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HRMG3030: Attendance and Disability Management Research Project

Adbuallah Mahmood



Table of Contents


Attendance management................................................................................................................3

Purpose of Policy........................................................................................................................4

Important definitions..................................................................................................................4

Culpable versus non-culpable.....................................................................................................5

Culpable Absence...................................................................................................................5

Causes of Culpable Absenteeism............................................................................................6

Example of Culpable Absenteeism.........................................................................................6

Management of Culpable absenteeism at Toyota...................................................................6

Non-Culpable absence............................................................................................................7

Causes of Non-Culpable absence............................................................................................7


Attendance Management policy at Toyota.....................................................................................8

Sick leave....................................................................................................................................8

Annual Leave..............................................................................................................................9

Last chance agreement................................................................................................................9

Communication of policy with employees.................................................................................9




The selected company for this task is Toyota. Toyota is a multinational company with

high brand image and reputation. Toyota set three main priorities i.e., creative, studious and

time management. Company avoid frivolousness and strove to create a best cultural and

homelike atmosphere to facilitate employees. In this report the attendance policy will create for

Toyota which facilitates HR manager to manage the workforce efficiently. Qatar labor law 14

stated that employer play a primary role to ensure the employees safety, well being,

compesnation and benefits (AL Meezan, 2021). Moreover, HR manager protect and provide the

basic employees right, and ensure their safety through building different safety plans and

procedures. Through proper policy Toyota can set the clear guidelines, employer and employee

responsibilities and implement that policy through which the disability and attendance issue can

manage efficiently and timely. In this way the absence and disability policy can reduce the

future risk and workforce conflict with employer under proper law.

Attendance management

Attendance management is refer as refer as organization approach to track the

attendance information and time in work setting to reduce the risk, manage work and save time.

Employer tracks the main causes of absenteeism and schedule time to minimize the loss. CIPD

survey concluded tat illness is the main cause of absence (Jonatha, 2021). So, through

attendance management the well being and safety arrangement of employees are planned which

reduce the absetntismm and enhance the overall organizational productivity. Workplace

environment, disease and illness are the main causes which cause absenteeism (Butler

University, 2021).

Purpose of Policy

To optimize the operational efficiency and productivity of Toyota the employee’s

punctuality and regular attendance is necessary. This is because deviation and absenteeism leads

the employees toward lower productivity. So, it is necessary to reduce the absenteeism and

workforce disruption through proper management of attendance. It can manage through

building the policy about sick day leave, emergency life due to family issue, accidental leave,

job hunting and workplace harassment etc. Attendance policy of Toyota will serves to minimize

the financial loss and boost productivity because HR manager align procedures for employee

who are arriving late or missing work. Moreover, under attendance management policy the HR

professional’s conduct attendance training which will keep employees update about absenteeism

procedure policy and motivate employees to enhance attendance. Moreover, detailed

disciplinary actions are taken for unexcused or excessive absenteeism. In attendance

management HR professionals also set rewards for those employees who maintain best

attendance records (Findlaw, 2021). It creates the sense of motivation for other employees.

Important definitions

The main terms that are frequently use to set the policy for attendance management are


1. Presenteeism: Due to injury or illness i.e., flu, cold, arthritis, back pain, migraine the

overall employees activity lost which is refer as Presenteeism. These employees are

physically at work but unable to perform duty and make frequent mistakes.

2. Absenteeism: When employees delay work and miss significant working hours due to

specific trend it is refer as absenteeism. These absents are minor illness, unplanned

absence, harassment, family issue, occasional absence or authorised absence. Unusual

and habitual absence cause low employee income, penalty, fine and even


3. Employer: Employer set relevant procedures and policies for employees to maintain

attendance records, monitor absence, and request to get the medical information of

employees to find out the main cause of absenteeism.

4. Employee: Employee provide the medical justification and inform employer timely to

return back on work safely and without any penalty and legal action.

5. Tardiness: Tardiness is the habitual nature of employee to delay arrival and being late

always. It is consider as misconduct which is formally punishable. The main and

common causes of employee’s tardiness are bad weather, traffic issue and lack of sleep.

Culpable versus non-culpable

Culpable Absence

Culpable absence is refer as the habitual nature of employee toward absence. In this case

employees always absent and have no justification of absence. Employees remained always late,

has no legitimate reason of absence and always lying. In this case Toyota must take disciplinary

actions, set penalties and fines to change the employee’s attitude and behaviour toward work

(SBBC, 2021). Culpable Absenteeism is also refer as at-fault absenteeism in which employees

is physically and mentally fit to do the assigned job but always arrive late.

Causes of Culpable Absenteeism

The main causes which lead the Toyota employees toward Culpable Absenteeism are

lack of proper sleep, accident or emergency, leave without acceptance of application, no

emergency or medical proof, showed sick because of personal commitments.

Example of Culpable Absenteeism

The employee of Toyota informed employer that he is sick and want leave for today.

When HR manager or employer investigates about the main reason of illness that employee

unable of justify and start lame excuses and lying. So, employees just message for leave and not

provide solid justification and authorized approval for leave. When employee comes next day

and employer ask about the reason he failed to justify the valid explanation because of his/her

personal commitments and leave without any reason.

