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Effect of Principal Stress Rotation and Intermediate

Principal Stress Changes on the Liquefaction Resistance

and Undrained Cyclic Response of Ottawa Sand
Erdem O. Tastan, M.ASCE 1; and J. Antonio H. Carraro 2
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Abstract: In laboratory testing, the liquefaction resistance of sands is typically evaluated using cyclic triaxial and simple shear tests. These
tests cannot be used in a rigorous manner to systematically assess the effects of principal stress rotation and intermediate principal stress
changes on the undrained cyclic response of sands. In this study, the effect of these two factors on the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand
was investigated using a cyclic hollow cylinder apparatus. At similar initial states of fabric and mean effective stress following K 0 con-
solidation, the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand deposited underwater can (1) decrease by 50%–80% as the major principal stress
direction moves away from the vertical with σ20 ¼ σ30 , or (2) increase by 200% to 380% as σ20 increases while σ10 remains vertical depending
on the liquefaction criterion (strain levels). When the stress state defined by the imposed boundary condition deviated from axisymmetric
compression, the combined effect on the liquefaction resistance was governed by principal stress rotation. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-
5606.0002772. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Underwater deposition; Slurry; Fabric; Liquefaction; Principal stress rotation; Intermediate principal stress; Hollow
cylinder test.

Introduction an earthquake, shear and compressional waves induce cyclic changes

to deviatoric (σv −σh ) and shear (τ vh ) stresses on soil elements in the
Most soils are anisotropic materials, and soil anisotropy is composed ground. According to Ishihara (1983), the induced cyclic shear and
of two components: inherent and induced anisotropy (Casagrande deviatoric stresses vary in such a way that the principal stress di-
and Carrillo 1944). Inherent anisotropy relates to the original dep- rections may remain approximately constant during cyclic loading
osition of soil layers in situ, whereas induced anisotropy results from for sloping ground conditions such as those existing in earth dams
plastic deformations experienced by the soil following deposition. and embankments. Advanced numerical modeling may be neces-
Unfortunately, undisturbed sand specimens are rarely used in prac- sary in the future to further verify this as well as the true generalized
tice, and most sand specimens are reconstituted in the laboratory. To stress conditions that may apply for other complex geotechnical
be representative, the selected method of reconstitution should there- boundary value problems involving true three-dimensional (3D)
fore replicate inherent soil anisotropy to the extent possible. Sub- anisotropic soil behavior associated with principal stress rotation
sequent testing procedures should also be able to reproduce the and large deformations imparted by cyclic loading.
actual loading conditions imparted to the soil in situ and the induced In practice, most liquefaction analyses involve semiempirical
anisotropy that derives from actual loading scenarios. model calibration relying on cyclic triaxial and cyclic simple shear
Upstream tailings dam construction, natural sloping ground, and tests. More recently, cyclic hollow cylinder tests have gained pop-
cyclic loading induced by earthquakes represent typical scenarios en- ularity due to their ability to simulate more generalized three-
countered in practice that induce nontrivial loading conditions to soil dimensional stress conditions. This study sheds new light into the
elements in the ground/embankment. Conversely, idealized loading three-dimensional undrained cyclic response of sands deposited
imposed by conventional triaxial tests, which solely apply to center- under water and/or in a slurry environment (e.g., alluvial, fluvial,
line conditions under circular footings/embankments, and/or by direct marine, and tailings deposits). The inherent anisotropy of the spec-
simple shear tests are crude simplifications of the actual aforemen- imens tested was accounted for by using a slurry deposition method
tioned typical scenarios. In general, all three principal stresses and during specimen reconstitution (Tastan and Carraro 2013; Carraro
their directions should be taken into account in rigorous analyses and Prezzi 2008). Induced anisotropy before and during cyclic
of real boundary value problems encountered in practice. During loading was addressed using a cyclic hollow cylinder apparatus.
As such, the effects of principal stress rotation and intermediate
Principal Geotechnical Engineer, Geosyntec Consultants Inc., 1300 S principal stress changes on the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa
Mint St., Charlotte, NC 28203 (corresponding author). ORCID: https:// sand were systematically assessed. Email:
Senior Lecturer in Experimental Geotechnical Engineering, Dept. of
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London
SW7 2AZ, UK. ORCID: Email:
Liquefaction Resistance under Cyclic Loading
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 19, 2021; approved on Available Methods and Relevant Parameters
December 20, 2021; published online on February 22, 2022. Discussion
period open until July 22, 2022; separate discussions must be submitted The liquefaction susceptibility of a soil subjected to cyclic loading
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Geotechnical depends on various factors including (but not limited to) the initial
and Geoenvironmental Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241. state of the soil on the e-p 0 -q space compared with the location of

