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Daima Hussain

Daily Lesson Plan

Class: 7CS Subject: English 2nd Term-Week 13-Lesson 1
Date: 18-04-2022 Duration: 30 Minutes Term Counter: Lesson 61
Topic: Grammar – Clauses and Phrases- Noun Phrases
, Phrasal verbs, adverbial phrases
Learning Objectives:
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to:
● LO2 – use different types of phrases.
White board, Colour Papers, STEM Lab
Starter Activity:
Brainstorm learners about noun, adjective and adverb clauses. 5 Min
Responses will be recorded on the board.
Learning Activities:
Learning Objectives will be shared. 3 Min
Teacher will show the following video: 20 Min
Students will take the quiz of the video in their notebooks.
Procedure: Assessment of Learning (AFL)
Students will be asked to use any of the phrases they found in a sentence.
Differentiation by content: The teacher will give easy prompts to lower performing learners.
Students will be asked to relay what they thought of the lesson in one word. 2 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
Observation, student responses, copy work, notes.
Home Learning:
Read chapters 1-5 of the Phantom Tollbooth.
Lesson Evaluations:

Daily Lesson Plan

Class: 7CS Subject: English 2nd Term-Week 13-Lesson 2
Date: 19-04-2022 Duration: 60 Minutes Term Counter: Lesson 62
Topic: Expository Writing
Learning Objectives:
By the End of the lesson learners will be able to:
● LO1- Extract meaning beyond the literal, explaining how the choice of language and style affects
Daima Hussain
implied and explicit meanings
● LO2: Explore figurative language, and conditional sentences.
 LO3: Answer literal and inferential questions about the given text.
White board, OPE, Notebooks, Dictionaries
Starter Activity:
Question learners on how they usually get started on writing any writing piece. 8 Min
Learning Activities:
● Learning Objectives will be shared. 2 Min
● Review the purpose of expository writing with the learners. (to explain)
● Remind learners that expository writing is the most used type or writing by authors (especially in
everyday life)
● Teacher will define expository and process writing as step-by-step instructions on how to do 15 Min
● Teacher will then write on board some transition words (first, second, third, next, after that,
finally, last) for the learners in incorporate in their writing.
30 Min
● Expository Writing Introductions
● What are expository writers trying to accomplish in introductions?
o To tell the reader what they are writing about
o To capture the reader’s attention
● Introduction DON’TS
o DO NOT introduce yourself as the author
o DO NOT begin with “I am going to write to you about”
o Professional writers DO NOT do this!
● Introduction DO’S
o 1st Sentence: State your subject
o 2nd Sentence: Tell how you feel about the subject
o 3rd Sentence: State your 3 reasons
● Model of an Expository Introduction using a board: The one job around the house that I hate to
do more than anything else is the garbage. Sometimes I wish that the garbage would just learn to
take itself out. Taking the garbage out is such a horrible task because it stinks, it is sticky, and the
dogs always carry it away.
● Expository Writing Conclusions
● Now teacher will ask the learners
● What are expository writers trying to accomplish in conclusions?
o To sum the entire writing piece up
● Conclusion DO’s
o 1st Sentence: Restate your subject
o 2nd Sentence: Restate your reasons
o 3rd Sentence: State a sentence about the future of the subject
● Model of an Expository Conclusion using board: Taking out the garbage is the worst household job
in the world. No one should have to suffer through the smell, stickiness, or aggravation of the
dogs. One day, I hope to be able to have a machine to carry it away for me.
● Teacher will write the plan on the board
● Expository Writing Plan
1. Step1: Introduce the writing prompt: Think of an insect you dislike and explain why. Make sure to
give good reasons and examples to support your choice.
2. Step 2: Choose a subject (example answer will be: mosquitoes)
Daima Hussain
3. Step 3: List the reasons, for example:
o 1. Annoying when I am outside
o 2. Their bites itch
o 3. They carry diseases like the West Nile Virus
● Explain that each reason gets a paragraph. (The paragraphs must only be about one reason each!
Stick to the topic!)
● Step 4: follow each reason with examples
● Use the subject and reasons to construct your introduction and conclusion
● Teacher will read the best ones for demonstrating or acting out what happens if the writer lacks
specific details, leaves out steps, or writes steps out of sequence.
Differentiation by Task: Write the plan on the board or a chart beforehand for working towards and
working at students.
Peer Scaffolding: The low performing students will be grouped with high performing students to
check each other’s work. If something is problematic for many, it will be discussed aloud in the
Cross-Curricular Link: Students can link the process with science.
Students will cross-check each other in mixed-ability pairs. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
Student Responses and participation, copy work, questions during the lesson.
Home Learning:
Print out the worksheet on The Phantom Tollbooth.
Lesson Evaluations:

