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Chandkheda, Ahmedabad

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College


“ The Modified Fenton Process for

Decolorization of Dye Wastewater ”
Under subject of

B.E. Semester- VI
(Chemical Branch)

Submitted By:
Group ID: - 362071

Sr. No. Name Enrollment Number

1 Patel Parth 190170105047
2 Shah Dev 190170105064
3 Shah Dhruv 190170105065
4 Satasiya Bhumit 190170105063
5 Parth Sangani 200170105507

Guided by:-
Dr. Femina Patel

Table of Content Title Page no

1. Introduction to Pollution 3

2. Dye and Its classification 5

3. Wastewater Treatment 6

4. Advanced Oxidation 12
Processes (AOPs)
5. Fenton Process 14

6. Processes for Decolorization 17

of dye Wastewater
7. Modifications in Fenton 21
8. Fenton Process for Removal 22
of Acid Yellow 23
9. Photo-Fenton Process for 23
Removal of Acid Yellow 23
10. Result of Experiments 25

11. Canvas 27

12. References 29

❖ Pollution
• Man is causing all round damage to atmosphere, water, land,
to the various elements of environment and to the ecosystem
itself. There is so much man-made pollution and
environmental degradation that the nightmare ahead is
enough jittery to shake us all. Taking a synoptic view of the
general scenario a few trends are underway. Our atmosphere
on global as well as regional scale is heavily polluted.
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that causes adverse change.
• Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy,
such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of
pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or
naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as
point source or nonpoint source pollution.

• The major forms of pollution are listed below:

1. Air Pollution
2. Water Pollution
3. Soil Pollution
4. Noise Pollution

❖ Water Pollution
• It is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human
activities. Water bodies include for example lakes, rivers, oceans,
aquifers and groundwater. Water pollution results when
contaminants are introduced into the natural environment. The
causes of water pollution include a wide range of chemicals and
pathogens as well as physical parameters. Contaminants may
include organic and inorganic substances. Elevated temperatures can
also lead to polluted water. A common cause of thermal pollution is
the use of water as a coolant by power plants and industrial
manufacturers. Elevated water temperatures decrease oxygen
levels, which can kill fish and alter food chain composition, reduce
species biodiversity, and foster invasion by new thermophilic

Harmful Effects of Water Pollution

• Effects of Pesticides, Detergents and Synthetic Fertilizers
• Effects of Hazardous Pollutants (Toxic Metals and Other
• Effects of Pathogenic Micro-organisms
• Effects of oil spills (Marine Pollution)
• Effects of Acids Deposition
• Effects of Thermal Pollution

❖ Intoduction to Dye
• Dyes are colored organic compounds used to impart color to various
substrates, including paper, leather, fur, hair, drugs, cosmetics,
waxes, greases, plastics and textile .
To be of use, dyes must possess the following four properties:

• Colour
• Solubility in water
• Ability to be absorbed and retained by fibre (substantivity) or to
be chemically combined with it (reactivity).
• Ability to withstand washing, dry cleaning and exposure to
The dye has a colour due to the presence of chromophore and its fixed
property to the acid or basic groups such as OH, NH2, NR2, etc.
A very common classification of the dyestuff is based on the source from
which it is made. Accordingly the classification could be:
 Natural Dyes
 Synthetic Dyes
Classification based on the Presence of Chromophore
Dyes may be classified according to the type of chromophores
present in their structures.
 Nitro and Nitroso Dyes
 Azo Dyes
 Triarylmethane Dyes
 Anthraquinone Dyes
 Indigo dyes

❖ Waste Water Treatment:

• The purpose of waste water treatment is to remove the contaminants from

water so that the treated water meet the acceptable quality standards.
• The quality standards usually depend upon whether the water will be reused
or discharged into a receiving stream.
• Available waste water treatment processes can be broadly classified as
physical, chemical or biological.
• These processes which consist of series of unit operations are applied in
different combinations and sequences depending upon the prevailing
situations of influent concentration, composition and condition and
specification of the effluent.
• Physical processes principally comprise screening, sedimentation,
floatation and filtration.
• Chemical processes utilise the chemical properties of the impurities of the
added reagents. Commonly used chemical processes are precipitation,
coagulation and disinfection.
• Other physical and chemical processes such as air stripping, carbon
adsorption, oxidation and reduction ion exchange and membrane processes
like reverse osmosis and electrodialysis are also important in certain cases.
Biological processes utilise biochemical reactions; typical examples are
biofiltration and activated sludge process.
• These processes are usually grouped as primary treatment, the secondary
treatment, and the tertiary or the advanced waste treatment.
• Primary treatment removes identifiable suspended solids and floating
matter. In the secondary treatment which is also known as biological
treatment, organic matter that is soluble or in the colloidal form is removed.
Advance waste treatment involves physical, chemical or biological

