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CHAIR: I call this family meeting to order. We’re here to decide what to have for dinner.

If you have
something to say, please raise your hand and wait until I recognize you to take the floor. Will
Member 1 please read the minutes from the last meeting?

MEMBER 1: There are no minutes from the last meeting because I was at hockey practice.

CHAIR: Okay, let's move on to the Treasurer’s report.

TREASURER: We have $38.62 in the budget for tonight’s dinner.

CHAIR: The Chair will entertain a motion to adopt the Treasurer’s report.

MEMBER 1: I so move.

MEMBER 2: Second.

CHAIR: A motion has been made and seconded. All those in favor say “Aye”.


CHAIR: Any opposed? No? The motion carries. Now, the matter of what to have for dinner is open
for discussion.

MEMBER 1: (raises hand)

CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Member 1. You have the floor.

MEMBER 1: I want macaroni and cheese.

MEMBER 2: I want pizza!

CHAIR: Member 2, please raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

MEMBER 2: (raises hand)

CHAIR: The Chair recognizes Member 2. You have the floor.

MEMBER 2: I want pizza. We had macaroni and cheese last night.

CHAIR: Further discussion?

MEMBER 1: (raises hand)

CHAIR: Member 1 has the floor.

MEMBER 1: I agree to pizza tonight if we can have macaroni and cheese again sometime later this

CHAIR: May I have a motion for tonight’s dinner menu?

MEMBER 2: I move that we have pizza!

MEMBER 1: Okay. I guess I’ll second the motion.

CHAIR: All those in favor, say “Aye”. All opposed, say “Nay.”

MEMBERS 1 & 2: “Aye.”

TREASURER: “Nay. I’m tired of pizza.”

CHAIR: The “Ayes” have it. We’ll eat pizza tonight. May I have a motion to adjourn this meeting so
we can call the pizza place and order dinner?

MEMBER 1: I really want macaroni and cheese, but I’ll move to adjourn for pizza.

MEMBER 2: Second!!

CHAIR: This meeting is adjourned. Treasurer, please call and order our pizza

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