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Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan



The University o f Michigan PH.D. 1982

Internationa! 300 N. Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor, M I 48106


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Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
(Civil Engineering)
in The University of Michigan


Doctoral Committee:

Professor Subhash C. Goel, Co-Chairman

Professor Robert D. Hanson, Co-Chairman
Professor Glen V. Berg
Professor Robert C. Juvinall
Assistant Professor Andrzej S. Nowak
Professor Richard D. Woods

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Microfilmed or bound copies of doctoral dissertations submitted

to The University of Michigan and made available through University Micro­
films International or The University of Michigan are open for inspection,

but they are to be used only with due regard for the rights of the author.
Extensive copying of the dissertation or publication of material in excess
of standard copyright lim its, whether or not the dissertation has been
copyrighted, must have been approved by the author as well as by the Dean
of the Graduate School. Proper credit must be given to the author if any
material from the dissertation is used in subsequent written or published


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To My Wife


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The author is indebted to professor Subhash C. Goel

co-chairman of his dssertation committee for his generous

assistance, guidance, cooperation and encouragement

through the path to completion of the dissertation.

Appreciation is also extended to professor Robert D.

Hanson co-chairman of the dissertation committee for his

constructive comments which were indispensible for


completion of this study.

The author is greatly indebted to professor Glen V.

Berg, member of the dissertation committee who offered


invaluable comments and suggestions toward improvement of

the dissertation. His assistance is specially appreciated

considering the obstacle of distance during the last phase

of this study. Helpful comments from Professors Robert C.

Juvinall, Andrzej S. Nowak and Richard D. Woods, other

members of the doctoral committee, are also appreciated.

This research was sponsored by the American Iron and

Steel Institute through project number 301A. The auther is

grateful for their financial assistance. Acknowledgement


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is also due to Bethlehem Steel Corporation for providing

bolts and Ingersoll-Rand Company for the Tensioning Tool

which were used in bolted specimens.

The author is also grateful to his wife for her

assistance and encouragement and his children for their

patience throughout this study.

The author acknowledges Dr. Heinrich Gugerli's

contribution in completing the test set-up. The author is

thankful to Anurag Goel for his valuable assistance in

carrying out the tests. Ben Bourland and Kevin Schmidt,

technicians at the G.G.Brown laboratory offered useful

assistance throughout the tests. Cooperation of Mrs.

Julie Woodbeck for typing portions of this dissertation is


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D E D I C A T I O N ...............................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................... iii

LIST OF T A B L E S ......................................... vii

LIST OF F I G U R E S ....................................... viii

LIST OF APPENDICES ..........> ........................

N O T A T I O N .............................................. ..


1. INTRODUCTION................................... 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Related Literature 6
1.3 Objective and Scope of Investigation 11

2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM ........................... 15

2.1 Experimental Program 15
2.2 Test Set-Up 16

2.2.1 Four-Hinged Frame with Support

Frame 16
2.2.2 Hydraulic Actuator System 17
2.2.3 Instrumentation 20
2.2.4 Data Acquisition System 22
2.2.5 Data Processing System 23

2.3 Selection of Test Specimens 23

2.4 Design of Test Specimens 26
2.4.1 Design Philosophies 26
2.4.2 Design of Connections and
Stitches 27
2.5 Fabrication of Test Specimens 30
2.6 Testing the Specimens 32
2.6.1 Pre-Test Preparations 32
2.6.2 Test Procedures 33
2.6.3 Deformation History 34

3. IN-PLANE BUCKLING SPECIMENS .................. 36

3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 Cyclic Behavior of In-Plane Buckling
Specimens 38
3.2.1 General 38
3.2.2 Cyclic Behavior of Welded
Specimens 40

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3.2.3 Cyclic behavior of Bolted
Specimens 43
3.3 Effective Length Factor 48
3.4 Critical Buckling Load 52
3.4.1 General 52
3.4.2 First Buckling Load 53
3.4.3 Cyclic Buckling Load 55
3.5 Effect of Buckling Direction 57
3.6 Location and Behavior of Plastic
Hinges 59
3.6.1 General 59
3.6.2 Locations of Plastic Hinges 60
3.6.3 Stress Variation in Plastic
Hinges 61
3.7 Local Buckling 64
3.8 Stitches 66
3.8.1 General 66
3.8.2 Welded Stitches 66
3.8.3 Bolted Stitches 67
3.8.4 Spacing of the Stitches 69