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key bounding surfaces [e.g., undrained instability line or critical approximated in cyclic simple shear tests, albeit these are still subject
state line (CSL)] and the magnitude and direction of the cyclic load- to nonuniformity issues (Budhu 1988).
ing experienced by the soil. The deformation behavior of a lique- Empirical corrections [Eq. (14) of Idriss and Boulanger (2008)]
fied soil subjected to cyclic loading might be generally idealized as are used in practice to mitigate issues associated with a combina-
contractive or dilative. A contractive behavior would lead to large tion of triaxial and simple shear boundary conditions. Even so, such
cumulative deformations after undrained instability is mobilized, analyses are often conducted without a more comprehensive and
whereas a dilative response would result in incremental buildup rigorous assessment of the implications resulting from such a
of deformations as cyclic loading progresses (Casagrande 1971). combination of boundary conditions. Ultimately, this reflects the
Vaid and Chern (1985) observed another deformation pattern dur- inherent limitations associated with the original framework under-
ing cyclic loading whereby a combination of undrained instability pinning such analyses (Lambe 1967), whose limitations may have
and cyclic mobility occurred, which they referred to as limited been justifiable in the past due to the prevailing experimental con-
liquefaction followed by cyclic mobility. straints of the last century. But as a result of major technological
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Soil liquefaction induced by cyclic loading is typically evalu- advances in experimental geomechanics, hollow cylinder tests
ated by cyclic triaxial and cyclic simple shear tests. Cyclic hollow have gained popularity in analyses of sand liquefaction due to
cylinder tests (also referred to as cyclic torsional shear tests) have cyclic loading where anisotropy is assessed in a more rigorous
also been used to evaluate soil liquefaction. Cyclic triaxial tests im- way (Ishihara and Yamazaki 1984; Tatsuoka et al. 1986a; Ishihara
pose axisymmetric states to soil, and therefore cannot rigorously et al. 1985; Tatsuoka et al. 1989; Koester 1992; Altun et al. 2005;
simulate the true in situ stress conditions in sloping ground where Al-Rkaby et al. 2017; Prasanna et al. 2018; Gu et al. 2018; Chen
a soil element under the sloping surface is subjected to initial shear et al. 2020; Prasanna et al. 2020).
stresses on vertical and horizontal planes before cyclic loading Stress conditions imposed by hollow cylinder tests [Figs. 1(a
commences. Cyclic simple shear tests can induce an initial amount and b)] allow for systematic variations in major principal stress di-
rection (α) and intermediate principal stress (σ2 ) [Fig. 1(c)] and are
of principal stress rotation to test specimens, but most commer-
more robust and consistently defined than those imparted by cyclic
cially available devices are not commonly used in this manner, ex-
triaxial and cyclic simple shear tests. In cyclic hollow cylinder tests,
cept for studies like those by Sivathayalan and Ha (2011) and
principal stress rotations can be simulated prior to and/or during
Porcino and Caridi (2007), and suffer from additional issues related
cyclic loading through the independent application of torque, ver-
to stress and strain non-uniformities (Budhu 1988). Other limita-
tical load, and inner and outer boundary pressures (Hight et al.
tions associated with these tests have been discussed elsewhere
1983). All related parameters for hollow cylinder testing and their
(Arthur et al. 1980). definitions are provided in the Appendix.
For sloping ground, the existence of initial static shear stresses, As defined in the typical cyclic stress approach used to assess
which may be smaller or larger than the cyclic shear stresses induced the liquefaction potential of soils, cyclic resistance can be repre-
by an earthquake, cause the major (σ1 ) and minor (σ3 ) principal sented in various ways. The ratio of two-dimensional (2D) deviatoric
stresses to rotate and not be aligned with the vertical and horizontal to 3D mean stress invariants (t=p 0 ) may be applicable to allow gen-
directions after soil deposition. In other geotechnical applications eral comparisons of the results from cyclic triaxial, simple shear, and
(e.g., design and analyses of onshore and offshore foundations), soil hollow cylinder tests where
elements nearby foundation edges are loaded by combinations of
shear and normal stresses prior to earthquakes. Such stress condi- σ1 − σ 3
t¼ ð1Þ
tions cannot be simulated in cyclic triaxial tests but may be 2

Fig. 1. (a) Typical geometry and loading of hollow cylinder specimen (reprinted with permission from Tastan and Carraro 2013); (b) stress and strain
components on a soil element in the wall of a hollow cylinder specimen (reprinted with permission after Hight et al. 1983, © ICE Publishing); and
(c) applied principal stresses on a soil element in the wall of a hollow cylinder specimen (reprinted with permission after Hight et al. 1983, © ICE

