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Task 3
1. Vanessa Stein starts to organize her day before she gets to work. - T
2. In the future Vanessa will continue to work in exactly the same way as she
does today. - F
3. The restaurant has not changed since the Steins bought it. - F
4. The majority of McDonald's restaurants in the UK are not franchises. - T
5. Vanessa's husband did his training after having been accepted as a
franchisee. - F
6. Every two weeks they receive an independent evaluation of how their
business is performing. - F
7. Vanessa feels that she is best at working directly with customers. - F
8. All of the administrative work is now done in electronic form. - F
9. If she didn't have children, she would probably stay longer at work – T

Task 1
a challenge a reservation
maintenance a list of employees and the wages they are paid
a booking work involving written or printed documents
a report to review and include recent changes
to tackle a piece of writing giving information on a particular subject
to update to pay special attention
records a difficult but exciting thing to do
a payroll keeping equipment in good condition
to focus to deal with
paperwork written documents containing information about the past

Task 2

1. When working with other people do you focus on the work that you can
do best? – Yes
2. When preparing a written report do you list the different sections then
make a brief summary of what you will include in each? – Yes
3. Do you update your address book as soon as people move? – Yes
4. Do you organize your booking so that documents are grouped according
to subjects? – Yes
5. Do you enjoy the challenge of doing new and perhaps more complicated
work? – No
6. Do you regularly do maintenance work to make sure that equipment
works efficiently? – No
7. Do you keep clear record of the work that you have already done? – Yes
8. Do you tackle the most difficult pieces of work first? – Yes

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