processes or their various combinations depending on the impurities to be
• These processes are employed to remove residual soluble
nonbiodegradable organic compounds including surfactants, inorganic
nutrients and salts, trace contaminants of various types, and dissolved
inorganic salts. The advanced waste treatment processes are expensive, and
are used only when water produced is required to be of higher quality than
that by secondary treatment.

Primary treatment of waste water:

• The primary treatment comprises of pre-treatment step and sedimentation
step. Pre-treatment: It consists of screening and grit removal.
• Screening removes or reduces the size of trash and large solids that get in
to sewage system. These solids are collected on screens and scraped off for
subsequent disposal.
• Commuting devices shred and grind solids in the sewage. Particle size may
be reduced to the extent that the particles can be returned to the sewage
• After screening, the waste water is allowed to enter a grit chamber for the
removal of inorganic grit consisting of sand, gravels and pebbles.
• Grit chambers are provided to protect pumps from abrasion and to reduce
the formation of heavy deposits in pipes and channels. Grit is normally
allowed to settle in a tank under conditions of low flow velocity and it is
then scraped mechanically from the bottom of the tank.

Primary sedimentation:

• Primary sedimentation removes both the settleable and floatable solids.

Also, the flocculant particles which tend to aggregate will be allowed to
settle by the addition of chemicals (iron salts, lime and alum).
• The material that floats in the primary settling basin is known
collectively as grease. Normally some of the grease settles with the
sludge and floats to the surface, which can be removed by skimming.
• This process of flocculant settling takes place when the settling velocity
of the particles increases due to coalescence with other particles.
• This type of phenomenon is clearly observed in primary clarifiers. The
opportunity for coalescence increases with increase in bed depth, and as
a result the particle removal efficiency depends on both the overflow
and bed depth.

Secondary treatment for waste water:

• In secondary or biological treatment, oxygen supplied to the bacteria is

consumed under controlled conditions so that most of the BOD is removed
in the treatment plant rather than in the water course.
• Thus, the principal requirements of a biological waste treatment process
are an adequate number of bacteria that feed on the organic material present
in waste water, oxygen and some means of achieving contact between the
bacteria and the organics.

• Two of the most commonly used systems for the biological waste treatment
are the biological film system and the activated sludge system.
• In the biological-film system also known as trickling filters, the waste
water is brought into contact with a mixed microbial population in the form
of a film of slime attached to the surface of a solid support medium whereas
in the activated sludge system the waste water is brought in contact with a
diverse group of microorganisms in the form of a flocculant suspension in
an aerated tank.
• In both cases the organic matter is metabolised to more stable inorganic
forms. The most popular means of treating domestic sewage has been the
biological film system because of its ease of operation.
• However, the activated sludge process can be more reliably be handled
when handling large volumes of waste water, and a high degree of
treatment is achieved.

Tertiary Wastewater Treatment:

• Secondary treatment removes 85 to 95 percent of BOD and TSS and minor

portions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metals.
• Tertiary treatment is the next wastewater treatment process after secondary
• This treatment is sometimes called as the final or advanced treatment and
consists of removing the organic load left after secondary treatment for
removal of nutrients from sewage and particularly to kill the pathogenic
• The effluents from secondary sewage treatment plants contain both
nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) N and K are ingredients in all fertilizers.

When excess amounts of N and P are discharged, plant growth in the
receiving waters may be accelerated which results in eutrophication in the
water body receiving such waste.
• Algae growth may be stimulated causing blooms which are toxic to fish
life as well as aesthetically unpleasing.
• Secondary treated effluent also contains suspended, dissolved, and
colloidal constituents which may be required to be removed for stipulated
reuse or disposal of the treated effluent.
• The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage to
raise the effluent quality before it is discharged to the receiving
environment such as sea, river, lake, ground, etc., or to raise the treated
water quality to such a level to make it suitable for intended reuse.
• This step removes different types of pollutants such as organic matter, SS,
nutrients, pathogens, and heavy metals that secondary treatment is not able
to remove.
• Wastewater effluent becomes even cleaner in this treatment process
through the use of stronger and more advanced treatment systems. It
includes sedimentation, coagulations, membrane processes, filtration, ion
exchange, activated carbon adsorption, electrodialysis, nitrification and
denitrification, etc.
• Tertiary treatment is costly as compared to primary and secondary
treatment methods.