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σ10 þ σ20 þ σ30 Shibuya et al. (2003) and Gu et al. (2018) investigated the effect
p0 ¼ ð2Þ of intermediate principal stress coefficient b [Eq. (5)] on the 3D
undrained cyclic response of sands and clays, respectively
For hollow cylinder tests, K 0 effects may be implicitly considered
σ2 − σ3
by defining the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) as Δt=pc0 (Ishibashi and b¼ ð5Þ
Sherif 1974), where Δ denotes a change in the parameter of interest σ1 − σ3
(in this case, t) and pc0 denotes the mean effective stress prior to the
cyclic shearing. This CSR definition is applicable to both cyclic sim-
ple shear and hollow cylinder tests and is also equivalent to that typ- Research Methodology
ically used for cyclic triaxial tests (¼ Δσd =2pc0 ), where Δσd is the
change in deviator stress (σd ¼ σa − σr ) in a triaxial test with axial Materials
and radial stresses equal to σa and σr , respectively. However, when
Deaired water and Ottawa sand were used in this study. Ottawa sand
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keeping all other factors equal, the Δt=pc0 ratio measured at a state
[ASTM C778-12 (ASTM 2012)] is a silica sand with round to sub-
corresponding to a particular failure criterion may not be strictly
round particles that is manufactured by US Silica (Ottawa, Illinois).
comparable among cyclic triaxial, simple shear, and hollow cylinder
The basic properties are summarized in Table 1. Limiting void ratios
tests because this CSR definition does not explicitly consider σ2 as
were obtained in accordance with ASTM D4253-00-Method 1A
part of t or simply assumes σ2 to be equal to σ3 . If the Δt=pc0 ratio is
(ASTM 2000b) and ASTM D4254-00-Method B (ASTM 2000a).
used as CSR, isotropically consolidated cyclic triaxial (Δσd =2pc0 )
and isotropically and anisotropically consolidated hollow cylinder
tests (Δt=pc0 ) may yield similar cyclic strengths (Ishihara and Hollow Cylinder Specimen Reconstitution
Yasuda 1975). But this may not always be true because the cyclic The specimen reconstitution method used was described in detail
triaxial strengths defined as Δσd =2pc0 were found to be different by Tastan and Carraro (2013); only a summary is provided here.
from cyclic hollow cylinder strengths defined as Δt=p 0 for dense The method is an alternative version of the slurry-deposition
Sengenyama sand (Tatsuoka et al. 1986b). method of reconstitution of solid triaxial specimens of sands with
Specimen reconstitution has also been shown to induce cyclic or without fines (Carraro and Prezzi 2008). Thus, it also yields
resistance differences between cyclic triaxial and hollow cylinder homogeneous specimens with a high initial degree of saturation
test results even when Δt=pc0 is uniquely used to define CSR and a fabric representative of sand deposits formed under water.
(Yamashita and Toki 1993). Bhatia et al. (1985) compiled cyclic Specimens had nominal outer diameter, inner diameter, and height
triaxial, simple shear, and hollow cylinder test results and pointed equal to 100, 60, and 200 mm, respectively. Uniformity analysis
out that even when Δt=pc0 was used, sandy specimens exhibited showed that maximum local DR variations across the specimen
different test-dependent liquefaction resistances. Although they ob- height was around 5%, which is considered acceptable (Tastan
served a large scatter in liquefaction resistance, they claimed that and Carraro 2013). Briefly, the method consists of (1) mixing
sandy specimens exhibited the largest, lowest, and intermediate deaired water with dry sand, (2) transferring the saturated sand
liquefaction resistance values in cyclic triaxial, simple shear, and into a bespoke mixing tube, (3) placing the tube with sample into
hollow cylinder testing, respectively. Therefore, Δt=pc0 may not al- the hollow cylinder mold, and (4) carefully raising the tube to al-
low for a consistent comparison of the liquefaction resistance ob- low sample deposition inside the mold. By conducting Step 4 as
tained from cyclic triaxial, simple shear, or hollow cylinder tests. carefully as possible, the procedure can produce loose specimens
In this study, CSR was defined as Δq=pc0 where the octahedral with relative density (DR ) around 25%. Denser specimens were
deviatoric stress invariant q is expressed obtained by tapping the sides of the outer mold. Additional details
1 about the method used have been given by Tastan and Carraro
q¼ fðσ1 − σ2 Þ2 þ ðσ1 − σ3 Þ2 þ ðσ2 − σ3 Þ2 g ð3Þ (2013) and Tastan (2009).
The Δq=pc0 ratio represents the 3D generalized stress state and Hollow Cylinder Testing
is therefore more appropriate than Δt=pc0 to systematically account
for σ2 effects. The change in the deviatoric stress invariant (Δq) is
that applied during cyclic loading, and p 0 is the mean effective
The dynamic hollow cylinder apparatus used in this study was manu-
stress at the start of the undrained cyclic loading. Because the ear-
factured by Wykeham Farrance (Milan, Italy). Its closed-loop control
liest cyclic stress tests were cyclic triaxial tests, axial strains were
is achieved by the high-speed 32-bit data acquisition system and PC
the ones of original concern (Seed and Lee 1966; Lee and Seed
software. The system independently controls five parameters:
1967). However, a more general parameter such as the deviatoric
(1) inner cell pressure, (2) outer cell pressure, (3) backpressure,
strain invariant (εq ) is more representative to assess liquefaction
due to cyclic loading under generalized stress states and used in
this study (Zdravkovic and Jardine 2001)
Table 1. Basic properties of tested Ottawa Sand
εq ¼ pffiffiffi ðε1 − ε3 Þ2 þ ðε2 − ε3 Þ2 þ ðε1 − ε2 Þ2 ð4Þ Property Value
Mean grain size, D50 (mm) 0.40
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu 1.7
USCS classification SP
Effect of α and b on the Cyclic Behavior of Sand
Specific gravity, Gs 2.65
Most prior studies involving undrained cyclic loading in hollow cyl- emax (ASTM D 4254-Method B) 0.495
inder tests imposed instantaneous jumps (or stress reversals) during emin (ASTM D 4253-Method 1A) 0.767
principal stress rotation (Drnevich 1972; Ishibashi and Sherif 1974; SiO2 (%) 99.7
Towhata and Ishihara 1985; Tatsuoka et al. 1989; Yamashita and Toki Fe2 O3 (%) 0.02
Al2 O3 (%) 0.06
1993; Chaudhary et al. 2002; Shibuya et al. 2003; Altun et al. 2005).

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Table 2. Transducers used in the cyclic hollow cylinder apparatus
Calibration parameters
Component Capacity Resolution Maximum error Calibration range
Vertical actuator displacement 50 0.1 0.58 48.26
transducer (mm)
Horizontal actuator displacement 100 (50) (90°) 0.1 (0.09°) 1.23 42.58
transducer (mm)
Vertical load cell (kN) 10 0.001 0.084 7.3
Torque load cell (Nm) 300 0.1 0.14 12.6
Pressure transducers (kPa) 1,000 1 11.3 665
Volume change transducers (mL) 100 0.1 0.88 98
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(4) vertical actuator displacement, and (5) horizontal actuator dis- geometry criteria (Sayao and Vaid 1991): (1) wall thickness between
placement (for torque). In addition to these five parameters, speci- 20 and 26 mm (20 mm was used), (2) 0.65 ≤ ri =ro ≤ 0.82 (0.60 was
men volume is also monitored/controlled by allowing drained or used), and (3) 1.8 ≤ H=2ro < 2.2 (2.0 was used). Avoiding α and b
undrained shearing conditions during testing. Table 2 summarizes combinations of α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 1; α ¼ 90° and b ¼ 0; and α ¼
the basic characteristics of the transducers used in the system. 45° and b = 0 to 1 can help keep stress nonuniformities within rea-
sonable levels (Hight et al. 1983; Wijewickreme and Vaid 1991;
General Conditions Naughton and O’Kelly 2007). This was observed for all stress paths
Typical hollow cylinder boundary conditions are shown in Fig. 1(a). employed in this study. The testing protocol followed in this study
Stress-strain [Fig. 1(b)] and principal stress [Fig. 1(c)] definitions had four main stages, which are discussed next.
comply with those given by Hight et al. (1983) (summarized in the
Stress nonuniformities for the stress components shown in Saturation
Fig. 1(b) can derive from specimen geometry effects. Therefore, the Specimens were flushed with deaired water and backpressure
specimen geometry used in this study was guided by the following saturated at p 0 ¼ 20 kPa. All specimens tested had Skempton’s

