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Answer Sheet

Paragraph 1
Describe why you choose this topic and state if you agree or disagree.

why I chose this topic because I don't like anything in the form of bullying, These are 3

reasons why I don't agree with this topic because

 one, there is no justification for a bullyng.

 Two,especially in a student is very unethical, not only for students but for everyone

bullying is not very good.and

 three defense in bullying is really bad. so here I strongly disagree.

Paragraph 2
Reason 1 why you agree or disagree

The reason I disagree because ,there is no defense and justification, especially for people who only

observe bullying.

Supporting your opinion

Support from me, namely to prevent and overcome bullying behavior, the role of parents is very
necessary from an early age. parents can observe every movement of the child at school or at home.
anything that can corner and demean others is bullying behavior. Therefore, parents must educate their
children to be empowered and independent. and every Indonesian child has the right to be happy.

Example from the novel

For example,there is a part of the story that I will take from the novel egghead , which is where the main
character named Michael. But at school , Michael is often called by the name egghead because he as a
bigger head than others and his body is quite small and it makes Michael feel bad at school. Even
though his classmates knew it was a bad act or bullying, they all chose to consider it an
entertainment in itself and prefer to join in calling Michael by the name Egghead.

Paragraph 3
Reason 2 why you agree or disagree
Supporting your opinion

In my opinion it is a wrong action, because supporting oppression is not justified, especially in a

school environment where school should be a place where we seek knowledge and meet many
friends. The effects of bullying in schools can also have long-lasting effects on both the victim
and the bully. For victims, this treatment robs them of their confidence. For bullies, the effect is
that it becomes a habit and a pleasure to increase their ego.

Example from the novel

For example,there is a part of the story that I will take from the novel egghead , which is where the main
character named Michael. But at school , Michael is often called by the name egghead because he as a
bigger head than others and his body is quite small and it makes Michael feel bad at school. Even
though his classmates knew it was a bad act or bullying, they all chose to consider it an
entertainment in itself and prefer to join in calling Michael by the name Egghead.

Paragraph 4

And the conclusion is that we shouldn't allow the oppression to happen, because I think if we
allow it to happen we are just as guilty as the oppressor

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