3.9 Gusset Plates in Welded Specimens 74
3.10 Gusset Plates in Bolted Specimens 75
3.11 Connection of Angles to Gussets by
Fillet Welds 76
3.11.1 General 76
3.11.2 Behavior of Connection 77
3.11.3 Analysis of Failure in
Specimen AW11 78

3.12 Connection of Angles to Gusset Plate

by Bolts 81
3.12.1 General 81
3.12.2 Behavior of Connections 81
3.12.3 Analysis of Failure in

Specimen AB1 83
3.13 Design Forces for Connections 89
3.14 Slip-Resistant Bolted Connections 91
3.14.1 Behavior of Connections in
Specimen AB1 91
3.14.2 Design of Slip-Resistant
Connections 92
3.15 Design Philosophies 94


4.1 Introduction 96
4.2 Cyclic Behavior of Out-of-Plane
Buckling Specimens 97
4.2.1 General 97
4.2.2 Cyclic Behavior of Welded
Specimens 98
4.2.3 Cyclic Behavior of Bolted
Specimens 101


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4.3 Effective Length Factor 105
4.4 Crirtical Buckling Load 107
4.4.1 General 107
4.4.2 First Buckling Load 107
4.4.3 Cyclic Buckling Load 110
4.5 Effect of Buckling Direction 112
4.6 Location and Behavior of Plastic
Hinges 112
4.6.1 General 112
4.6.2 Locations of Plastic Hinges 113
4.7 Local Buckling 116
4.8 Stitches 117
4.8.1 General 117
4.8.2 Welded Stitches 117
4.8.3 Bolted Stitches 119
4.8.4 Proposed Design Forces for
Stitches 120
4.8.5 Design Forces Measured During
the Tests 121
4.8.6 Proposed Method for Design

of Stitches 122
4.8.7 Spacing of Stitches 123
4.9 Gusset Plates in Welded Specimens 124
4.10 Gusset Plates in Bolted Specimens 129
4.11 Analytical Study of Gusset Plates 130
4.12 Slip-Resistant Connections 134
4.13 Design Philosophies 134

5. MODELING THEHYSTERESIS LOOPS ................ 136

5.1 Introduction 136

5.2 Available Models 136
5.3 Semi-empirical Model by Gugerli and Goel 138
5.4 Hysteresis Loops 141

5.5 Comparison of Model and Test Results 142

6 . SUMMARY AND C O N C L U S I O N S ..........................144

6.1 Summary 144

6.1.1 General 144
6.1.2 In-Plane Buckling Specimens 146
6.1.3 Out-of-Plane Buckling Specimens 149
6.1.4 Modeling the Hysteresis Loops 152
6.2 Conclusions and Design Recommendations 152

R E F E R E N C E S ........................................... 159

T A B L E S ................................................ 164

F I G U R E S ............................................... 174

A P P E N D I C E S ........................................... 337


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2.1 Properties of Test S p e c i m e n s ...............165

3.1 Change of Crookedness after

First T e n s i o n ................................ 166

3.2 Effective Length Factor for In-Plane

Buckling Specimens ....................... 167
3.3 Buckling Loads for First Ten Cycles
of In-Plane Buckling Specimens . . . . . 168