Table 3. Summary of tests

Relative density (%)
Number q at UI p 0 at UI End of anisotropic End of α
Test No. α (degrees) b CSR UI mobilized of cycles at UI (kPa) (kPa) Initial consolidation and/or b stage
1 0 0 0.60 Yes 0.10 113 109 46 48 —
2 0 0 0.30 Yes 0.2 115 106 50 53 —
3 0 0 0.20 Yes 0.4 112 102 39 42 —
4 0 0 0.14 Yes 2.3 104 93 40 43 —
5 0 0 0.10 No — — — 47 48 —
6 30 0 0.10 Yes 3.3 103 100 38 40 41
7 30 0 0.08 Yes 14.5 95 94 37 40 41
8 30 0 0.06 Yes 44.2 86 93 46 48 49
9 60 0 0.10 Yes 0.3 99 100 38 39 43
10 60 0 0.08 Yes 0.3 103 108 44 48 50
11 60 0 0.06 No 27.3 99 97 46 48 50
12 0 0.5 0.52 Yes 0.1 114 108 40 42 43
13 0 0.5 0.48 No — — — 49 51 51
14 0 0.5 0.40 No — — — 47 50 52
15 0 0.5 0.26 No — — — 40 41 41
16 0 0.5 0.09 No — — — 51 54 55
17 0 0.8 0.55 No — — — 46 49 51
18 0 0.8 0.37 No — — — 43 44 45
19 0 0.8 0.24 No — — — 41 43 44
20 0 0.8 0.09 No — — — 50 52 55
21 30 0.5 0.17 Yes 0.2 97 98 41 44 45
22 30 0.5 0.10 Yes 5.2 89 91 52 56 58
23 30 0.5 0.07 No — — — 43 45 47
24 30 0.8 0.20 Yes 0.1 100 101 50 51 53
25 30 0.8 0.15 No — — — 52 53 55
26 30 0.8 0.09 No — — — 49 51 53
27 60 0.5 0.09 Yes 1.1 87 104 49 51 54
28 60 0.5 0.07 Yes 1.2 91 106 51 55 57
29 60 0.5 0.05 No — — — 41 45 49
30 60 0.8 0.09 Yes 0.2 96 107 41 45 47
31 60 0.8 0.06 No — — — 45 48 51
32 60 0.8 0.07 No — — — 45 48 51
Note: UI = undrained instability.

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pore pressure coefficient B (Skempton 1954) equal to or greater effect of preshearing α and b on the undrained monotonic response
than 0.98. of Fraser River sand. Even though t is controlled during shearing,
CSR is computed as Δq=p 0 as discussed previously.
Anisotropic Consolidation Detailed information about the 32 hollow cylinder tests is sum-
marized in Table 3.
An initial anisotropic consolidation stage was conducted to simu-
late K 0 deposition. Specimens were consolidated to p 0 ¼ 100 kPa
following a target effective stress ratio Kð¼σ30 =σ10 Þ aimed at yielding Analysis of Results
zero lateral strains (or as low as possible). A trial-and-error procedure
was initially used to define the value of K to be used. This led to
Drained (α) Principal Stress Rotation
K ¼ 0.43, which resulted in radial (εr ) and circumferential (εθ )
strains [Fig. 1(b)] ranging between 0.01% and 0.32% (average ¼ Typical strains induced by principal stress rotation on slurry-
0.15%), and −0.06% and −0.33% (average ¼ 0.12%), respectively.
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deposited Ottawa sand specimens are shown in Fig. 2. For speci-

Target stress parameters (p 0 ¼ 100 kPa and K ¼ 0.43) leading to mens with similar postconsolidation DR , drained principal stress
these near zero lateral strain conditions were ramped over 8 h to al- rotation to 60° induced larger shear strains γ zθ (about 5%) than ro-
low full dissipation of pore pressure changes during this stage. Once tation to 30° (about 1.5%). The specimen subjected to drained 30°
the target anisotropic stress conditions were achieved after 8 h, spec- rotation exhibited steady contraction in the axial direction. For the
imens were allowed to creep until the volumetric strain rate Δεp =Δt specimen subjected to 60° rotation, axial strains also increased up to
was less than 0.05%/day (Zdravkovic and Jardine 2001), where Δεp α ¼ 45° but then decreased subsequently. At α ¼ 60°, the induced
is the change in volumetric strain (εp ¼ ε1 þ ε2 þ ε3 ¼ ΔV=V) and axial strain was close to zero.
ΔV, V, and Δt are the specimen volume change, specimen volume,
and time change associated with the analysis, respectively. Undrained Cyclic Response of Ottawa Sand

