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66 fluency-boosting

FRENCH phrases
Olly Richards

I Will Teach You A Language

66 fluency-boosting French phrases

I asked I Will Teach You A Language blog readers to tell me the most useful French phrases they
have learned in recent months. Not just any old phrases, but phrases that they found themselves using
in conversation over and over, and that have contributed directly to their fluency.
From all the phrases contributed by members, I chose 66 of the best and classified them into 7
different categories. By learning these phrases and introducing them into your French, you will notice
an immediate improvement your fluency, and in your ability to hold a conversation in French.
The phrases are suitable for intermediate learners, and for any variety of French.


Talking about French 66-Fluency-Boosting-French-Phrases

2. Language exchanges
3. Connecting phrases
4. Making conversation
5. Phrases for responding
6. Making arrangements
7. Daily life

Guidance for using these Phrases
When you are at an intermediate level in French, you need to be able to respond to native speakers
quickly, and keep a conversation going.
Learning set phrases is a great way to do this! The phrases you’ll learn here will help you to connect
your ideas, respond naturally and ask engaging questions.
Here is a quick 6-step guide for how to use these phrases in your French practice:
1. Think about what kind of situations you find yourself in most commonly.
2. Look through this guide and select the phrases that are most useful for you.
3. Write them down on a piece of paper, in a notebook or on some flashcards that you will
carry around with you.
4. Listen to the recordings and practice pronouncing the phrases out loud.
5. Try “shadowing” or copying the recording so that you get the intonation right for each
6. Try to use them in your French conversations as much as possible. Remember, the more
you use them, the easier it will be to remember them!

1. Talking About French
#1 Ça fait … (un an/deux ans) que j’apprends le français.
I've been studying French for ... (1 year/2 years).

#2 Ça fait combien de temps que tu apprends le français ?

How long have you been studying French?

#3 Pour moi, … [la prononciation/la grammaire/etc.] est la partie la plus difficile.

Pronunciation/Grammar/etc. is the most difficult part for me.

#4 Comment on dit … en français?

How do you say in French?

#5 J’ai oublié la conjugaison du verbe …

I have forgotten the conjugation for the verb …

#6 Je n’arrive pas à me souvenir de …

I can’t remember.

#7 Je préfèrerais seulement parler français, s’il te plaît.

I prefer to speak only in French, please.

#8 Tu comprends ce que je dis ?

Do you understand what I'm saying?

#9 J’ai du mal à comprendre quand tu parles très vite.
It's difficult for me to understand when you speak very fast.

#10 J’ai l’impression de m’améliorer chaque jour.

I feel like I'm improving every day.

2. Language Exchanges
#11 Tu peux m’expliquer comment utiliser le mot … dans une phrase ?
Can you explain to me how to use the word ... in a sentence?

#12 Tu peux répéter, s’il te plaît ?

Can you repeat that please?

#13 Tu peux parler un peu plus lentement s’il te plaît ?

Can you speak a little more slowly please?

#14 Ça veut dire quoi … ?

What does ... mean?

#15 Tu peux l’écrire, s’il te plaît ?

Can you write it please?

#16 On peut parler de … ?

Can we speak about ...?

#17 Tu peux me donner un autre exemple ?
Can you give me another example?

#18 Je ne me sens pas à l’aise de parler de ce sujet. On peut discuter d’autre chose ?
I don't feel comfortable talking about this topic. Can we discuss something else?

#19 Pardon, je ne comprends pas.

Sorry, I don't understand

#20 J’ai dit ça correctement ?

Did I say it correctly?/Does that make sense?

#21 Est-ce qu’on peut encore pratiquer cette question/cette conversation ?

Can we practice that question/conversation again?

#22 Ça a du sens ?
Does it make sense?

#23 De quoi ça parle ?

What is it about?

3. Connecting Phrases

#24 Quoi qu’il en soit.

Be that as it may.

#25 Je doute que ça arrive

I doubt that would happen

#26 Donc, ce qu’il s’est passé c’est que …

So, what happened was …

#27 Il n’y a pas besoin d’être un expert mais …

You don't need to be an expert but …

#28 Ça dure seulement …

It only lasts …

#29 J’ai oublié de …

I forgot to …

#30 Je vais avoir des problèmes si …

I'm going to have problems if …

#31 Au final, …
At the end of the day/In the end, …

#32 Le plus tôt possible.

As soon as possible.

#33 C’est ce que je pensais.

That's what I thought.

4. Making Conversation

#34 Tu aimes quel genre de musique ?

What type of music do you like?

#35 Ça te semble bien ?

How does it sound to you?/How does it seem to you?

#36 Tu as fait quoi le week-end dernier ?

What did you do last weekend?

#37 Tu peux m’aider ?

Can you help me?

#38 Tu peux me recommander des chansons ?

Can you recommend some songs to me?

#39 Tu aimes faire quoi dans ton temps libre ?

What do you like to do in your free time?

#40 Tu fais quoi dans la vie ?

What do you do? (What do you work at?)

#41 Tu es déjà venu ici ?

Have you been here/there before?

5. Phrases for Responding
#42 C’est génial !
Oh, that's awesome!

#43 C’est tout ce qu’il y a à dire …

That is all there is to say …

#44 Dis-moi ce que tu en penses.

Tell me what you think.

#45 Je m’en fiche

I don't care

#46 Ah bon, vraiment ?

Really, is that so?

#47 Ça m’est égal.

Whatever/It's all the same to me.

#48 Sans blague !

No way!

6. Making Arrangements
#49 Je suis pressé.
I'm in a hurry.

#50 Je suis désolé, je vais arriver en retard.

I'm sorry, I'm arriving late.

#51 J’ai un autre rendez-vous.

I have another engagement/appointment.

#52 Aujourd’hui je ne peux pas, ça serait mieux un autre jour.

Today I can't, another day would be better.

#53 Tu veux que je te dépose où ?

Where do you want me to drop you off?

#54 Tu vas faire quoi aujourd’hui ?

What are you going to do today?

#55 Tu dois y aller à quelle heure ?

What time do you have to go at?

#56 On va sortir boire quelques bières.

We're going to go out for a few beers.

7. Daily Life
#57 À bientôt !
See you!

#58 Ce week-end n’était pas assez long.

This weekend was not long enough.

#59 À plus tard !

See you later!

#60 Tu as appelé le mauvais numéro.

You called the wrong number.

#61 Il fait très chaud aujourd’hui !

It's very hot today!

#62 Je me suis beaucoup amusé.
I had a fun time.

#63 C’est à quelle distance ?

How far is it?

#64 Je aurais dû regarder plus attentivement.

I should have looked more carefully.

#65 Le solde à payer est …
The balance to pay is …

#66 Je dois m’excuser.

I have to apologize.


Hi, I’m Olly Richards from the UK. I speak 8 languages, and I give practical guidance for
learning foreign languages on my website: I Will Teach You A Language.
I have produced a series of short stories in many languages, including French, which are
international bestsellers. These books provide simplified, accessible, and fun reading material in
French for students who enjoy reading. Accompanying audiobooks are also available on Audible.
• Short Stories In French For Beginners

If you have any questions about learning French, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter:
Best of luck with your language learning!


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