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Intro : Education is very important for everyone.

It does not only provide knowledge but also builds

character. (Thesis.) There are several reasons why education is crucial. Education enables people to
have a good career. It also encourages independence and self-growth. (Cuplikan poin-poin yang
dibahas di esai.)

Sup : Education is also important because it encourages independence. (Topic sentence.) Being

independent means you can rely on yourself. People who are educated can have a good and secure
job. Educated people also have a better understanding of the world. Thus, people who have good
education can rely on themselves and do not always seek others’ support. (Supporting sentences.) It
is why people who are educated can be independent. (Concluding sentence.)

Con : In conclusion, education is very crucial for everyone. It has many benefits such as a good
career, self-reliance, and personal growth. (Menyimpulkan isi essay.) Because of the importance of
education, everyone should have access to good education. That way, everyone can fulfil their
potential. (Usulan untuk memperbaiki situasi pendidikan.)

Body :

Education is very important for everyone. It does not only provide knowledge but also builds
character. There are several reasons why education is crucial. Education enables people to
have a good career. It also encourages independence and self-growth.
Firstly, people can have a good career with good education. Education gives people
knowledge and skills which can help them succeed in a work environment. Having an
expertise also helps people progress and expand their career. Therefore, good education helps
people reach their career goals.
Education is also important because it encourages independence. Being independent means
you can rely on yourself. People who are educated can have a good and secure job. Educated
people also have a better understanding of the world. Thus, people who have good education
can rely on themselves and do not always seek others’ support. It is why people who are
educated can be independent.
Lastly, a good education can enable you to grow as an individual. People who are well-
educated are usually not only knowledgeable but also have a good character. Good education
imparts moral values and culture. With education, people can grow to become more mature,
open-minded, and have moral integrity.
In conclusion, education is very crucial for everyone. It has many benefits such as a good
career, self-reliance, and personal growth. Because of the importance of education, everyone
should have access to good education. That way, everyone can fulfil their potential.

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