10 | P a g e
❖ Need of Tertiary treatment:

• Tertiary treatment may be provided to the secondary effluent for one or

more of the following contaminants further.
• To remove total suspended solids and organic matter those are present in
effluents after secondary treatment.
• To remove specific organic and inorganic constituents from industrial
effluent to make it suitable for reuse.
• To make treated wastewater suitable for land application purpose or
directly discharge it into the water bodies like rivers, lakes, etc.
• To remove residual nutrients beyond what can be accomplished by earlier
treatment methods.
• To remove pathogens from the secondary treated effluents.
• To reduce total dissolved solids (TDS) from the secondary treated effluent
to meet reuse quality standards.
• Treatments method varies with wastewater characteristics. We are going
discuss here Fenton process combine with coagulation for removal of
turbidity and particles.
• Chemical oxidation by this process removes up to 98% of turbidity, 87%
of COD and also 83.2% of BOD.

11 | P a g e
❖ Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)

• In a broad sense, are a set of chemical treatment procedures designed to

remove organic materials in water and wastewater by oxidation through
reactions with hydroxyl radicals (·OH)
• In real-world applications of wastewater treatment,
• However, subset of such chemical processes that employ ozone (O 3),
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or UV light.
• One such type of process is called in situ chemical oxidation.
• Such as aromatics, pesticides, petroleum constituents, and volatile organic
compounds in wastewater.
• AOPs can be used to treat effluent of secondary treated wastewater which is
then called tertiary treatment.
• A goal of the wastewater purification by means of AOP procedures is the
reduction of the chemical contaminants.
• The toxicity to such an extent that the cleaned wastewater may be reintroduced
into receiving streams or, into a conventional sewage treatment.
• The AOP procedure is useful for cleaning biologically toxic or nondegradable

12 | P a g e
Principle of AOP

Chemistry in AOPs could be essentially divided into three parts:

1. Formation of oOH
2. Initial attacks on target molecules by oOH and their breakdown to
3. Subsequent attacks by oOH until ultimate mineralization

• The mechanism of oOH production highly depends on the sort of AOP

technique that is used.
• For example,
Ozonation UV/H2O2 and photocatalytic oxidation rely on different method of
oxidation level

Advantages of AOP’s
1. Rapid reaction rates
2. Small footprints
3. Mineralization of organics
4. Can treat nearly all organics materials
5. Can work as disinfection.

Disadvantages of AOP’s
1. Relatively high capital
2. High maintenance and operating cost
3. Complex chemistry tailored to specific containment
4. Removal of residual peroxide may need to be

13 | P a g e
❖ Fenton Process:
• Fenton process requires the usage of hydrogen peroxide (H 2O2) as the
oxidation agents.
• However, hydrogen peroxide alone is still not enough to conclude the
reaction because of high concentration of certain refractory
contaminants and the low rate of reactions at reasonable H2O2
concentration. Further research improves this Fenton process by using
transition metal salts, ozone and also UV-light.
• Oxidation process that use H2O2 and metal salts are classically known
as Fenton process.
• In previous reaction scheme of the reaction between H2O2 and iron salts,
it will result in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, HO •. This advances
oxidation techniques with the presence of HO •, will nonspecifically
oxidize target compounds at high reaction rates.

𝐅𝐞2+ + 𝐇𝟐𝐎𝟐 + 2 H+ → 2 𝐅𝐞𝟑+ + 2𝐇𝟐𝐎

2𝐇𝟐𝐎𝟐 +𝐅𝐞𝟑+→ 𝐅𝐞2+ +OH− +HO•

❖ Role of hydroxyl free radical (HO•):

• Hydrogen peroxide produced hydroxyl radicals, OH• when used as the

oxidation reagents.
• It oxidized the Fe2+ ions into Fe3+. The Fenton reaction causes the
dissociation of the oxidant and the formation of highly reactive hydroxyl
radicals that attack and destroy the organic pollutants.

14 | P a g e
❖ Operating Parameter for Fenton Process

1. Operating pH

• Optimum pH for the Fenton Reaction was fount to be around 3.

