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Now, I will talk about the impact of global warming.

One of the most terrible impact of global warming is

on the ecosystem.

1. The ecosystem

 As the climate changes, abnormal things tend to occur as a result from the conflicts between
weather in neighboring regions. The most common problems can be listed as floods, cyclones,
off-season phenomena, and to be more severe, droughts and natural erosions are more
frequent. This also messes up the whole ecosystem, and all living beings are affected.
Consequently, their behavior can change comparing to the past. More pest invasion result in
worse crops, and animal migration are more unpredictable.

 Besides, global warming is also driving changes in the timing of seasonal biological activities.
Many biological events, especially those in the spring and fall, are based on seasonal cues.
Studies have found that the seasonal behaviours of many species now happen 15-20 days
earlier than several decades ago. Additionally, migratory birds and insects are now arriving in
their summer feeding and nesting grounds several days or weeks earlier than they did in the
20th century, according to the EPA. Warmer temperatures will also expand the range of many
disease-causing pathogens that were once confined to tropical and subtropical areas, killing off
plant and animal species that formerly were protected from disease. These and other impacts
of global warming, if left unchecked, will likely contribute to the disappearance of up to one-
half of Earth's plants and one-third of animals from their current range by 2080, according to a
2013 report in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Another serious effect of global warming is gradual warming.

2. Gradual warming

 Global warming causes greenhouse effect which increases the temperature of the Earth by
trapping heat in the atmosphere. This keeps the temperature of the Earth higher than it would
be if direct heating by the Sun was the only source of warming. When sunlight reaches the
surface of the Earth, some of it absorbs the warmth on the ground and some bounces back to
the space as heat. Greenhouse gases that are in the atmosphere absorb and then redirect some
of this heat back towards the Earth.
 Remarkably, high temperature is continuously breaking the record year by year. According to
Nasa, in 2016 the Earth’s surface temperature shattered the previous record for the hottest year
by 0.12°C. That record was set in 2015, which broke the previous record by 0.13°C and it had
been set in 2014.

And the last effect of global warming that all of us concern about is its impact on our life.

3. Human’s life

 Increasingly severe and frequent heat waves may lead to death and illness, especially among the
elderly. Higher temperatures and humidity could also produce more mosquito-borne disease.
The 2016 outbreak of Zika virus, a mosquito-borne illness, highlighted the dangers of climate
change. These disease causes devastating birth defects in the fetuses when pregnant women are
infected, and climate change could make higher latitude areas habitable for the mosquitos that
spread the disease, experts said. Longer, hotter summers could also lead to the spread of tick-
borne illnesses.
 What’s more, increasingly severe extreme weather events like bushfires, storms, floods,
cyclones and coastal erosion cause damage to houses and government need to spend billions of
dollars in damage.
That is 3 main impacts of global warming on our Earth. Now, it’s Thuy’s turn, listen to know
more about what causes climate change.

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