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Practicum GC 119:

Mamatha Sadu - Pesara Prabhakar Reddy

Pesara Prabhakar Reddy: Counselor
Mamatha Sadu: Counsellee
Prabhakar Reddy: Good After noon Mamatha
Mamatha Sadu: Good After noon Prabhakar
Prabhakar Reddy: How are you Mamatha?
Mamatha Sadu: Fine
Prabhakar Reddy: Have you had your lunch Mamatha?
Mamatha Sadu: Yes
Prabhakar Reddy: What is the curry?
Mamatha Sadu: It is Bittergaurd.
Prabhakar Reddy: Oh I like it very much
Prabhakar Reddy: Is it not tasty? You are looking sad?
Mamatha Sadu: Food is tasty. But …….
Prabhakar Reddy: Are you participating in literary activities?
Mamatha Sadu: Yes
Prabhakar Reddy: I heard that you are best in Elocution. Good keep it up
Mamatha Sadu: Thank you sir
Prabhakar Reddy: What is your father?
Mamatha Sadu: He is a farmer
Prabhakar Reddy: Oh nice, my father is also a farmer.
Mamatha Sadu: is it sir,
Prabhakar Reddy: Yes, What is your mother?
Mamatha Sadu: She is home maker sir
Prabhakar Reddy: Oh nice, my mother is also a home maker
Mamatha Sadu: is it sir,
Prabhakar Reddy: Yes, why are you looking sad?
Mamatha Sadu: that team members are not allowing participating in the games?
Prabhakar Reddy: Oh, really. I will talk to them
Mamatha Sadu: Thank you sir

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