correct answer for each


Online shopping

My name is Sara, and I love shopping online. I prefer to shop through cell
phone apps, but sometimes I use my computer. Phone apps are easy to use
and are convenient because I can even do my shopping from bed and I can
shop 24/7! I’m not the only one buying things online. My mother and
brothers like shopping online too, but my father hates it.

I love shopping so much that I buy everything I need from home. I get
food, and materials. But I still prefer getting clothes from a real store not
online so I can try them on to be sure they fit me fine.

Nowadays, everybody needs to use phone apps to buy things faster and to
keep social distance because of the pandemic. My friends are comfortable
with buying things online too because they think that going to a mall can be
dangerous.  Most of them buy goods and electronics at Plaza Vea
supermarket. They say prices are the cheapest in town.

In my case, I buy things like sugar, rice, lentils, potatoes, sweet potatoes,
bread, toast, milk, yogurt, cereal, bottled water and flour. I also buy
detergent, soap and bleach. Well, I have to admit that I love buying snacks
like cookies and bars of chocolate. They’re so tasty! To be prepared for my
classes, I like to buy lots of notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners
and post-its.
(Text from the web Test English)

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