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Here I am, I know my life is going to change, I know it, within a week I have to move, and not only

from home, I’ll leave the country. I have nerves, my leg tremble and I can’t sleep at night. I keep
myself busy during the day so I don’t notice my house half empty. I try to think of all the good
times that happened in this house. I remember Christmas days, birthdays, and even parties that I
celebrate with my friends and family. I remember the pets that lived with me and I take care. I
remember all these moments and I can’t overcome; so, after meditating, I decided to spend my
last normal day before submitting to the chaos that will be rediscovering my life.

So, I star planning my next day, I decided to have a normal day, I would do what I have always do;
I’ll get up early, and study for a while, I’ll cook for the last time in my kitchen and I’ll meet up with
my friends for the last time before I leave and can’t see them again.

I’m going to sleep, tomorrow will be my last normal day

I hear the alarm beep, I extend my arm to turn off the alarm and grab my phone, I spent a couple
minutes checking social media until I remember my plan for today; I jump out of bed and brush my
teeth to prepare myself for the perfect last day. I prepare coffee and eat a toast while I wait for it
to be time to study. When the clock strikes eleven, I go and turn on my computer, I search for the
online course I’m doing and there I spend it. One hour later I write a message to my friends to see
us in the afternoon, I received the answers a few minutes later and I continued with the course.

When the clock strikes two, I prepare myself a lunch and I eat it quickly, from then on, I star to
getting ready to go out; I take a bath, I fix my hair and I look for the clothes I’m going to wear. For
when I’m ready I go out to the place where my friend where waiting for me, no one was missing,
and I told them “Let’s go do something fun, a good farewell without it being sad”

They totally agreed, we go and spend the day in shopping mall, we saw a movie together and play
a couple of videogames.

When the night arrives its time to say goodbye to my friend. I go home, the magic air disappears as
soon as I close my door, Sadly I finish packing my clothes, and tomorrow I have to leave, I adjust
things so that I don’t forget something.

When I already have hours on the trip, finally reach the destination, When I land on it, I don’t have
anyone waiting for me, nobody knows who I am, I look for a Taxi to take me to my hotel, where I
unpack my things. This will be my home for a few months, I don’t know how it will happen, my life
has changed and I don’t know how to overcome it.

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