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Euneilyn R.

Grade XI Diamond (GAS)

Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Quarter 1 – Module 8
Professionals and Practitioners in Communication

“I publish my practices”

COVID-19 has wrought devastation around the world since its outbreak in late December 2019, and
education, like any critical sector, has been particularly hard hit. Schools, Colleges, Universities, and
Students have all been severely impacted. Despite this, as a student, I always find ways to remain
optimistic about my future achievements.

Here are some of my Healthy recommendations and study habits that served me well during the


Eat a healthy diet

Consume a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Adults should
consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables (400g) every day. You can increase your fruit and
vegetable intake by include vegetables in every meal, snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables, eating a
variety of fruits and vegetables, and eating them in season. You can lower your risk of malnutrition and
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer by consuming a
balanced diet.
Staying active

Establishing a workout routine is one of the most obvious ways to stay active at home. Exercising on a
regular basis, eating healthy foods several times a day, and staying hydrated all contribute to optimal
body and mind performance. Make a list of 10 small chores to do each day and do one every hour (wipe
counters, wash windows, dust, vacuum, pick up toys, clothes, etc), Work in the yard (pull weeds, plant a
garden to maintain, mow the grass, etc), If you have stairs, do a few sets of going up and down the stairs
every few hours.

Get vaccinated

Vaccination is one of the most effective methods of disease prevention. Vaccines work in tandem with
your body's natural defenses to protect you from diseases such as cervical cancer, cholera, diphtheria,
hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, pneumonia, polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, typhoid, and yellow
fever. Vaccines will help you stay healthy, and they are just as important for your overall health as diet
and exercise.

Simply put, meditation is a stress-relieving technique. Additionally, by reducing stress, you are preparing
yourself to perform at your best. "I believe we meditate to improve our lives, not to improve our
meditation skills." Many people believe that meditation is about focusing on the present moment, but this
is actually mindfulness. Meditation, on the other hand, is all about releasing the stress that the body has
stored from the past.

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing

When you cough (or sneeze),

cover your mouth to prevent germs from being propelled into the air or across the room, potentially
making others sick.
It is simple to conceal your cough. But, as simple as it is, there is a right and wrong way to do it.
Cough into your elbow, which is bent.
Using a tissue, cough
Before touching doorknobs and other surfaces, wash your hands.
Hand sanitizer should be used.
Cough into the air
Cough into your bare hands
Cough on others
After coughing into your hands, touch the doorknobs and other surfaces.

Keep hydrated

Drinking enough fluids is critical for avoiding dehydration, which can cause constipation and mood
swings. Although water is the best beverage option, moderate amounts of coffee and tea are also
acceptable. Sugary beverages, such as sodas, energy drinks, and fruit drinks, should be avoided. Water is
essential for many reasons, including regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing
infections, delivering nutrients to cells, and keeping organs functioning properly. Hydration also improves
sleep quality, cognition, and mood.

Reduce stress by practicing mindfulness

Mindfulness may alleviate the stress

associated with studying from home. This practice entails paying attention to what is happening right
now. To put it another way, a mindfulness practitioner observes an experience without passing judgment
on it. Practicing mindfulness can improve one's objectivity. It may enable a person to simply notice
negative thoughts and feelings rather than becoming entangled in them. Throughout the day, mindfulness
can be applied to any situation.

Cleaning around the house

Regularly cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces in your home is an important precaution to
reduce the risk of infection. Follow cleaning product directions for safe and effective use, including
precautions to take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and ensuring adequate ventilation.
Some national authorities have compiled lists of recommended COVID-19 virus-fighting products. Clean
and disinfect a high-touch surface. Door handles, tables, chairs, handrails, kitchen and bathroom surfaces,
taps, toilets, light switches, mobile phones, computers, tablets, keyboards, remote controls, game
controllers, and favorite toys are all common high-touch surfaces.

Drink only safe water

Drinking contaminated water can result in water-borne diseases like cholera, diarrhea, hepatitis A,
typhoid, and polio. At least 2 billion people worldwide drink contaminated feces-contaminated water.
Check with your water concessionaire and water refilling station to ensure the safety of the water you're
drinking. Boil your water for at least one minute if you are unsure of your water source. This will kill any
potentially harmful organisms in the water. Allow it to naturally cool before drinking. Furthermore, water
promotes organ health by allowing blood to maintain the consistency required to flow freely and transport
oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body. Disease Prevention Did you know that if people are unable
to drink safe and clean water, it leads to a variety of diseases?
Clean your hands properly

Handwashing with soap kills germs on the

hands. Because people frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without realizing it, this helps prevent
infections. Germs can enter the body through the eyes, nose, and mouth and cause illness. Germs from
unwashed hands can enter foods and beverages while they are being prepared or consumed. Hand hygiene
is critical not only for health workers but for everyone. Clean hands can prevent the spread of infectious
illnesses. You should handwash using soap and water when your hands are visibly soiled or handrub
using an alcohol-based product.

Tune out distraction

If you find yourself needing to tune out the noise made by others in your home, arm yourself with
headphones and your favorite studying music. Instrumental music, such as classical, jazz, lo-fi hip hop, or
synthwave, is useful as background music because it cancels out unwanted noise while also providing a
motivating soundtrack for studying. Experiment with various genres to see what works best for you.