Drained α and/or b Changes Axisymmetric Condition

After anisotropic consolidation and drained creep, α and/or b were Under axisymmetric loading (i.e., α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0) following an
ramped to their target values over a period of 8 h while p 0 and K anisotropic state, Ottawa sand showed two distinct patterns of de-
were kept constant and equal to their values at the end of aniso- formation and pore pressure changes that directly relate to CSR.
tropic consolidation. Next, specimens were allowed to creep again For CSR ¼ 0.20, large deformations suddenly developed within
until Δεp =Δt ≤ 0.05%=day. the first loading cycle [Fig. 3(a)] due to a temporary excursion
through undrained instability (Murthy et al. 2007). Another speci-
men subjected to CSR ¼ 0.14 (not shown in Fig. 3) experienced
Undrained Cyclic Loading
undrained instability only after the second cycle. If CSR was fur-
Finally, specimens were subjected to undrained cyclic loading at ther reduced to 0.10 [Fig. 3(b)], the sand did not experience un-
constant p 0 , α, and/or b (depending on the testing conditions used). drained instability at all but rather displayed a steady buildup in
This was achieved by cycling the maximum shear stress t sinusoi- deformations and pore pressure (i.e., cyclic mobility).
dally (period ¼ 1 s). The starting point of this sinusoidal loading A transient excursion through undrained instability during
was the t level achieved at the end of the drained α and/or b change cyclic loading was noted when pore pressure changes deviated sig-
stages, and σ30 =σ10 is not constant during shearing. As mentioned pre- nificantly from the common trend expected for a given CSR at a
viously, 2D seismic analyses showed that the major principal stress given cycle [Figs. 3(a, c, and e)]. This behavior was much quicker
direction remained approximately constant during cyclic shaking than the cyclic loading period used (= 1 s).
(Ishihara 1983) under sloping ground conditions. This is consistent When evaluating deformation and pore pressure changes in-
with the testing protocol used in this study and with other systematic duced during undrained instability, the following factors should
approaches (Sivathayalan and Vaid 2002) used to investigate the be considered from a rigorous experimental-critical-state soil

Fig. 2. Strain response of Ottawa sand specimens subjected to drained principal stress rotation to (a) α ¼ 30°; and (b) α ¼ 60° (DR at the end of
anisotropic consolidation).

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Fig. 3. Pore pressure change and deviatoric and/or axial strain responses of Ottawa sand under undrained cyclic loading with (a) α ¼ 0°, b ¼ 0, and
CSR ¼ 0.20; (b) α ¼ 0°, b ¼ 0, and CSR ¼ 0.10; (c) α ¼ 30°, b ¼ 0, and CSR ¼ 0.10; (d) α ¼ 60°, b ¼ 0, and CSR ¼ 0.10; (e) α ¼ 0°, b ¼ 0.5,
and CSR ¼ 0.52; and (f) α ¼ 0°, b ¼ 0.5, and CSR ¼ 0.55 (DR before cyclic shearing).

mechanics standpoint: (1) inertia forces (Uthayakumar and Vaid (Table 3). Also shown in Fig. 4 are the critical state lines for com-
1998), and (2) actuator control capability. For the Ottawa sand pression (Mc ) and extension (M e ) for a critical state angle of 30°
specimens tested, induced pore pressure changes did not exceed (Bolton 1986). Actual stress paths are not shown in Fig. 4 for
the initial anisotropic p 0 [i.e., p 0 did not become zero during un- clarity but have been given by Tastan (2009). Undrained instabil-
drained cyclic loading (Vaid and Chern 1985)]. But as soon as ity occurred before samples reached the critical state line. This is
undrained instability took place, Ottawa sand started to exhibit consistent with the definition of phase transformation point (PTP)
dilative behavior after phase transformation. The stress states on by Shibuya et al. (2003), albeit shown for monotonic loading,
the t-p 0 space where the undrained instability occurred are shown where the sand samples transition from contractive to dilative
in Fig. 4 for all tests where samples showed such behavior behavior.
The rates of pore pressure changes and strain mobilization be-
came much lower than those observed during undrained instability
[Fig. 3(a)]. This behavior cannot be classified as either classical
undrained instability or cyclic mobility. The deviatoric strain (εq )
response of Ottawa sand with α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0 was similar to that
described by Vaid and Chern (1985) as limited liquefaction fol-
lowed by cyclic mobility.
The various CSR levels used yielded the liquefaction resistance
curves shown in Fig. 5 for strain-based liquefaction criteria with εq
(single amplitude) equal to 2.5%, 5.0%, or 8.75% (the latter being
equivalent to the typical εz ¼ 5% double-amplitude axial strain cri-
terion). Results reported in Figs. 3(a and b) are consistent with
those reported for anisotropically consolidated Ottawa sands at
around the same density states by Vaid and Chern (1983).

Effect of Principal Stress Rotation

The effect of α on the undrained cyclic response and liquefac-
tion resistance of Ottawa sand was evaluated through a series
of tests with b ¼ 0 and α ¼ 30° or 60°. Target α values were
Fig. 4. Locus of undrained instability (UI) points, critical state line for
achieved as described previously and kept constant during un-
compression (Mc ), and critical state line for extension (M e ).
drained cyclic loading. These tests were conducted at the same