• At higher pH less hydroxyl radicals are generated due to the
presence of less free iron ions. The oxidation potential of
hydroxyl radicals decreases with increasing pH.
• At pH below 3, decrease in degradation efficiency was observed.
At very low pH values, iron complex species [Fe(H2O)6]2+ exist,
which reacts more slowly with hydrogen peroxide than other

2. Operating Temperature

• Optimum temperature for Fenton Process is around 30 oC.

3. Ferrous Ion Concentration

• The rate of degradation increases with an increase in the

concentration of ferrous ion.
• An enormous increase in the ferrous ions will lead to an increase
in the total dissolved solids.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration

• It has been observed that the % degradation of the pollutants

increases with an increases in the dosage of hydrogen peroxide.
• The unused portion of hydrogen peroxide during the Fenton
Process contributes to COD.

15 | P a g e
❖ Types of Fenton Process
1. Sono-Fenton process

Sono Fenton : US/H2O2 + Fe2+

2. Electro-Fenton process

Electrochemical Treatment + Fenton Process

3. Photo-Fenton process

Photo Fenton : UV/H2O2 + Fe2+

Combination of Fenton Processes

1. Sono-photo-Fenton process
• Combination of ultrasound and ultraviolet along with Fenton
• Less ferrous salt required compare to Fenton process.
• 10-15% increase in TOC degradation.

2. Sono-electro-Fenton process
• Combination of ultrasound and electrochemical along with
Fenton reagent.

3. Photo-electro-Fenton process
Combination of UV and electrochemical along with Fenton

16 | P a g e
Processes for Decolorization of Dye Wastewater

Dye Type of Operating Result Ref No

Fenton used Condition

Reactive Fe2+ + H2O2 [RO4] = 5* 10-4 79.89 % color M.

Orange 4 mol/L, removal was Muruganandham,
[H2O2] = 10 mmol/L, observed after M. Swaminathan
[Fe2+] = 0.05 40 min of (2004)
mmol/L, pH =3. reaction.

Reactive Black Fe2+ + H2O2 [RB5] =1*10-4 Color removal M.S. Lucas, J.A.
5 mol/L, was 72.6%, Peres. (2005)
[Fe2+] = 1.5*10-4 mol/L, 90.9%, 95.0%
[H2O2] = 7.3*10-4 and 97.5% at
mol/L, pH=4.9. 1, 7.5, 15, 30
Reactive Black Fe2+ + H2O2 [RB5] =0.1 g/L, 70 % color A. Verma et al.
5 [H2O2] =0.150 g/L, [Fe2+] removal was (2014)
= 0.084g/L, pH = 4. observed after
20 min of
Acid Fe2+ + UV + [RO24] =200 mg/L, 95 % color and J.M. Chaco´n et al.
Orang H2O2 [Fe2+] = 1.43 *10-4 88 % COD (2005)
e 24 M, removal was
[H2O2] = 5.2* 10-3 M, observed after
105 KJ/L energy 65 min.
absorbed in form of UV

Reactive Blue Photo-Fenton [RR21] = 0.036 mmol/L, >95% O. Ercan et al.

19 process Dye solution volume decolorization (2014)
(Fe2++H2O2+UV) = 20 ml, efficiency was
pH = 4, obtained
0.2 mL 0.5% FeSO4, 0.1 within 5 min
mL 30% H2O2, for RB19.
1000 W UV

17 | P a g e
Reactive Fe2+ + UV + [RY84] = 100 mg/L, After 15 min of M. Neamtu et al.
Yellow 84 and H2O2 [RR120] = irradiation (2003)
Reactive Red 100 mg/L, time using a
120 Dye solution volume photoFenton
= 1.51 L. [Fe2+] = 0.25 process,
mM, decolorization
[H2O2] = 5 mM, was greater
pH = 3, than 98% for
Energy output of UV both aqueous
lamp =15 W. dye solutions.
Reactive Blue 4 Photo-Fenton Dye solution 80% Milena Becelic-
volume = 1000ml, [RB4] mineralization, Tomin.(2014)
=0.1mM, 60% color
[H2O2] =7 mM, removal
[FeOx] =0.7 mM, Lamp was
intensity = 26.2 W/m2. observed after
35 min.
Acid Yellow 23 Fe2+ + H2O2 [AY23] = 40mg/L, Decolorization N. Modirshahla et al.
Dye solution volume = of 97.4% at 20 (2007)
500 ml. [Fe2+] = 0.07 min was
mmol, pH = 3, obtained.
[H2O2] = 500mg/L.