Daily Lesson Plan

Class: 7 CS Subject: English 2nd Term-Week 13-Lesson 3
Date: 20-04-2022 Duration: 60 minutes Term Counter: 63
Topic: Novel- The Phantom Tollbooth Review
Learning Objectives:
*lesson carried forward due to STEP UP
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
● LO1- Revisit the events of the novel
The Phantom Tollbooth, white board, illustrations in the book.
Starter Activity:
Students will use a dictionary to find meanings of difficult words. 10 Min
Learning Activities:
Daima Hussain
 Introduce the objectives of the day 3 Min
 Provide each group with A3 size sheets of paper or chart paper(cut into 4 halves) 25 Min
 Also provise pictures of characters
 Ask the learners to take five minutes to work in groups and create a mind map of
character traits for each character their group has chosen
 Encourage the use of descriptive words that define the character’s personality
20 min
 Once done, indulge the groups in whole class discussion
 Ask volunteers from each group to introduce their character and cite evidence for the
personality traits they have written.
Teacher will ensure that working toward and timid learners may also get a chance to speak
 The rest of the class may argue each point represented and ask appropriate questions
Students will discuss their favourite characters. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson,
Home Learning:
Do this quiz:, lso write a 2 min
characterization of your favourite round character.
Lesson Evaluations:

Daily Lesson Plan

Class: 7 CS Subject: English 2nd Term-Week 13 -Lesson 4
Date: 21-04-2022 Duration: 60 minutes Term Counter: 64
Topic: Story Writing- Narrative Writing
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
● LO1 – Develop logical arguments and cite evidence
OPE (Pages 272, 273), Worksheet, Notebooks Whiteboard, STEM LAB
Starter Activity:
● The learning objectives will be shared. 10 Min
● Review the definition of plot and plot structure.
● Learner feedback may be written on the board in the form of a concept web.

Learning Activities:
● The writing process will be shared via a flow cart. 5 Min
● Teacher will make sure learners know they can write in any of the following ways: 10 Min
Daima Hussain
o A learner might tell a true story from his/her own experience, but write it as if it
were a fiction piece, with fictional characters, in third person. 5 Min
o A learner might create a completely fictional story, but tell it in first person, which
would give it the same feel as a personal narrative.
o A learner might tell a true story that happened to someone else, but write it in
first person, as if they were that person. For example, they could write about their
grandmother’s experience of getting lost as a child, but they might write it in her
● Write a list of prompts for the students to choose, allowing the working beyond students to
add their own: 30 Min
● E.g.
1. asking for money/a new toy/permission to do something
2. winning or accomplishing something
3. a serious mistake made when you were younger
4. a time when something good happened to you or
Differentiation by Task: Working towards students will be provided an outline of points to work with.
Peer Scaffolding: The low performing students will be grouped with high performing students for
wherever help is needed. If a something is problematic for many, it will be discussed aloud in the
Students will peer check each other using Two stars one wish method. 5 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
Student Responses and participation, copy work, questions during the lesson.
Home Learning:
Unit 7: Water Six Foolish Fisherman (Folk Tale). Read and prepare for a revision test tomorrow.
Lesson Evaluations:

Daily Lesson Plan

Class: 7 CS Subject: English 2nd Term-Week 9-Lesson 5
Date: 22-04-2022 Duration: 30 minutes Term Counter: 65
Topic: Unit 7: Water Six Foolish Fisherman (Folk Tale)
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to:
● LO1- Extract meaning beyond the literal, explaining how the choice of language and style affects
implied and explicit meanings
Daima Hussain
OPE Pg# 120-124, white board, illustrations in the book, STEM LAB.
Starter Activity:
Students will be asked the importance of Team work and Trust in extreme sports. 5 Min
Learning Activities:
 Teacher will ask the learners to read the text independently (alone reading). 5 Min
 Then the teacher will instruct the learners to answer questions independently. 10 Min
The students will peer check each other. 10 Min
Assessment Opportunities:
Student Responses, questions during and at the end of the lesson,
Home Learning:

Lesson Evaluations:

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