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FEU Institute of Technology


Life and Works of Rizal

Summative Assessment


Cyril John P. Altares

The Republic Act 1425: The Rizal Law mandates all the educational institutions to study Rizal’s

life and works. The mere purpose of this law is to further re-strengthen the sense of nationalism,

develop a better understanding of the Filipino identity, and provide an abundant source that

magnifies freedom and patriotism. In this time and age, the dwindling of Filipino identity is even

more pervasive, making it even harder for the youth to have a sense of nationalism and have a

better understanding of their identity as Filipinos. Hence, there are many reasons why this law is

still relevant today and should not be abolished.

One reason the law should not be repealed is that Rizal's works might inspire patriotism.

Rizal was dedicated to eradicating his countrymen's ignorance by opposing inequity and unjust

practices that the Filipinos were subjected to. Another reason is Rizal’s works could be used

as a basis on how our country could achieve prosperity and tranquility. It was said that Rizal

was the only Filipino who is knowledgeably aware of the political, social, and moral principles

(Schumacher, 2011). Introducing the writings of Rizal will strike deep roots in the youth’s

intellect. Moreover, his novels will help the students to develop valuables that are
imperative in our times, such as civic virtue, constructive and rational nationalism, and

uprightness. Aside from such reasons, the novels of Rizal should not be abolished since it does

not cause any harm to the students and their faith.

Thus, the life and works of Rizal are visibly relevant, especially in today’s era. There are various

factors today that diminish the Filipino identity. Letting the youth to read and be knowledgeable

about Rizal’s works could greatly influence their perspective about their identity and their love

for their country. The national hero was always seen as someone who fought for our country’s

freedom and as someone who went against oppression. But the thing that the Law could leave in

the youth is the teachings and lessons that Rizal left in his works. Such things will surely strike

deep roots not only in the intellects of the people but also in their hearts. Moreover, even if this

law is relevant and should be retained as it is, the works of Rizal should still be properly

annotated by a qualified scholar and be discussed by a teacher when used as reading

material for the students.


Schumacher, John N. (2011). The Rizal Bill of 1956 Horacio de la Costa and the Bishops.

Ateneo de Manila University.












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