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About Parkinson’s Disease Evaluation

• A slow and progressive neurogenerative disorder • Diagnosis using mnemonic TRAP:
that affects approx. 1.5 million people in the U.S. tremor at rest, rigidity, akinesia or • While there is no cure, treatment focuses on relieving
• Usually affects both men and women over the age bradykinesia, and postural/gait symptoms for patient to carry out ADLs
of 40 years old instability • Initial treatment includes dopamine replacement
• Recent studies show a focus on therapy (combination of Levodopa and Carbidopa)
• Clinical course of the disorder is highly variable to
individual alpha-synuclein labs • Dopamine agonists and MAO-B inhibitors like
• PET scans and SPECT scans may rasagiline can provide symptomatic benefit
(Capriotti, 2020) show reduction in uptake of • Anticholinergics may be used to treat resting tremor
dopaminergic markers • Deep brain stimulation may help severe symptoms

Pathophysiology (Capriotti, 2020) (Capriotti, 2020)

• Progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells in the

substantia nigra (w/in basal ganglia of midbrain)
• Due to a depletion of dopamine, the Ach and dopamine Connection to INP #2
neurotransmitters create an imbalance, causing
Integrative nursing principle #2 states that
abnormal muscle movements Parkinson’s human beings have an innate capacity for
• 50 to 80% degeneration of the substantia nigra required to
notice signs of disease Disease healing and wellbeing. This holds true to
patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease.
• See accumulation of abnormal protein “alpha-synuclein”
Although uncurable, there are different
nonpharmacological interventions to lessen
(Capriotti, 2020)
symptoms of the disease by promoting the
body’s natural healing (University of Minnesota,
Clinical Manifestations 2021).
• Classic manifestations include bradykinesia, resting tremor, and
muscle rigidity
• Slow onset with resting tremor seen often as the first symptom of
the disease Integrative Therapies
• Movements slow or halt with progression of disease
• Symptoms begin unilaterally and progress bilaterally Example of integrative modalities include exercise therapy to increase
• With time, walking, dressing, writing, and eating become functional independence, motor function, ADLs, and quality of life.
challenging Acupuncture may be used to relieve pain/tension related to muscle rigidity
(Capriotti, 2020).
(Capriotti, 2020)
Capriotti, T. (2020). Davis advantage for pathophysiology: Introductory concepts and
clinical perspectives (2nd ed). FA Davis Company.[
University of Minnesota. (2022). Principles of integrative nursing. Center for Spirituality
& Healing.

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