Concentrate during your designated study

times. Your study time will be more effective if you are focused and dedicated. If you go over your time
limit, that's fantastic! Your hyper-focus enabled you to study harder and prepare more than you had
anticipated. If you're having trouble concentrating, take a short break to stretch, breathe, or enjoy some
refreshments. And, It is necessary to understand why focus is so important, so you can use it to your
advantage. Here are the reasons why focus is important in your life. 1. It helps you change your life.
Focus can change your life dramatically. When you focus on your life to make it better, it will start to get
better eventually.

Reward yourself

Concentrating on studies during a pandemic, especially while under quarantine or shelter-in-place orders,
presents unique challenges. If you've studied and focused for the duration of your goal time, be sure to
reward yourself! The reward could be an extra hour of binge-watching your favorite show, eating a
decadent dessert, napping, or doing something else you enjoy. This will reinforce good study habits while
also providing a well-deserved treat. Finally, rewarding yourself is essential for staying motivated.
Without it, you may begin to lose your sense of balance, making you unhappy while studying. Set your
goals and plan the rewards you want to give yourself when you achieve them if you want to stay happy
and inspired.

Keep reading

Keep reading, whether for pleasure or for reference. Reading has been shown to improve vocabulary,
grammar, and comprehension on standardized tests. It will also help to stimulate your mind during your
downtime. Reading exercises your mind in a variety of ways. To begin, it requires comprehension to
process the words you read. Reading words off a page allows you to use your analytical skills, stimulate
memories, and even broaden your imagination. Books can be an escape as well as an adventure. Reading
allows you to think about things in new ways, learn about cultures, events, and people you may not have
heard of before, and adopt ways of thinking that help to reshape or enhance your identity. Reading has the
potential to increase your creativity. Whether you read about a specific craft or skill to improve it or just
for fun, the words may spark new ideas or images in your mind. You might also notice connections
between seemingly unrelated things, which can lead to even more creative outputs and expressions.

Set realistic goals

developing your study strategy, make sure to set goals that you can actually achieve. If you plan to study
for three hours a day while also working a full-time job from home, you may fall short and lose
motivation. Realistic objectives should define a clear expectation of success that you believe is attainable.
Your belief is determined by the goal, your current skills, and the amount of time you have to achieve it.
The goal of goal setting is to define a clear direction that motivates you to take action. Realistic goals will
assist you in accomplishing this. Unrealistic ones, on the other hand, can result in disappointment,
procrastination, and frustration.

Time Management

Time management enables you to exert control

over your work process and reduce stress. It is especially important for new businesses and freelancers.
This type of discipline aids in the prioritization of urgent tasks and the achievement of goals more
quickly. Here are some of the reasons why time management is so important:
Reason # 1. Reduces stress levels

If you are obsessing over meeting your deadlines and suffering from a lack of sleep, then the level of stress in your
life is high. When there is a lot of work to do and it feels like you are not moving forward, it is easy to become
anxious. Stress management goes hand in hand with time management. Learning how to prioritize your tasks and
stick to your goals lets you have enough time to rest. Eventually, helps eliminate worry and stress.

Reason # 2. Increases productivity and efficiency

When you know how much time you need to finish a particular task, it allows you to better concentrate at work. If
you do not prioritize less important activities, the level of efficiency increases. It helps you accomplish more in a
shorter period of time.

Reason # 3. Frees up time for relaxation

Relaxing is crucial for maintaining good health. You do not want to earn money and then spend it on medication
since you were often stressed over finishing your project. Organizing your activities wisely frees up time for quality

Reason # 4. Eliminates missed deadlines

Using the concept to reduce distractions and properly distribute time between various projects lets you meet your
deadlines on a regular basis. You can even plan to complete a certain task earlier. If you come across any
complications, you will have extra time to fix the problem.

Reason # 5. Opens career opportunities

Being able to submit high-quality work on time is a valuable skill to any organization. If you understand the
importance of time management and apply it successfully, you can surely improve your career.

Reason # 6. Improves personal relationships

Paying enough attention to those around you is an essential aspect of building strong connections. When you have
more free time to spend with your loved ones, it surely helps strengthen your relationships.

Reason # 7. Helps develop self-discipline

Mastering the skills of time management allows you to build strong self-discipline, which is one of the essential
requirements for achieving goals. Self-control helps you be more diligent and engaged in your work. It can have a
positive impact on all spheres of your life.

Reason # 8. Builds self-confidence

Managing to produce quality work and regularly meet your deadlines makes you more confident in your abilities.
When you feel good about yourself, you can take on more complicated and interesting assignments.

Reason # 9. Provides more time for leisure activities

Blocking out distractions when needed and getting things done frees up time to do things you enjoy. Oftentimes, the
inability to prioritize projects leads to sacrificing communication or favorite activities for work. Having more free
time means you can spend it with your family or friends, travel, and practice your hobby.

Reason # 10. Helps reduce revisions

When you are focused on accomplishing a task, the chances are high you will not make many mistakes. It also
prevents you from forgetting important things. It does not mean your work will always be impeccable. However, it
reduces the number of revisions and motivates you to perform better.

Reason # 11. Improves your problem-solving skills

Getting enough quality rest and sleep allows you to function well throughout your day. It positively influences every
area of your life and prevents you from making bad decisions when you feel pressure and anxiety.

Reason # 12. Provides a sense of fulfillment

When you plan your time wisely and accomplish more goals, you gain a sense of fulfillment. It lets you explore
different opportunities. For instance, you can try some fun new activities or do volunteer work. If you rush from one
project to another, it is unlikely you will even consider doing these things.

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