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Tafila Technical University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Metrology Science LAB

“Exp.4: Thermocouple”

Student Name: Ahmad Nader Ibrahim Ghawanmeh.

Student ID: 320180101053.

Instructor name: Dr. Rashid Abdul Latif Lotfi Abdullah.

2. Objectives:
1. To describe how the thermocouple works.

2. To convert from one temperature scale, such as Fahrenheit to centigrade and

vice versa.

3. Apparatus
1. Thermocouple

2. Hot water

3. Candle flame
Four temperature scales are used in thermal recording instruments. These are
Fahrenheit, Celsius, Rankin and Kelvin. The first two are the most widely used,
with Celsius being the most popular scale in use outside of the United States.
Simple equations have been derived to convert from one temperature scale to
another, as shown in table 4-1.
Table 4-1: Conversion Factor Equations


5/9 (F-32º) C F
9/5 C + 32º F C
C + 273.16 K C
K - 273.16 C K
F + 459.67 R F
R - 459.67 F R

Table 4-2 shows the comparison of the four temperature scales at the boiling
point of water, at freezing and at a temperature of absolute zero.
Table 4-2: Temperature Scales

ºF ºC °K ºR

Water Boiling Point 212 100 373.16 671.67

Water Freezing Point 32 0 273.16 491.67

Resistance Zero - 459.67 - 273.16 0 0

• Thermocouple:

A thermocouple transducer is formed by a junction of two dissimilar metals, such

as iron and copper or iron and constantan. The junction, when heated, will
produce a small voltage and associated current flow. The voltage developed is
directly proportional to the temperature of the junction. The output of the
thermocouple, taken from the disconnected ends of the junction, is applied to an
indicator such as a millivolt meter or a combination bridge amplifier and meter, as
shown in figure 4-1. The Wheatstone Bridge circuit is a very popular application
when using the thermocouple for temperature measurement. The smaller the
diameter of the wire, the quicker the response time of the thermocouple. Bare
wire thermocouples are typically insulated with hard fired ceramic insulators.

Figure 4-1: Schematic illustration for a thermocouple

Figure 4.2 shows the result of several of the most often used metal combinations
incorporated in thermocouple junctions. It is a typical chart of the thermocouple
output, as function of a heat rise in degrees Celsius, for several of the more
common metal junctions. The type K thermocouple is very popular in industrial
applications, since it has a relatively high output over its entire range and is
economical to manufacture.

Table 4-3 contains a table of thermocouples and the voltages they produce.
Table 4-3: Use Ranges of Thermocouples

Thermocouples Degrees F EMF (mv)

Copper / Constantan T -300 to 750 -5.284 to 20.805

Iron / Constantan J -300 to 1600 -7.52 to 50.05

Chromel / Alumel K -300 to 2300 -5.51 to 51.05

Chromel / Constantan E 32 to 1800 0 to 75.12

Platinum 10% Rhodium / Platinum S 32 to 2800 0 to 15.979

Platinum13%Rhodium/ Platinum6%Rh 32 to 2900 0 to 18.636

Platinum 30% Rhodium / Platinum 100 to 3270 .007 to 13.499

Platinel 1813 / Platinel 1503 32 to 2372 0 to 51.1

Iridium / Iridium 60% Rhodium 40% 2552 to 3326 7.30 to 9.55

Tungsten3%Rhenium/Tungsten25%Rhen 50 to 4000 .064 to 29.47

Tungsten / Tungsten 26% Rhenium 60 to 5072 .042 to 43.25

Tungesten5%Rhenium/Tungsten26%Rhe 32 to 5000 0 to 38.45

5. Procedure
Use the thermocouple provided to you and measure the temperature of the hot
water, and the flame of the candle.
6. Results
Table 4-4: Result of the experiment

Scales ֯C ֯K ֯F ֯R

Hot Water 94.7 367.86 202.46 662.13

• Type (K) Temperatures in the four scales:

Table 4-5: Type (K) Temperatures in the four scales calculated

Scales Type (K) Temperatures

֯C -184.444 to 1260
֯K 88.7056 to 1533.15
֯F -300 to 2300
֯R 159.67 to 2759.67

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