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Data Gathering Procedure

Prior to data gathering, the researcher prepared an informed consent letter to be given to the
respondents of the study, voluntary participation was highly emphasized in the letter of consent.

The data-gathering procedure was done in a form of one-to-one interview in which the researcher took
written notes. All interviews were tape recorded. The interviews were informal and open ended, and
carried out in a conversational style.

1. Profile of respondents:


Respondent 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Respondent 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Respondent 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Experiences of Student Mothers:

For *NAME (AGE), her experiences are that its tiring, struggling with subjects, concentration, especially
when at home and doing her homework, and time management.

As for *NAME (AGE) her experience and struggle is that she struggles to manage her time between
school, the child and for herself.

And for *NAME (AGE), time management is the most difficult part for her. She stated that she needs to
wake-up early and prepare especially now that her son is going to school.

Coping strategies of student mothers:

For *NAME (AGE), she copes by focusing on school and home separately another coping is that thinking
positive and being optimistic and going with the flow.

As for *NAME (AGE), her coping is working hard and praying.

And as for *NAME (AGE) she copes by not getting stressed being optimistic and being welcomed by her
child at home.

Factors that helped them:

For *NAME (AGE), her biggest factor that helped her cope being a student mother is her Husband, For
*NAME (AGE),its being accepted by her family and friends. And for *NAME (AGE) she views her mother as
the biggest factor that has helped her.

Learnings of student mothers:

As for *NAME (AGE) she has learned that being a student mother is not easy but challenging. She also
learned that a s a mother she needs to learn to set her priorities. And she learned that one should grab
the opportunity to learn and study while still single.

*NAME (AGE) learned that one should not be careless in choosing partners and achieve your goals despite
having a child.

And *NAME (AGE) learned that you should not panic and should be knowledgeable of the consequences
of your actions

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