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What is the best laundry detergent to
remove stains from the choices of All-
baby, Tide, Gain, or Arm & Hammer?
HYPOTHESIS: If I wash the
stained washcloths with All-
baby, then it will be the
cleanest washcloth because
it was made for babies
whom cause a lot of stains.
• All-baby Detergent
• Tide Detergent
• Gain Detergent
• Arm & Hammer Detergent
• 4 white washcloths
• Tablespoon
• Sauce Brush
• Ketchup
• Mustard
• Balsamic Vinegar
• Washing Machine
Lay out your four white washcloths.

Dump one tablespoon of ketchup on a quarter of the washcloth.

Spread ketchup with your sauce brush.

Dump one tablespoon of mustard on a quarter of the washcloth.

Spread mustard with your sauce brush.

Dump one tablespoon of balsamic vinegar on a quarter of the washcloth.

Let washcloths sit for an hour.

Pour one tablespoon of All-baby detergent onto your washcloth inside the washing machine.

Wash on "low water," "light white," and "tap-cold."

Let air dry.

Pour one tablespoon of Tide detergent onto your washcloth inside the washing machine.

Wash on "low water," "light white," and "tap-cold."

Let air dry.

Pour one tablespoon of Gain detergent onto your washcloth inside the washing machine.

Wash on "low water," "light white," and "tap-cold."

Pour one tablespoon of Arm & Hammer detergent onto your washcloth inside the washing machine.

Wash on "low water," "light white," and "tap-cold."

Let air dry.

Compare results.
Out of 15 people, 10 chose washcloth A as
looking the cleanest, and 5 people chose
washcloth B. No one chose C or D.
In my hypothesis I predicted that All-
baby would clean the washcloths the
best because that particular detergent
is made to remove stains made by
babies, which we know babies make a
lot of stains. In conclusion, out of the
15 votes- 10 people voted that All-baby
detergent cleaned the washcloth the
most. My prediction was correct. To
take this experiment even further I
would like to test more detergents. I
also could see myself taking this
experiment further by testing which
water temperature cleans the
washcloths the best whether it’s tap-
cold, cold, warm, or hot. All in all,
there are many ways you could test
this experiment, water cycle
temperatures, different detergents,
different stains, etc. This experiment
could help anyone out in determining
which laundry detergent they should

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