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Name:________________________________ Date:___________________________
Section:_______________________________ Teacher:________________________
Instruction: Write the letter of the BEST answer on your answer sheet.
1. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales make?
A. Drawing conclusion C. Making a hypothesis
B. Making observations D. Interpreting data
2. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method?
A. Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions, communicate
B. Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw conclusions,
communicate results.
C. Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate
D. D) Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results, communicate
3. In an experiment, the one variable that is changed is called the
A. Dependent variable C. Experimental variable
B. Controlled variable D. Independent variable
4. In an experiment, the factor that we measure is called the
A. Controlled variable C. Dependent variable
B. Conclusion D. Independent variable
5. When you decide whether or not the data supports the original hypothesis, you are:
A. Making observations C. Asking questions
B. Forming a hypothesis D. Drawing conclusions
6. A solution that cannot hold any more solute at room temperature is
A. A weak solution C. A saturated solution
B. A concentrated solution D. A supersaturated solution
7. The BEST method to separate the solute from the solvent in a solution would be
A. Distillation B. Filtration C. Sedimentation D. All of them
8. In a solution the substance that is being dissolved is called the______
A. Solvent B. Emulsifier C. Solute D. Filtrate
9. If you are going to have a fair test on dissolving a juice powder, what variables should you control?
A. Amount of water and powdered juice drink in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added
to water, how long each solution is stirred
B. Amount of water and powdered juice drink in each cup, method of stirring, how long each solution is
C. Amount of powdered juice drink in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added to water,
how long each solution is stirred
D. Amount of water in each cup, method of stirring, time when the solid is added to water, how long each
solution is stirred
10. What is the dependent variable if you are dissolving a juice powder on two different temperatures of water?
i. Temperature of water
ii. Amount of powder juice on each cup.
iii. Amount of water to dissolve the powdered juice.
iv. The amount of powdered juice that completely dissolved.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. IV only
11. Arrange the following items: TOOTHPASTE, BATH SOAP, TAP WATER, VINEGAR and MILK from the most acidic to
most basic.
A. Tap water, milk, toothpaste, vinegar C. Toothpaste, milk, tap water, vinegar
B. Milk, tap water, vinegar, toothpaste D. vinegar, tap water, milk, toothpaste
12. Arrange the household items in question number (11) from the item with the HIGHEST pH to the one with the
lowest pH._________________________________________________________________________________
13. You were tasked to check if the liquid sample you have is a substance or a mixture. Which of these tests is the
BEST way to do so?
i. Color comparison iii. Boiling point test
ii. Taste comparison iv. Melting point test
A. I, II, III and IV C. I, II and IV only
B. I, II and III only D. III and IV only
14. A liquid has the following properties: one-phase, colorless, boiling point of 95 to 97 degree Celsius. Which of the
following BEST describes the liquid?
A. Solution C. Suspension
B. Substance D. Coarse mixture
15. Jill has an unopened box of a 2-meter foil labeled 100% made of aluminum. Aluminum is a substance. Jill takes
just a thumb-size piece of the aluminum foil. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the piece of
aluminum foil that Jill took compared with the rest that was left in the box?
A. Its mass and melting point are different
B. Its mass and melting point are the same
C. The mass is different but the melting point is the same
D. The mass is the same but the melting point is different
16. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Ferrous sulfate cannot be broken down into simpler substance
B. Compounds are made up of one kind of element
C. Water is composed of more than two elements
D. Compounds are more complex than elements
17. Calcium chloride is a compound of the two elements calcium and chlorine. Which of the following statements is
A. Calcium chloride is listed in the periodic table
B. The symbol for calcium chloride includes Ca and Cl
C. Chlorine may still be broken down into a simpler form
D. Calcium and chlorine belong to the same group in the periodic table
For questions 18-20. Refer to the information below. You may also refer to the periodic table. Write the symbols only.
Substance Symbol Melting Point (Celsius) Boiling Point (Celsius)
Ca 850 1490
Cu 1083 2600
Fe 1540 2900
He -270 -269
Mg 650 1110
NCl3 -37 71
NO -163 -152
Na2CO3 858 890
SiO2 1610 2230
18. Which compound melts above 1000⁰C and boils above 2000⁰C?
19. Which element is gaseous at room temperature?
20. Which substance is liquid at -37⁰C?
21. Which of the following elements is most likely ductile at room temperature?
A. Sulfur B. Mercury C. Nitrogen D. Aluminum
22. A student tests an object. It is shiny, bends easily, and conducts electricity. The object is a __________
A. Plastic B. Metal C. Metalloid D. Nonmetal
23. If an object has luster, it:
A. is dense B. can conduct heat C. can be stretched D. reflects light
24. Compare to metals, sulfur easily melts when expose to a lighted alcohol lamp due to its
A. Low melting point B. High melting point C. Poor conductivity D. High density
25. Why do you think some metals are used to make kitchen utensils?
A. Make food tastier B. Poor conductor of heat C. Good Conductor of heat D. Cook faster
26. Group 3-fic was asked to identify an unknown element. They placed it over a flame to examine its
characteristics. They concluded that it was a metallic element. What observation led them to that conclusion?
A. It became liquid and evaporated C. It glow at the hotter end
B. It broken into pieces D. It easily burned and turned into ashes
27. Which of these gases will burn with a pop when lit with a lighted splint?
A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Chlorine
28. Which of these gases will combust the fire of a lit match?
A. Oxygen B. Hydrogen C. Chlorine
29. In the periodic table, elements ordered horizontally, by their atomic number are organized in their ___________
A. Periods B. Groups C. Charges D. Alphabetical order
30. In the periodic table, elements ordered vertically, by the similarity of their properties are organized in
A. Groups B. Periods C. Elements D. Atomic Number

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  (Philippians 4:13)

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