3.4 Forces in Stitches of In-Plane Buckling

Specimens with Two S t i t c h e s ................ 169

3.5 Stresses Causing Local Yielding in

Gusset Plates ........................... 170

4.1 Change of Crookedness after First

Tension Load ........... . . . . . . . . 171

4.2 Effective Length Factor for Out-of-Plane

Buckling Specimens ...................... 172

4.3 Buckling Loads for First Ten Cycles

of Out-of-Plane Buckling Specimens . . . 173

B.2 Mechanical Properties of Material . . . . 375


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2.1 The Test Set-Up 174

2.2 The Four-Hinged Frame and the

Support Frame 175

2.3 Instrumentation 176

2.4 Data Acquisition: System 176

2.5 Details of Test Specimen AB1 177

2.6 Details of Test Specimen AB3 178


2.7 Details of Test Specimen AB5 179

2.8 Details of Test Specimen AB7 180

2.9 Details of Test Specimen AW 9 181


2.10 Details of Test Specimen AW11 182

2.11 Details of Test Specimen AW13 183

2.12 Details of Test Specimen AW15 184

2.13 Details of Test Specimen AB2 185

2.14 Details of Test Specimens AB4 and A B 6 186

2.15 Details of Test Specimen AW 8 187

2.16 Details of Test Specimen AW 10 188

2.17 Details of Test Specimen AW 1 2 189

2.18 Details of Test Specimen AW 1 4 190


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2.19 Details of Test Specimen AW16 191

2.20 Details of Test Specimen AW18 192

2.21 Critical Sections in Gusset Plates 193

2.22 Distribution of Stresses in a Critical

Section 194

2.23 Effective Width of Gusset Plates: (a)

Bolted Connection; (b) Welded Connections 195

2.24 Jig Used for Fabrication of Specimens 195

2.25 General Cyclic Deformation History of

Test Specimens 196

3.1 Directions of In-Plane Buckling: (a)

Toward the Toes of theBack-to- Back Legs
in Specimen AW15; (b) Toward the Heels of
the Back-to-Back Legs in Specimen AW9 196
3.2 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB1 197

3.3 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB3 198


3.4 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB5 199

3.5 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB7 200

3.6 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW9 201


3.7 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW11 201

3.8 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW13 203

3.9 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen Awl5 204

3.10 Local Yielding: (a) Gusset Plate of

Specimen AW9; (b) Double Angles of
Specimen AW9 205

3.11 Hysteresis Loops of Welded In-Plane

Buckling Specimens during First Two Cycles 206

3.12 Rotation of Angles at Midspan 207

3.13 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during the Test

of Specimen AW13 208

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3.14 Local Yielding in Specimen A B 1 : (a)

Gusset; (b) Bolt Spacing 209

3.15 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during First

Cycle of Loading of Specimen AB1 210

3.16 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during First

Three Cycles of Loading of Specimen AB3 211

3.17 Deformation of Specimen AB5 during Post

Buckling Compression 212

3. 18 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during First

Cycle of Loading of Specimen AB7 213

3.19 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during Second

and Third Cycle of Loading of Specimen AB7 214

3 . 20 Deformations in Diagonal Bracings: (a)
Symmetric; (b) Antisymmetric 215
3.21 Buckling Configurations of Specimen AB1 216

3.22 Buckling Configurations of Specimen AB3 216


3.23 Buckling Configurations of Specimen AW9 217

3.24 Buckling Configurations of Specimen AW15 217

3. 25 Buckling of Elastic Column with Elastic

Rotational Springs at the Ends 218

3. 26 Actual Test Specimen and the Simplified

Model 218

3.27 First Buckling Loads of In-Plane Buckling

Specimens 219

3.28 Deformed Shape of Specimen AB7 at the

Instant of First Buckling 219

3.29 Cyclic Buckling Loads of Welded Specimens:

(a) Compared to AISC Column Formulas
(b) Compared to Buckling Load of First
Cycle 220

3. 30 Cyclic Buckling Load of Bolted Specimens

Normalized by Values per AISC 220


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3.31 Trilinear Curve Proposed for Decrease of

