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The Key to Surviving at Work:

Mastering Time Management

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So, you got a shiver on your spine while starting up mail client?
Worried about those unending notifications? When you're just
trying to keep up with your to-do list?

Nonstop notifications and full-pack meeting schedules got

us busy, easily overwhelmed, unable to catch up, thus
making it hard for us to think clearly.
We all have those days when we feel that 25 hours a day isn’t
enough. The key to surviving in both work and life isn’t just
about “being strong”, but more on “staying strong”.

Here are some tips for you to push through the day
Manage your time with a
Timeboxing technique!

Timeboxing can help you decide in advance how

much time you will spend on a particular task or
part of a task, and then sticking to it.

Timeboxing can help you decide in advance; For

example, if you want to do research the next
campaign, you might decide to do research no
less than one (1) hour per day to avoid burning

Take time to write out the steps that you will take to
achieve your goals. Create concrete boundaries for
both how little and how much you will do in a given
day on your important priorities
Shower yourself
with LOVE!

Sometimes we get self-critical

when we're overwhelmed.
Say positive things and
encourage yourself. It will
help boosting your confidence
and energy.

We can give the best advice

to our friends, so why can't
we do it to ourselves?
Embrace and be kinder to
yourself so you can get more
motivated to face any
challenges thrown at you!
Believe in the amazing power
of sleep, rest, and recovery!

In case you forget, you're still a human. And humans, we’re

designed for cycles of activity and rest. That’s why weekends
are essential parts of a productive work week; Because rest
and recovery are parts of the process too!

Give your time to enjoy life, binge-watching, read some books,

order pizza, or simply sleep in. Just going with the flow and
allowing things to take as long as they take.

Force yourself to stop when it’s a

reasonable time for you to go to bed so
that you can begin again fresh the next
day. Because rest and recovery are part of
the process too!
Keep your
own pace.

Life is not a race, it's a

marathon! Everyone has their
own pace, so do you.

Take a rest, pause, and breath.

Do not compare yourself with
others, just focus on what's in
front of you and try to finish it.
You can get through those hellish schedules by managing your time
and objective better. Be mindful of your own health, because you
can do anything and everything when you are healthy!

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