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I Am Sam
by: Sean Penn

This movie is entitled '' I am Sam'', it is a movie about a
mentally challenged man,named Sam, striving to raise his
daughter, Lucy alone after her mother abandoned her. She was
diagnosed with autism, and Sam's intellectual capacity cannot
exceed at the age of 7 .
Autism, also called autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a
complicated condition that includes problems with communication
and behavior. It can involve a wide range of symptoms and skills.
ASD can be a minor problem or a disability that needs full-time
care in a special facility.

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) it is a parent-based
clinical treatment that tries to fix the social problems at the
heart of autism, such as friendship skills, empathy and the
desire to share personal experiences with others. Psychologist
Steven Gutstein developed RDI with his wife, Dr. Rachelle Sheely.
Their approach takes into account the ways in which typically-
developing children learn how to have emotional relationships
beginning in infancy. RDI tries to help children interact positively
with other people, even without language. When children learn
the value and joy of personal relationships, according to RDI,
they will find it easier to learn language and social skills. RDI is
based on the idea that children with autism missed some or
many of the typical social development milestones as infants
and toddlers. They can be given a "second chance" to learn these
skills through play, "guided participation" and other activities,
according to RDI.

As the child’s abilities increase, the Relationship Development
goals and teaching plan change to Intervention. This method
meet his/her needs. And the child assured that it would be
begins spending time with a peer effective to all people who
who shares similar social and suffered autism because it
emotional skills. Gradually, the focuses on improving social
children join the group, they meet skills and building emotional
and play in a variety of settings bonds of the child who have
with the guidance of a parent or
autism. Some Relationship
therapist. This allows them to
Development Intervention
practice forming and maintaining
involve parents or peer
relationships in different contexts.


Autism is a lifelong, developmental disability. Our perception of autism has evolved over time. Sixty years ago
autism was nothing more than an unrecognized developmental delay generally lumped in with mental
retardation. Today it is recognized as an independent neurologically based disorder of significance, a major
public health problem, and a topic of much research. Researchers have struggled to find a cause for the
disorder without great success. Despite this difficulty, research continues in ever more sophisticated
directions. Numerous treatments have been developed that help children with autism and PDD to maximize
their potential to learn and become socially fluent, no matter how impaired they may be. Though no
breakthroughs appear likely to occur any time soon, there is cause for hope.

A child coping with Autism is still a child. For both children with autism and their parents, there needs to be more to
life than therapy. Don’t give up. It’s impossible to predict the course of autism spectrum disorder. Don’t jump to
conclusions about what life is going to be like for your child. Like everyone else, people with autism have an entire
lifetime to grow and develop their abilities. And make time for fun. Schedule playtime when your child is most alert
and awake. Figure out ways to have fun together by thinking about the things that make your child smile, laugh, and
come out of her/his shell. Your child is likely to enjoy these activities most if they don’t seem therapeutic or
educational. There are tremendous benefits that result from your enjoyment of your child’s company and from your
child’s enjoyment of spending unpressured time with you. Play is an essential part of learning for all children and
shouldn’t feel like work.

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