Acid Yellow 23 Fe2+ + UV + H2O2 [AY23] = 40mg/L, Decolorization N. Modirshahla et al.

Dye solution volume = of 99.68 % at 5 (2007)
500 ml. [Fe2+] = 0.05mmol, min was
pH = 3, obtained from
[H2O2] = 500mg/L, 30 W photo
UV lamp. Fenton process
at pH=3, COD
reduction of
94.3 % at 60
min at same

Reactive yellow Fe2+ + H2O2 [RY81] = 100mg/L, The COD and T.R.Sundararaman.
16 Dye solution volume = dye removal (2009)
500 ml, [H2O2] = 900mg/L, efficiencies of
[FeSO4] =1000mg/L, reactive dyes
pH =3. are
80 –90

18 | P a g e
Acid Black 1 Fe2+ + UV + H2O2 Ultrasonic frequency = 40 A degradation J.-H. Sun et al,
kHz, efficiency of (2007)
Dye solution 98.83% was
volume = 100 ml [H2O2] = achieved
8.0 mM, pH = 3.0, within
[Fe2+] = 0.025 mM . 30 min
these conditions.
Acid Blue 113 Electro-Fenton pH=3.0, [AB113] = 98–99% of both A.R. Rahmani et al.,
and Acid Black (Iron electrode) 100 mg/L, dyes was (2016)
1 [AB1] = 100 mg/L, removed after 10
[H2O2] = 100 mg/L, Current min of reaction
density= 5 mA/cm2. time.

Acid Red 18 Electro-Fenton [AR18] = 100 mg/L, 99.4% dye M.Malakootian,

(iron electrode) pH=3.0, removal (2017)
[H2O2] = 1 mL/L, Current’s observed after
Voltage = 30 V. 5 min of
reaction time.
Fast Green H2O2 + Fe [FG] = 10 mg/L, pH=3.0, 91.8% dye H. A. Salim et al.
[H2O2] = 0.75 mL/L, [Fe ] = removal was (2017)
150 mg/L . observed after
25 min of
reaction time.
Direct Red 81 H2O2 + Fe+2 + UV pH=3.0, 85% dye Dehghani M et al.
[H2O2] = 50 mg/L, removal (2016)
[DR81] = 100 mg/L, efficiency was
[Fe+2] = 10 mg/L , UV lamp found after 45
intensity = 8 W/m2. min of reaction
Reactive Red 6B Fe + H2O2 + UV pH=4.0, RR6B removal H. Xu et al. (2015)
[H2O2] = 1 × 10 mol/L, efficiency
[Fe+3] = 50 × 10−5 mol/L, reached at 100%
UV intensity = 62-69 µW/cm at optimum
Direct Red 81 H2O2 + Fe+2 pH=3.0, 88.98% dye Mohammad Ali
[H2O2] = 120 mg/L, removal Baghapour. (2015)
[Fe+2] = 100 mg/L, observed after
[DR81] = 20 mg/L. 30 min of
reaction time.

19 | P a g e
Reactive Red Electro-Fenton, [Na2SO4] = 0.05 M, The reduction of Nader
195 Anode = Pt pH = 3, [RR195] = TOC was 90% and Djafarzadeh. (2016)
sheet(A=25cm2), 100 mg/L, dye removal
Cathode = [Fe+2] = 0.15 mM, percent
Carbon Current = 300 mA, was 93%.
paper(A=40 cm2)
Reactive Black Fe2+ + H2O2 [pH]=3, About 78.3% S. Sairiam. (2018)
5 [AR18]= 50mg/L, decolorization
[H2O2]=5mM, efficiency
[Fe2+]=0.5mM, was
Time=30min. found at

2,4- Sono-Fenton Ultrasonic pulses (20kHz, Sono-Fenton Z. Guo et al. (2004)

Dinitrophenol process on/off = system removed
1s/1s) , 98% DNP after
[DNP]= 20 mg/L, pH = 4.1, 60 min of
FeSO4 =60 mg/ L , H2O2 reaction.
=300 mg/L .

