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I. Answer the following questions:

1.Who showed an interest in Sunil's foot?
2. What was Sunil's view about keeping pets?
3. Why did Sushmita want a pet?
4. Where did she go to purchase a pet?
5. How did Sushmita test the parrot's ability?
6. How did the parrot come to attack Sunil?
7. Why did Bala and Anil remain silent through the story?

II.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

‘He listened attentively and suggested she might like to buy a parrot.’

a) Who is referred to as ‘he’ and ‘she ‘in the above lines?

b) Why did ‘he’ suggest that ‘she’ should buy a pet parrot?

c) Was ‘she’ really convinced initially to buy a parrot? Give reason to support your

d) How did ‘she’ react after witnessing the parrot’s skill?

e) What did ‘he’ do in order to demonstrate the parrot’s skill?

f) Would you like to have such a parrot as a pet? Justify your answer.

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