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contractive fabric in the axial direction prior to undrained cyclic
loading for the specimen with α ¼ 30° [Fig. 3(c)] may explain
its sudden contractive tendency and pore pressure changes gener-
ated during undrained cyclic loading. Conversely, the dilative axial
response of the specimen subjected to principal stress rotation with
α ¼ 60° may explain its relatively lower pore pressure change
buildup compared with its counterpart with α ¼ 30° during cyclic
The effect of principal stress rotation on the liquefaction resis-
tance of Ottawa sand is summarized in Fig. 6. Each data point rep-
resents the number of cycles required to mobilize εq ¼ 2.5%, 5.0%,
or 8.75% at a given CSR. Increasing α systematically from 0° to 60°
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significantly reduced the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand for

all three liquefaction criteria [Figs. 6(a–c)] with more pronounced
reduction when α increased initially from 0° to 30° (Fig. 6).
A more comprehensive description of the cyclic resistance ratio
(CRR) of Ottawa sand as a function of α and b is summarized in
Fig. 7. In this plot, CRR represents the CSR required to reach one
Fig. 5. Axisymmetric liquefaction resistance curves for anisotropically of the aforementioned strain-based liquefaction criteria at 20
consolidated Ottawa sand. Failure defined for deviatoric strain (εq ) cycles. Each point in Fig. 7 required the determination of a full
equal to 2.5%, 5%, 8.75% (εq ¼ 8.75% equivalent to 5% axial strain, liquefaction resistance curve (Fig. 6). All CRR values shown in
and DR before cyclic shearing). Fig. 7 were normalized by the corresponding axisymmetric CRR
(with α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0). The same overall trend was observed for
all plots, where CRR significantly decreased with increasing α. The
CRR decreased by as much as 80% when α increased to 30°, with
preshearing p 0 ð¼100 kPaÞ with CSR values ranging from 0.06 no significant additional changes in CRR observed as α increased
to 0.10. further to 60°.
The pore pressure change and deviatoric strain responses of Undrained cyclic response and liquefaction resistance of
Ottawa sand during undrained cyclic loading with CSR ¼ 0.10 Ottawa sand are critically affected by its anisotropic fabric that
and α ¼ 30° and 60° are shown in Figs. 3(c and d), respectively. derives from underwater deposition followed by anisotropic con-
Increasing α from 0° to 60° [Figs. 3(b–d)] (1) reduced the number solidation (Figs. 5–7). As the major principal stress rotates from
of cycles required to induce pore pressure changes that lead to εq ¼ the vertical toward the horizontal direction, Ottawa sand exhibits
8.75% (a liquefaction criterion that is never mobilized within 20 increasingly weaker undrained cyclic behavior. This suggests that
cycles for α ¼ 0°), and (2) increased εq at 20 cycles. Similar behav- K 0 -consolidated loose to medium-dense uniform sands deposited
ior (i.e., limited flow liquefaction followed by cyclic mobility) was under water (a deposition mode that is extremely common in
also observed for both α ¼ 30° and α ¼ 60° with CSR ¼ 0.08 (not alluvial, fluvial, offshore, and tailings deposits) are critically sensi-
shown in Fig. 3 but given in Table 3). tive to drained principal stress rotation. The liquefaction resistance
Because the inherent slurry deposition fabric and any sub- and undrained cyclic response of such deposits may be much weaker
sequent changes induced by anisotropic consolidation led to similar than those determined from conventional undrained cyclic triaxial
postconsolidation fabric (created under vertical σ1 ), the responses tests even under small cyclic disturbances (CSR < 0.10). Liquefac-
in Figs. 3(b–d) result from principal stress rotation and the sub- tion events associated with such deposits may be sudden due to un-
sequent undrained cyclic loading that follows at constant α. The drained instability and principal stress rotation. Such deposits may

Fig. 6. Effect of principal stress rotation on the liquefaction resistance curves of Ottawa sand for (a) εq ¼ 2.5%; (b) εq ¼ 5%; and (c) εq ¼ 8.75% (DR
before cyclic shearing).

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Fig. 7. Normalized CRR as a function of α and b for (a) εq ¼ 2.5%; (b) εq ¼ 5.0%; and (c) εq ¼ 8.75% (DR before cyclic shearing).

exhibit highly unstable behavior during undrained cyclic loading de- (cyclic mobility type behavior) of specimen sheared with b ¼
pending upon the amount of principal stress rotation (α) and shaking 0.5 (CSR ¼ 0.26 and Dr ¼ 41%) and that of specimen sheared
magnitude (CSR) induced, in addition to more typical state variables with b ¼ 0.8 (CSR ¼ 0.24 and Dr ¼ 44%).
(DR and p 0 ) commonly used in engineering practice. The liquefaction resistances for the axisymmetric case (b ¼ 0
and α ¼ 0°) fell systematically below the liquefaction resistance
Effect of Intermediate Principal Stress (σ 2 ) Changes curves for higher b values (= 0.5 and 0.8) (Fig. 8).
The effect of changes in σ2 (or b) on the undrained cyclic response The overall variation of the normalized CRR ratio defined pre-
and liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand was evaluated in a series viously (CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ) as a function of b is given in Fig. 7.
of undrained cyclic tests with b kept constant at 0, 0.5, or 0.8, Increases in b from zero to 0.5 or 0.8 at α ¼ 0° increased the nor-
α ¼ 0°, and p 0 ¼ 100 kPa. malized CRR of Ottawa sand regardless of the liquefaction criterion
The pore pressure change and deviatoric strain responses of adopted, although the rate of such increases depended on the lique-
three Ottawa sand specimens subjected to undrained cyclic loading faction criterion used, generally decreasing with increasing εq .
with b > 0 and CSR between 0.09 and 0.52 were analyzed. Only Increases in b from zero to 0.5 or 0.8 increased the CRR of Ottawa
one specimen [Fig. 3(e)] subjected to undrained cyclic loading with sand by 1.5 to 2.8 or 2.0 to 3.8 times, respectively.
b ¼ 0.5 and CSR ¼ 0.52 exhibited temporary undrained instability Figs. 7 and 8 show that the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa
(UI) behavior. All other specimens exhibit cyclic mobility. The sand with α ¼ 0° systematically increased with an increase in b.
specimen subjected to undrained cyclic loading with b ¼ 0.8 and Bolton (1986) and Shibuya et al. (2003) showed that the drained
CSR ¼ 0.55 [Fig 3(f)] experienced a steady increase of excess pore monotonic plane-strain peak strength of sand is higher than its ax-
pressure with a progressively decreasing rate, in contrast to the isymmetric strength. This implies that when b is increased to 0.3–0.5
quick, temporary UI behavior displayed by the specimen with b ¼ at α ¼ 0° (plane-strain conditions), the resulting drained monotonic
0.5 [Fig. 3(e)]. This difference in UI behavior may be due to b and/ strength is larger than the strength observed for b ¼ 0 and α ¼ 0°.
or the difference in Dr between the specimens tested (43% versus Ladd et al. (1977) also arrived at the same conclusion for both fric-
51%). For other tests with lower CSRs (results not shown here), no tion angle and stiffness. A corollary might be that relatively lower
discernible differences were observed between the UI behavior liquefaction resistance would be obtained from cyclic triaxial tests