Buckling Capacity with Number of Cycles 221

3.32 Axial Load vs. Crookedness Curves for an

Initially Crooked Member 222

3.33 Comparison of Test Results and Theory

for Specimen AW13 223

3.34 Plastic Hinges in Welded Specimens:

(a) End Hinge; (b) Midspan Hinge 224

3.35 Plastic Hinge in Bolted Specimens: (a)

Specimen A B 1 ; (b) Specimen AB5 225

3.36 Stress Variation in Sections as Shown

on the Sketch Using Data Points from

Test of Specimen AW11 226

3.37 Stress Variation in Sections as Shown

on the Sketch Using Data Points from
Test of Specimen AW13 227

3.38 Stress Variation at Sections as Shown

on the Sketch Using Data Points from

Test of Specimen AB1 228

3.39 Plastic Hinge at Lower End of Specimen

AW 13 229

3.40 Severe Yielding of Outstanding Leg at

Midspan Hinge of Specimen AW15 230

3.41 Local Buckling in Specimen AW13 after

Eleven Cycles of Deformations 230

3.42 Severe Local Buckling at Midspan Hinge

of Specimen AW15 during Fourth Cycle 230

3.43 Local Buckling at Midspan Hinge of

Specimen AB7 after Eleven Cycles 231

3.44 Fracture at Midspan Hinge of Specimen AB7

Through the Tip of Locally Buckled Leg
during Twelfth Cycle 231

3.45 Failure of Specimen AB3 at Midspan Hinge:

(a) Eighth Cycle; (b) Ninth Cycle 232


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3.46 Midspan Plastic Hinge in Second Cycle:

(a) Specimen AB5; (b) Specimen AB3 233

3.47 Midspan Plastic Hinge in Fourth Cycle:

(a) Specimen AB5; (b) Specimen AB3 233

3.48 Midspan Plastic Hinge in Seventh Cycle:

(a) Specimen AB5; (b) Specimen AB3 234

3.49 Failure at Midspan Plastic Hinge:

(a) Specimen AB5 in Fifteenth Cycle;
(b) Specimen AB3 in Eighth Cycle 234

3.50 Deformation of Single Angles between

Stitches 235

3.51 Derivation of Fictitious Load Acting on

Single Angles 236

3.52 Fictitious Loads on Single Angle 237

3.53 Calculation of Force in Stitches of
In-Plane Buckling Specimens 238

3.54 Yielding in Gusset Plate in Specimen AB5 239


3.55 Extensive Plastification in

Gusset Plate of Specimen AB5 239

3.56 Propagation of Crack in


Specimen AW11 240

3.57 Total Fracture in Outstanding Leg of

Specimen AW11 240

3.58 Eccentricities ex and ey in Connection

of Angles to the Gusset Plates 241

3.59 Failure of Specimen AW11: (a) Point of

Crack Initiation; (b) Simple Beam Theory
as Applied to Outstanding Leg 241

3.60 Application of Simple Beam Theory to

Outstanding Leg: (a) Elastic Regime;
(b) Elastic-Plastic Regime 242

3.61 Variation of Strain vs. Lw /b 0 Ratio for

Outstanding Leg 243


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3.62 Yielding at Edge Distance of First Bolt

in Specimen AB1 during Third Cycle 244

3.63 Fracture at Edge Distance of First Bolt

during Sixth Cycle 244

3.64 Free Body Diagrams for an Angle Connected

to the Gusset by Bolts 245

3.65 Reinforcement of Net Section 246

3.66 Yield Condition for Gross, Net and

Reinforced Net Section of Specimens AB3,
AB5 and AB7 Made of 2L-4x3x3/8 247

3.67 Yield and Plasticity Condition for Gross

and Reinforced Net Section of Specimen
AB3, AB5 and AB7 248

3.68 Shift of Plastic Hinge into the Net

Section in Specimen AB7 after Twelve
Cycles 248

3.69 Reinforcing End Connection of Specimen


AB3 and AB5 249

3.70 Upper Connection of Specimen AB5 at the

End of Test 250

3.71 Forces Acting on Connection of Double

Angles 250

3.72 Plasticity Condition and Recorded Loading

for Specimen AB1 251

3.73 Plasticity Condition and Recorded Loading

For Specimen AE7 252

3.74 Plasticity Condition and Slip Condition

for Specimen AB7 If Seven Bolts are Used 253

4.1 Out-of-plane Buckling Configuration 254

4.2 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB2 255

4.3 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AB4 256

4.4 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen A B 6 257


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4.5 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW 8 258

4.6 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW10 259

4.7 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW12. 260

4.8 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW14 261

4.9 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen A W16 262

4.10 Cyclic Deformation History of Specimen AW18 263

4.11 Local Yielding in Gusset Plates during

First Tension: (a) Specimen AW16; (b)
Specimen A W 8 264

4.12 Hysteresis Loops of Welded Out-of-Plane

Buckling Specimens during First Two Cycles 265

4.13 Single Angle Buckling between Two Stitches 266

4.14 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during the Test
of Specimen A W 8 267