Reactive Blue 4 Pyrite ash Dye solution Under these Milena Becelic-
catalysed Fenton volume = 100 ml, H2O2 condition 99.9 % Tomin. (2014)
Process = 5 mM, pH = 2.5 , decolorization
[PA] = 0.2g/L, observed within
[RB4] = 100 mg/L. 30 min reaction
Reactive Black Fenton Process. Dye solution At this S. Sairiam. (2019)
5 2+
(Fe +H2O2) volume = 1 L, [RB 5] condition, the
=100mg/L, complete
[H2O2] =5mM, [Fe ] = 0.5 decolorization

mM, [pH] = 3. of RB5 by

Fenton process
was achieved
under 30
Azo-dye acid photo-Fenton [RO24] =200 mg/L, 95 % color and J.M. Chaco´n et al.
orange 24 process [Fe2+] = 1.43 *10-4 88 % COD (2005)
(Fe +H2O2+UV) M, removal was
[H2O2] = 5.2* 10-3 M, observed after
105 KJ/L energy 65 min.
absorbed in form of UV
Reactive Red 21 Photo-Fenton [RR21] = 0.036 >95% O. Ercan et al.
process mmol/L, decolorization (2014)
(Fe2++H2O2+UV) Sample Volume = efficiency was
20 ml, pH = 4,

20 | P a g e
0.1 mL 0.5% FeSO4, 0.1 mL
30% H2O2,
1000 W UV

Modifications in Fenton Process

Dye Process Operating parameter Result Reference

Acid Red 73 Fenton oxidation [AR73] = 200 mg/L. 96.8 % F. Fu et al. (2010)
by zero valent Dye solution volume decolorization
iron + H2O2 = 200 ml, efficiency
[H2O2] = 2.0 mmol, observed after
[ZVI] = 0.3 g/L, pH=3. 30 min.

Methyl Photo Fenton by [MO]=10 ppm, Nearly 100 % L. Gomathi Devi et

orange zero valent Dye solution volume= decolorization al. (2009)
metallic iron 200 ml, was observed
[H2O2] =10 ppm, after 20 min.
Iron powder = 10 mg,
Energy output of light
source= 125 W.

Acid Red 18 Fenton process [AR18]=100 mg/L, 95.5% color Barbusiński K.,
using zero valent [pH]=2.5, removal was Majewski J. (2002)
iron [Fe0] = 50 mg/L, observed using
[H2O2]=60 mg/L. swarf as a

21 | P a g e
Fenton Process for Removal of Acid Yellow 23

Apparatus: Glass reactor with magnetic stirring facility, UV-

Vis spectrophotometer, pH meter.

Chemicals: Acid Yellow 23 (AY23), 1 N NaOH, 30% H2O2,

1 M HCl, FeSO4.7H2O Powder.

Chemical structure of Acid Yellow 23

• [AY23] = 40 mg/L
• H2O2 = 500 mg/L
• [FeSO4.7H2O] = 0.1 mmol/L
• pH = 3.0

22 | P a g e

• The following chemical reactions can be used to describe the

mechanism of dye oxidation in the H2O2/Fe2+ system:

Fe2+ + H2O2 —> Fe3+ + •OH + -OH (1)

OH + Dye —> Oxidized Dye + H2O + CO2 (2)

• In First step Fe2+ degrade H2O2 into the hydroxyl radical (•OH).
• In final step •OH will oxidize dye molecule.

Photo-Fenton Process for Removal of Acid Yellow 23

Apparatus: Glass Reactor with magnetic stirring facility, UV-Vis

spectrophotometer, pH meter.

Chemicals: Acid Yellow 23 (AY23), 1 N NaOH, 30% H2O2,

1 M HCl, FeSO4.7H2O Powder.

Chemical structure of Acid Yellow 23

23 | P a g e
• The following chemical reactions can be used to describe the
mechanism for oxidation of dye in the H2O2/Fe2+ system:

Fe2+ + H2O2 —> Fe3+ + •OH + -OH (1)

• UV light directly degrade the hydrogen peroxide and produce

hydroxyl radical (reaction 2).
• UV light leads not only to the formation of additional hydroxyl
radicals but also to recycling of ferrous catalyst by reduction of
Fe3+. In this way, the concentration of Fe2+ is increased and the
overall reaction is accelerated.

H2O2 + hv —> 2•OH (2)

OH + Dye —> Oxidized Dye + H2O + CO2 (3)

In final step the hydroxyl radical attack on the dye molecule and
oxidize it into water and carbon dioxide.

• [AY23] = 40 mg/L
• H2O2 = 500 mg/L
• [FeSO4.7H2O] = 0.1 mmol/L
• pH = 3.0
24 | P a g e
25 | P a g e
e . k
a k

26 | P a g e
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36. Aano reference dev tare sodhine laggavvo padse.
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