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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Subject Social Studies

Content Knowledge

Grade Level Third Grade

Learning 3.11 The student will explain the responsibilities of a good citizen, with
Objective emphasis on
c) describing actions that can improve the school and community;

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Pixton to create a comic showing ways they can
Pedagogy Planning

be a good citizen.
Activity For this activity the students will be introduced to SOL 3.11. The students will be
learning about the different ways that they can be a good citizen. I will start the
lesson by telling the children that we will be learning what it means to be a good
citizen. I will ask the class what does it mean to be a citizen? The children can
give responses and then I will explain to the children that being a citizen means
someone who belongs to a particular community, town, city or country. I will
next present to the class a book titled “Being a Good Citizen, A Book About
Citizenship” by Mary Small. I will read the book to the class. After the reading
we will talk about some different ways that the students can be good citizens.
This will be a time where students are able to share their thoughts and give
examples. I will also give the students different scenarios and they will decide if
the scenario is someone being a good citizen or if the person is not. After the
lesson is explained the students will be told that they are to create a comic
depicting different ways that they can be a good citizen. The student will go
home and create a comic strip stating ways they can be good citizens in different
situations provided to them.

Each student will create a 5-8 panel comic where they talk about different ways
that they can be a good citizen.
1. Student will create a slide introducing themselves.
2. Students will create three panels describing how they can be a good
citizen at home, when they are at school, and how you can be a good
citizen in the community.
3. On the final slides students will address why they think it is important
that we are good citizens.
4. Students will be able to share their comic with the class.

Web 2.0 The web 2.0 technology that the class will be using is Pixton. Students will
Technology use this technology to create a comic on how they can be a good citizen. The

website for Pixton is, and can be accessed through web

browser on iPhone, iPad, or computer.
Link to the
product you
pretending to
be a student

Mobile App
Option 1. Pixton Comic Maker has a free app and is accessible through web
browser and phones. It is available to use on iPhone, iPad and

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