Fig. 8. Liquefaction resistance curves of Ottawa sand for (a) εq ¼ 2.5%; (b) εq ¼ 5%; and (c) εq ¼ 8.75% (DR before cyclic shearing).

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with α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0 compared with those related to in situ plane- Comparing at the same CSR level allows delineating the relative
strain conditions with α ¼ 0° and b > 0. Therefore, liquefaction effects of α and b on the undrained cyclic response.
design based on cyclic triaxial test results may be more conservative The specimen subjected to undrained cyclic loading with α ¼ 30°,
considering the plane-strain conditions observed in the field. b ¼ 0.5, and CSR ¼ 0.10 experienced temporary undrained insta-
The findings shown in Figs. 7 and 8 confirmed this conclusion, bility after five cycles [Fig. 9(a)]. This response is in accordance with
albeit only when α ¼ 0°. However, it is important to point out that the limited flow liquefaction followed by cyclic mobility, which was
Sayao and Vaid (1996) compiled results to illustrate the effect of b also observed for the specimen subjected to undrained cyclic loading
on the friction angle, and some results suggested a decrease in fric- with α ¼ 30°, b ¼ 0, and CSR ¼ 0.10 [Fig. 3(c)] after three cycles.
tion angle when b was increased from 0.5 to 1. Yoshimine et al. The difference in number of cycles to reach temporary undrained
(1998) reported that increases in b resulted in higher pore-water instability between these two specimens might be due to their relative
pressure during undrained shearing of sands. Therefore, further density difference and/or the effect of b. Thus, a direct conclusion
studies may be necessary on the effect of b on undrained shearing regarding the effect of b is difficult to make.
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resistance of sands. Increasing b to 0.5 with α ¼ 30° and CSR ¼ 0.10 did not prevent
temporary undrained instability despite the higher DR of the speci-
Effect of Simultaneous Principal Stress Rotation and men with b ¼ 0.5. On the other hand, a further increase in b to 0.8 at
Intermediate Principal Stress Change α ¼ 30° and CSR ¼ 0.09 eliminated the sudden effect of temporary
Increasing α from 0° to either 30° or 60° reduced the liquefaction undrained instability from specimen response [Fig. 8(b)].
resistance of Ottawa sand (Fig. 6). Conversely, increasing σ2 (or b) At α ¼ 60° and CSR ¼ 0.09 or CSR ¼ 0.10, specimens sub-
increased the liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand (Fig. 8). The jected to b ¼ 0.5 [Fig. 9(c)] and b ¼ 0.8 [Fig. 9(d)] experienced
combined effect of α and b changes on the liquefaction resistance temporary undrained instability with large sudden increases in de-
of Ottawa sand was assessed through an additional series of 12 viatoric strain during the first few cycles, after which the deviatoric
cyclic hollow cylinder tests with both α and b maintained constant strain steadily increased at a lower rate. Increasing b from 0 to 0.5
at values greater than zero during undrained cyclic loading. or 0.8 when α ¼ 60° did not fundamentally alter the response.

Fig. 9. Pore pressure change and deviatoric strain responses of Ottawa sand specimens cyclically sheared with (a) α ¼ 30°, b ¼ 0.5, and
CSR ¼ 0.10; (b) α ¼ 30°, b ¼ 0.8, and CSR ¼ 0.09; (c) α ¼ 60°, b ¼ 0.5, and CSR ¼ 0.09; and (d) α ¼ 60°, b ¼ 0.8, and CSR ¼ 0.09 (DR before
cyclic shearing).

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Fig. 10. Liquefaction resistance curves of Ottawa sand for various α and b as (a) εq ¼ 2.5%; and (b) εq ¼ 5.0% (DR before cyclic shearing).