4.15 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during First


and Second Cycle of Loading of Bolted

Specimens AB2, AB4 and A B 6 268

4.16 Enlargement of Bolt Holes and Yielding

at Net Section of First Bolt in Specimen

AB2 269

4.17 Plastic Hinges in Specimen AB2: (a) Below

Midspan Hinge; (b) In the Gusset Plate 270

4.18 Failure of Net Section in Specimen A B 6 :

(a) Plastification during Fourth Cycle;
(b) Fracture during Ninth Cycle 271

4.19 Plastification around the Bolt Hole of

of Specimen A B 4 : (a) During Fourth Cycle;
(b) at End of Test 272

4.20 Plastification in Lower Connection of

Specimen AB4 273

4.21 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during the Test

of Specimens AB4 274


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4.22 Hysteresis Loops Recorded during the

Test of Specimens A B 6 275

4.23 Local Buckling in Specimen AB2: (a) during

Sixth Cycle; (b) Fracture during Tenth
Cycle 276

4.24 Deformations in Diagonal Bracings: (a)

Symmetric; (b) Antisymmetric 277

4.25 Comparison of Measured First Buckling

Load to the Values per AISC Column
Formulas: (a) Taking Fy=36 ksi; (b)
Taking Fy-Actual Yield Strength from
Coupon Tests 278

4.26 Sequence of Buckling Modes of Out-of-Plane

Buckling Specimens: (a) Overall Buckling;
(b) Single Angle Buckling 279

4.27 Lateral Deformations of Angles at Midspan

during First Buckling: (a) Slender
(a) Slender Specimens; (b) Relatively
Stocky Specimens 280

4.28 Lateral Deformations of Angles at Midspan

during First Buckling: (a) Specimen AB4;
(b) Specimen A B 6 281

4.29 Cyclic Buckling Loads of Welded Specimens:


(a) Compared to AISC Column Formulas;

(b)Compared to Buckling Load of First
Cycle 282

4.30 Trilinear Curve Proposed for Decrease of

Buckling Capacity with Number of Cycles 283

4.31 Cyclic Buckling Loads of Welded Specimens:

(a) Compared to AISC Column Formulas;
(b) Compared to Buckling Load of First
Cycle 284

4.32 Yield and Plasticity Conditions for

Specimens with KL/r=110 285

4.33 Yield and Plasticity Conditions for

Specimens with KL/r=151 286

4.34 Yield and Plasticity Conditions for

Specimens with KL/r=189 287


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4.35 Yielding at End Connections of Specimen

AW10: (a) during Second Cycle;
(b) during Sixth Cycle 288

4.36 Plastic Hinge at Midspan of Specimen A W 8 289

4.37 Plastic Hinge in Gusset Plate of

Specimen AB2 289

4.38 Local Buckling in Outstanding Leg of

Specimen A W 8 290

4.39 Fracture of Stitch in Specimen AW12 291

4.40 Single Angle Buckling in Specimen AW12 291

4.41 Compressive and Tensile Yielding at Midspan 292

4.42 Permanent Deformation of the Angle in
Convex Side 292
4.43 Yielding of Angles in Specimen
AW 18 293

4.44 Deformed Shape of Bolted Specimen A B 6 :


(a) Under Compression; (b) Under Tension 294

4.45 Forces in Angles during Cyclic Loading 295

4.46 Strain Gages Mounted on both Sides of

Stitch: (a) Top View; (b) Bottom View 296

4.47 Variation of Axial Force in Single Angles

during Cyclic Loading: (a) End Segment;
(b) Middle Segment 297

4.48 Variation of Shear Force in Stitches of

Out-of-Plane Buckling Specimens 298

4.49 Forces Acting on Fillet Welds of Stitch:

(a) Transfer of Force by Stitch; (b)
Free Body of Fillet Welds and Forces
Acting on Them 299

4.50 Plastification in Gusset Plates of

Specimen AW10: (a) Upper Connection;
(b) Lower Connection 300

4.51 Failure of Gusset Plate in Specimen AW10:

(a) Twelfth Cycle; (b) Sixteenth Cycle 301


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