Management of Culpable absenteeism at Toyota

As Toyota serves on international level with high brand reputation so, the progressive design for

employee counseling is necessary rather than aggressive approach. This is because the retention

of skillful employees and their well being is necessary to consider with some legal and

disciplinary actions (James, 2021). So, HR professional of Toyota manage workforce and issues

efficiently without creating conflicts and disagreements. There are following progressive actions

that will take to manage absentees at Toyota.

1. Initial interview will conduct by HR professionals for proper assessment of employee.

Based on the employee record counseling will provide to employees and warned him

about unauthorized absence.


2. Verbal warning also provide after formal review of employee behavior and ansetieeism.

It will change the employee behavior toward job because verbal warnings alert him and

lead toward the serious issues.

3. When employee fail to understand after proper counseling and verbal warning than

written warning given to him with limited time frame to overcome the habitual nature of


4. In fourth phase and after warning the unauthorized and habitual absenteeism of

employees at Toyota leads him toward suspensions and at last toward termination

without any legal notice. These disciplinary actions will overcome the absenteeism rate

and enhance the overall profitability of Toyota.

Non-Culpable absence

It happened due to lack of employees control or little control of certain circumstances that leads

him toward absenteeism. Non-Culpable absence is also refer as innocent absenteeism because

employee being absent due to solid and logical justification.

Causes of Non-Culpable absence

Illness, sudden accidental situation, family issue or emergency and disability are the main

causes of Non-Culpable absence which can handle by occupational health employer under

proper and valid medical documentation (Toyota Corporation, 2021).


When Toyota employee properly informed the employer about the main reason of leave with

proper justification it is authorized absence. In this case the employee is blameless and innocent.

The regulatory bodies and professionals conduct meeting to analyze the main reason of absence.

Attendance Management policy at Toyota

The Toyota attendance management policy is based on non-culpable absenteeism in

workplace. Moreover, progressive disciplinary policy deals with culpable absence at Toyota.

Sick leave

The employees of Toyota company can apply for sick leave once they complete 03

months in the organization. The employees of the company can apply for sick leave each year.

The employees have to show certificates to the authorities from licensed doctors or practitioners

when applying for sick leave. In this way, the employees can receive two weeks leave and

compensation for those leaves. if the employee wants extension after the leaves of two weeks

then they will receive half salary up to the next 04 weeks. No compensation will be provided to

the employees if the leaves are extended beyond those 04 weeks. The compensation will only be

provided to the employees when they return to their work. The company has the authority to

terminate the employees after the leave of 12 weeks from the company based on the certificate

provided by the licensed practitioner that shows that the employee is not able to rejoin the work

or he is unfit for the job. these employees will not be able to provide services in another

organization at the time of any kind of leave.

Annual Leave

At Toyota the employees is entitled for official leave after one year completion of

work. The leave consist of three weeks and after four year completion the leave duration exceed

to 4 weeks. The company employer permit employee enjoys it in fraction and divided into two

periods. According to Qatar labor law the employee request the employer to provide half paid

leaves. In this way employee under authorized leave will enjoy vacations.

Last chance agreement

If the employee takes culpable leave then the company can go for Progressive

Disciplinary Policy. The employee will receive a warning from managers. If the employee does

not change his attitude and behavior then they will receive a written warning. They can also be

provided with a temporary suspension letter without compensation if the behavior still doesn't

change. In the end, they will get the last chance agreement and if they continue the absenteeism

then they will be terminated.

Communication of policy with employees

After setting the policy and proper action plan for the attendance management the

communication of employer regarding to policy with employees is necessary. This is because

aggressive action or sudden implementation of policy will arise conflicts and turnover. So, to

retain Toyota employees for long term HR practitioners will communicate with employees and

aware them about legal procedure to avoid future penalties, suspension and fines.


The attendance management policy of Toyota design by HR practitioners will be highly

effective for workforce and employer. It create the employment opportunities ,enhance

employees well being under proper disciplinary action, and retain employees for long term. The

future risk, uncertainties and level of productivity become more balance and workplace

violence, misconduct, bad behaviors and unauthorized leave of employees can control

significnatly.HR managers will update and implement the policy which ensure employees safety

and monitor their performance. The leave will take under proper procedure and discipline rather

than absence without any notice and permission of employer.


AL Meezan. (2021). Law No. 14 of 2004 on the promulgation of Labour Law. Retrieved June

13, 2022, from Al Meezan:



Butler University. (2021). Disability-Related Exception to Attendance Policies. Retrieved June

12, 2022, from Butler University:


Findlaw. (2021). Employee Absenteeism and the ADA. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from Findlaw:


James. (2021). Non-Culpable or Innocent Absenteeism? Retrieved June 13, 2022, from




Jonatha. (2021). What is Attendance Management? Retrieved June 13, 2022, from Talenx:

SBBC. (2021). Managing Workplace Behaviours: Understanding The Discipline Process.

Retrieved June 13, 2022, from SBBC:




Toyota Corporation. (2021). Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives. Retrieved June 13,

2022, from Toyota Tsusho corporation:

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