The combined effect of simultaneous α and b changes on the loading conditions and DR ranges studied, no Ottawa sand speci-
liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand is summarized in Fig. 10. men experienced full liquefaction (p 0 ¼ 0).
The εq ¼ 8.75% liquefaction criterion was not included in Fig. 10 Increasing α from 0° to 30° with b ¼ 0 significantly reduced the
because most specimens required large number of cycles (>1,000) liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand for all three liquefaction cri-
to reach εq ¼ 8.75. For the εq ¼ 2.5% and εq ¼ 5.0% liquefaction teria used. Further α increases from 30° to 60° induced further re-
criteria, the normalized CRR=CRRα¼0;b¼0 curves and liquefaction ductions in liquefaction resistance, but this reduction was not as
resistance curves are given in Figs. 7 and 10, respectively. pronounced as the reduction observed initially when α increased
When α increased from 0° to 60°, the CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio from 0° to 30°. As the major principal stress rotated from the ver-
decreased significantly regardless of b. The effect of b on the tical to the horizontal direction, Ottawa sand exhibited a weaker
CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio was negligible when α ¼ 60° and marginal undrained cyclic response.
when α ¼ 30°. For all b, the reduction in CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio Increases in b from 0 to 0.5 or 0.8 with α ¼ 0° increased the
was more pronounced when α increased from 0° to 30°, compared liquefaction resistance (or CRR) of Ottawa sand regardless of the
with the reduction for additional α increases between 30° and 60°. liquefaction criterion used. However, the amount of increase in CRR
The increase in the CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio as a function of b was appears to depend on the liquefaction criterion selected. Increase in b
highest when α ¼ 0° but diminished when α > 0°. When both α from 0 to 0.5 or 0.8 increased the CRR of Ottawa sand by 1.5 to 2.9
and b increased, the CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio generally became less or 2.0 to 3.8 times, respectively, compared with the CRR obtained
than unity. The only exception to this was the α ¼ 30° and b ¼ 0.8 with b ¼ 0. Therefore, undrained cyclic triaxial tests may yield
case for the εq ¼ 2.5% liquefaction criterion, when the CRR= conservative liquefaction resistances for Ottawa sand in situations
CRRα¼b¼0 ratio increased slightly above 1 [Fig. 7(a)]. when the intermediate principal stress is between the major and mi-
For α ¼ 0°, b increases could almost quadruple the CRR= nor principal stresses. However, this is only true when α ¼ 0°.
CRRα¼b¼0 ratio [Fig. 7(a)]. But as soon as α increased to 30° with The CRR of Ottawa sand decreased significantly when α was
a simultaneous increase in b, the drastic improvement in CRR= increased from 0° to 60°, regardless of b. Additionally, for all b
CRRα¼b¼0 ratio due to b increase was suppressed, showing the values used, the reduction in the normalized CRR ratio, which is
dominant effect of α. At α ¼ 30°, increasing b still increased the defined as the ratio of the CRR for a given combination of α and b
CRR=CRRα¼b¼0 ratio, albeit at a much lower rate than that ob- to the axisymmetric CRR (with α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0), was more pro-
served for α ¼ 0°. At α ¼ 60°, the effect of b on the CRR= nounced when α increased from 0° to 30°, compared with further α
CRRα¼b¼0 ratio was eliminated. These findings indicate that when
increases from 30° to 60°. Increases in b significantly increased the
α and b are increased simultaneously, the liquefaction resistance of
CRR of Ottawa sand for α ¼ 0°, but this strengthening effect due to
Ottawa sand is governed by principal stress rotation.
b was significantly suppressed for α > 0°. The undrained cyclic
response of Ottawa sand was primarily controlled by principal
Conclusions stress rotation when both α and b were greater than zero.
Analyses of soil elements subjected to stresses induced by foun-
Temporary excursions through undrained instability were observed dations and embankments (or slopes) showed that both α and b are
in many of the undrained cyclic tests conducted in this study. In- typically greater than zero prior to earthquake loading (Zdravkovic
creases in CSR and α raised the likelihood of elements experienc- and Jardine 2001). Similarly, upstream tailings dam construction,
ing undrained instability. Conversely, increases in b and DR led to natural sloping ground, and cyclic loading induced by earthquakes
more stable responses reducing the likelihood of undrained insta- represent typical scenarios encountered in practice that induce non-
bility. Most specimens undergoing undrained instability displayed trivial loading conditions to soil elements in the ground/embankment
a deformation pattern resembling limited flow liquefaction fol- where α and b may be greater than zero. Therefore, liquefaction
lowed by cyclic mobility (instead of classical undrained instability). analyses for these applications require rigorous understanding of
But for CSR levels lower than 0.06, undrained instability did not the effect of simultaneous α and b changes. Cyclic triaxial tests with
take place, and both the pore pressure change and deformation α ¼ 0° and b ¼ 0 may not reflect the true behavior of in situ ma-
responses of Ottawa sand displayed cyclic mobility. Within the terials and may not always provide conservative estimates of

© ASCE 04022015-10 J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng.

J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 2022, 148(5): 04022015

liquefaction resistance (not considering in situ bidirectional loading Data Availability Statement
effects). The effect of α changes is more severe and influential than
that of changes in b. When both parameters are greater than zero, the Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
liquefaction resistance of Ottawa sand will typically decrease com- study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
pared with values obtained for the axisymmetric case (α ¼ 0° and request.
b ¼ 0) due to the predominant effect of α. Thus, b values in the
range of 0.3–0.5, which approximate plane-strain conditions, may
not ensure higher liquefaction resistance. The combined effect of Acknowledgments
α and b must be considered in any rigorous analysis of liquefaction
resistance of sands to improve the design and resilience of civil en- The experimental work summarized in this study was carried out at
gineering infrastructure. the Geotechnical Research Laboratory at Colorado State University
Results of this study in combination with finite-element models (CSU). The support provided to the authors by the Department of
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delineating true three-dimensional stress conditions can be useful to Civil and Environmental Engineering at CSU is truly appreciated.
assess the soil behavior under three-dimensional stress conditions.

Appendix. Parameters for Hollow Cylinder Testing
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p r þ pi r i
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r0 − ri ASTM. 2000a. Standard test methods for minimum index density and unit
Average shear stress τ zθ ¼ weight of soils and calculation of relative density. ASTM D4254-00.
2π · ðr30 − r3i Þ West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.
Average vertical (or axial) strain εz ¼ ASTM. 2000b. Standard test methods for maximum index density and unit
H weight of soils using a vibratory table. ASTM D4253-00. West Con-
l − li
Average radial strain εr ¼ − 0 shohocken, PA: ASTM.
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l þ li
Average circumferential strain εθ ¼ − 0 West Conshohocken, PA: ASTM.
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σz þ σθ σz − σθ 2 2
Major principal stress σ1 ¼ þ þ τ zθ Bolton, M. D. 1986. “Strength and dilatancy of sands.” Géotechnique
2 2 36 (1): 65–78.
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