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Quarter 2 – Module 1:

The Forms and Functions of

the State


PRE- TEST: Direction. Choose the best answer in every selection below.
Write the letter of your chosen answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A

Activity # 1: Matching Type.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G
8. H
9. I
10. J

Activity #3: Modified True or False.

1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. T
8. T
9. T
10. T

Activity #4: Multiple Choice.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. E
6. F
7. G


Activity #5: Comparison.

Type of Political Similarities to the Differences to the

Organization Present Government Different Government

1. Band

2. Tribe

3. Chiefdom

4. State

Activity # 6: Definition.

1. Power It is the total of a leader's authority and legitimacy. It is a


2. Authority Capacity to lead based on knowledge or decision-making.

3. Legitimacy It is the acknowledgment of someone who is dedicated to

doing the right thing. The belief that a rule, institution, or leader
has the right to govern.

Activity # 7: Multiple Choice.

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C

Activity #8: Identification.

Economic Advantages Examples

Reciprocity Reciprocation allows one person A salesperson giving a

to give something to another with freebie to a potential
the expectation that the favor will customer, hoping that it will
be returned and the giver will not lead them to return the
be taken advantage of. favor by purchasing

Redistribution It generates less future growth progressive income taxes

than those policies that expand
the economic opportunities of
poor people, but they reduce
poverty immediately. They also
alleviate social tensions and may
thus free growth constraints in
the case of excessive inequality.

Market It is beneficial in clearing out QVC cable shopping is an

Transaction seasonal merchandise or items excellent example of
that don't sell-through in a timely transactional marketing
manner. Additionally, it increased
efficiency, productivity, and
State States can be more responsive Make and enforce laws.
to citizen needs because the
closer a government entity is to
its citizens, the more likely it is to
respond to the needs of citizens.
States are more likely to listen to
citizen needs, and respond to
them, than the national
government would be.

Activity # 8: Supplication.

1. What is family?
- Family is a group of people united by ties, blood, marriage and/or adoption.
2. What are the three types of descent?
- The three types of descent are unilineal society, matrilineal descent, and
patrilineal descent.
3. What are the forms of marriage?
- Monogamy, pologamy, and the selection of marriage partners are the three
forms of marriage.
4. What is the meaning of Social Institution?
- Social Institution is the inter-relationship between persons and among the
groups in accordance with the functions and responsibilities in the society.
5. What are the functions of Social Institution?
- Kinship, marriage, and family are the three functions of Social Institution.
6. Give at least three examples of structural characteristics of Filipino
- 1. Family affiliation is emphasized in a form of “compadre or compadrazgo”
system that can be elaborated in the different rituals/occasions like
baptism, confirmation and marriage.
- 2. The Christian Filipino family is known as a large group that normally a
combination of both nuclear and extended families.
- 3. Blood kinship serves as an important role in the Filipino family that
emphasizes strong affiliation of the siblings most particularly in the rural
7. What are the challenges of Filipino family today?
- The challenges of Filipino families today are the disintegration of the family,
substance abuse, parental absenteeism, economic difficulty, deteriorating
of family values, and alarming rising incidents of teenage pregnancy.
8. What are the components of political structure?
- The components of political structure are power, authority, and legitimacy.
9. What is a state?
- The state is a form of human association distinguished from other social
groups by its purpose, the establishment of order and security; its
methods, the laws and their enforcement; its territory, the area of
jurisdiction or geographic boundaries; and finally by its sovereignty.
10. What does the word power mean for you?
- I think power is the ability to affect change and to not necessarily control
but to manage issues and manage people to achieve a larger vision.

Activity # 9: Multiple Choice.

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. C

Activity # 8: Essay.
Imagine the world without socio-cultural and political institutions. What do
you think will happen?

- For me, the world might survive without socio-cultural and political institutions but
society cannot. For society to exist it needs to have structure and to have
structure it needs to have organization, to have organization it needs to have
institutions which operate for the benefit of the people and ensure social
cohesion. Under which all are supposedly equal under the law. Furthermore,
society cannot survive without social institutions. Social interaction is necessary
as we say, “human beings are social animals”. Our life is clearly interdependent
on each other. We depend on each other for our needs. We do need a social
platform to address our problems, to express our ideas. If social institutions are
not present there there will be less interaction between the people and there will
be a limit to the range of ideas that will limit the extent of development. We can
survive without social institutions, but we cannot live our life without them.

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